25 research outputs found

    Impact of retrograde transillumination while securing the airway in obese patients undergoing bariatric surgery

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    Video laryngoscopy (VL) is a well-established technique used in anaesthetising obese patients who present with higher risks of airway-related difficulties and desaturations due to shorter safe apnoea periods. However, VL has certain limitations and may fail. We present the Infrared Red Intubation System (IRRIS), a new technique facilitating glottis identification in severely obese patients undergoing anaesthesia for bariatric surgery. This single-centre, prospective trial assessed the efficacy of the IRRIS for VL tracheal intubation in 20 severely obese adult patients undergoing elective bariatric surgery under general anaesthesia. We assessed the ability of the IRRIS to differentiate the transilluminated glottis from the oesophagus and laryngeal folds and evaluated the ease of intubation. The average weight in the investigated patient cohort was 145 ± 29 kg, the suprasternal tissue thickness was 12 ± 4 mm. The median IQR [range] larynx recognition time was 10 [2–50] s, which was similar to that of lean patients. The degree of obesity correlated with the duration to achieve optimal laryngoscopic view and complete the intubation procedure. We achieved successful VL insertion on the first attempt in 13 of 20 cases (65%), and on the second attempt in 7 cases (35%), emphasising the increased probability of successful intubation on the first attempt. Tracheal intubation with the IRRIS lasted 50 [IQR 20–100] s. The lowest SpO2 during intubation was 98 [IQR 83–100] %. Addition of IRRIS to VL insertion facilitated the intubation of difficult airways in severely obese patients. IRRIS improves the visualization of the intubation pathway by selectively highlighting the airway entrance and shortens the time to successfully conclude the intubation procedure

    Ekspresja adiponektyny w otyłości trzewnej jest istotnym wyznacznikiem insulinooporności w otyłości olbrzymiej

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    Introduction: Visceral adiposity is associated with decreased serum adiponectin levels, peripheral resistance to insulin and an increased risk of cardio-metabolic complications. However, the link between adiponectin expression in visceral adipose tissue (VAT), its serum levels and metabolic protection is controversial. The aim of this study was to investigate the relationship between the adiponectin gene expression in VAT and clinical and metabolic parameters in patients with severe obesity. Material and Methods: This is a cross-sectional study that included 51 severely obese patients (age 43.24±11.29 years, BMI 45.13±8.67 kg/m2), extensively evaluated clinically and biologically (metabolic tests, serum adiponectin measurements, HOMA-IR) before bariatric surgery. Omental adipose tissue was sampled during the intervention and the relative quantification of adiponectin gene expression was performed by real-time PCR, using beta-actin as reference gene. Results. Adiponectin mRNA in VAT was significantly higher in obese insulin-sensitive patients than in the rest of obese patients (p < 0.05) and negatively correlated with HOMA-IR (r =-0.354, p=0.016) and uric acid (r =-0.304, p=0.045). After adjustment for gender, TG/HDL ratio and uric acid, adiponectin expresion (β= -0.439, p=0.001), waist circumference (β=0.467, p=0.001) and serum adiponectin (β =-0.339, p=0.011) remained significantly associated with HOMA-IR, together explaining more than 50% of its variation. Conclusions. In severely obese patients, adiponectin gene expression in VAT is negatively correlated with serum levels of uric acid and is an independent determinant, together with anthropometric parameters of visceral obesity and serum adiponectin levels, of insulin resistance.Wstęp: Otyłość trzewna związana jest ze zmniejszonym stężeniem adiponektyny w surowicy krwi, obwodową opornością na działanie insuliny oraz ze zwiększonym ryzykiem powikłań sercowo-metabolicznych. Jednak związek między ekspresją adiponektyny w trzewnej tkance tłuszczowej, jej stężeniem w surowicy krwi a ochroną metaboliczną jest kwestią sporną. Celem niniejszej pracy było zbadanie związku między ekspresją genu adiponektyny w trzewnej tkance tłuszczowej a klinicznymi i metabolicznymi parametrami pacjentów ze znaczną otyłością. Materiał i metody: To przekrojowe badanie obejmowało 51 znacznie otyłych pacjentów (wiek 43,24 ± 11,29 roku, BMI 45,13 ± 8,67 kg/m2), szczegółowo ocenionych pod względem klinicznym i biologicznym (testy metaboliczne, pomiary stężenia adiponektyny w surowicy krwi, wskaźnik HOMA-IR) przed operacją bariatryczną. Podczas operacji pobrano tkankę tłuszczową sieci. Względna ocena ilościowa ekspresji genu adiponektyny była przeprowadzona metodą PCR w czasie rzeczywistym. Wyniki: Poziom mRNA adiponektyny w trzewnej tkance tłuszczowej był znacząco wyższy u otyłych pacjentów wrażliwych na insulinę niż u pozostałych otyłych pacjentów (p &lt; 0,05) oraz ujemnie skorelowany ze wskaźnikiem HOMA-IR (r = –0,354, p = 0,016) i kwasem moczowym (r = –0,304, p = 0.045). Po uwzględnieniu płci, wskaźnika TG/HDL i kwasu moczowego, ekspresja adiponektyny (β = –0,439, p = 0,001), obwód talii (β = 0,467, p = 0,001) i poziom adiponektyny w surowicy krwi (β = –0,339, p = 0,011) pozostały istotnie związane ze wskaźnikiem HOMA-IR, łącznie wyjaśniając ponad 50% jego wariancji. Wnioski: W przypadku znacznie otyłych pacjentów ekspresja genu adiponektyny w trzewnej tkance tłuszczowej jest ujemnie skorelowana ze stężeniem kwasu moczowego w surowicy krwi i razem z antropometrycznymi parametrami otyłości trzewnej oraz stężeniem adiponektyny w surowicy krwi jest niezależnym wyznacznikiem insulinooporności

    The impact of the surgical technique on stenosis after laparoscopic sleeve gastrectomy: a single center study on 5235 patients

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    Background: Laparoscopic Sleeve Gastrectomy (LSG) has gained worldwide popularity in the last 10 years as self alone bariatric procedure. Symptomatic Stenosis (SS) is a potential severe postoperative complication and it can be divided in organic stenosis (OS) and functional stenosis (FS). The aim of this paper is to propose a modified surgical technique to prevent FS. Methods: A retrospective review on 5235 LSG performed in Ponderas Academic Hospital between January 2011 and December 2019, searched FS in two consecutive patients groups, divided based on the modified surgical technique introduced in 2015, with fixation of the gastric tube to the pre-pancreatic fascia and stapler line's over-sewn running suture. Results: Group A (2011-2014) included 1332 LSG, 16 SS were registered (1.2%), 7 OS and 9 FS; 3903 LSG included in group B (2015-2019), counting for 37 SS (0.95%), 27 OS and 10 FS. A statistically significant difference between the 2 groups was observed for the FS incidence (p=0.03), while it was non-significant for the OS (p=0.52) and the total number of SS (p=0.43). The endoscopic approach was used in forty-eight SS (90.5%) with a successful rate of 83%, while specifically for the FS it was 100%; only one complication was registered during endoscopic treatment, that required further surgical solution. Conclusions: fixation of the gastric tube to the pre-pancreatic fascia and stapler line's over-sewn running suture during LSG, introduced lately, are beneficial in preventing the postoperative functional stenosis of the LSG, contributing to the improvement of the patient's quality of life

    The Role of Thromboprophylaxis in Patients with Portal Vein Thrombosis: A Life-Threatening Complication after Laparoscopic Sleeve Gastrectomy Following 8 Years of Experience in a Bariatric Center of Excellence

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    Porto-mesenteric vein thrombosis (PVMT) is a rare but life-threatening complication after laparoscopic sleeve gastrectomy (LSG). Laparoscopic sleeve gastrectomy (LSG) is considered the most common procedure for efficiently realizing weight loss and treating obesity-related co-morbidities. This study aimed to shed light on this relatively rare complication by presenting a series of patients who developed PMVT after LSG in light of the need to change the specific protocol of thromboprophylaxis in bariatric patients. We proposed to answer two questions: whether we should perform a thrombophilia workup as a standard practice and whether we should extend chemoprophylaxis to more than 3 weeks among all bariatric patients. This study also aimed to investigate the possible risk factors and eventually present our updated protocol for PMVT management and prophylaxis

    The Role of Thromboprophylaxis in Patients with Portal Vein Thrombosis: A Life-Threatening Complication after Laparoscopic Sleeve Gastrectomy Following 8 Years of Experience in a Bariatric Center of Excellence

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    Porto-mesenteric vein thrombosis (PVMT) is a rare but life-threatening complication after laparoscopic sleeve gastrectomy (LSG). Laparoscopic sleeve gastrectomy (LSG) is considered the most common procedure for efficiently realizing weight loss and treating obesity-related co-morbidities. This study aimed to shed light on this relatively rare complication by presenting a series of patients who developed PMVT after LSG in light of the need to change the specific protocol of thromboprophylaxis in bariatric patients. We proposed to answer two questions: whether we should perform a thrombophilia workup as a standard practice and whether we should extend chemoprophylaxis to more than 3 weeks among all bariatric patients. This study also aimed to investigate the possible risk factors and eventually present our updated protocol for PMVT management and prophylaxis

    Krukenberg Tumor in Association with Ureteral Stenosis Due to Peritoneal Carcinomatosis from Pulmonary Adenocarcinoma: A Case Report

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    Krukenberg tumors from pulmonary adenocarcinoma represent an extremely rare situation; only a few cases have been reported. The aim of this paper is to report an unusual such case in which almost complete dysphagia and ureteral stenosis occurred. The 62-year-old patient was initially investigated for dysphagia and weight loss. Computed tomography showed the presence of a thoracic mass compressing the esophagus in association with a few suspect pulmonary and peritoneal nodules, one of them invading the right ureter. A biopsy was performed laparoscopically on the peritoneal nodules. The right adnexa presented an atypical aspect; right adnexectomy was also found. The histopathological and immunohistochemical studies confirmed that the primitive origin was pulmonary adenocarcinoma. Although both peritoneal carcinomatosis and ovarian metastases from pulmonary adenocarcinoma represent a very uncommon situation, this pathology should not be excluded, especially in cases presenting suspect pulmonary lesions

    Krukenberg Tumor in Association with Ureteral Stenosis Due to Peritoneal Carcinomatosis from Pulmonary Adenocarcinoma: A Case Report

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    Krukenberg tumors from pulmonary adenocarcinoma represent an extremely rare situation; only a few cases have been reported. The aim of this paper is to report an unusual such case in which almost complete dysphagia and ureteral stenosis occurred. The 62-year-old patient was initially investigated for dysphagia and weight loss. Computed tomography showed the presence of a thoracic mass compressing the esophagus in association with a few suspect pulmonary and peritoneal nodules, one of them invading the right ureter. A biopsy was performed laparoscopically on the peritoneal nodules. The right adnexa presented an atypical aspect; right adnexectomy was also found. The histopathological and immunohistochemical studies confirmed that the primitive origin was pulmonary adenocarcinoma. Although both peritoneal carcinomatosis and ovarian metastases from pulmonary adenocarcinoma represent a very uncommon situation, this pathology should not be excluded, especially in cases presenting suspect pulmonary lesions