527 research outputs found

    Brownian motion meets Riemann curvature

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    The general covariance of the diffusion equation is exploited in order to explore the curvature effects appearing on brownian motion over a d-dimensional curved manifold. We use the local frame defined by the so called Riemann normal coordinates to derive a general formula for the mean-square geodesic distance (MSD) at the short-time regime. This formula is written in terms of O(d)O(d) invariants that depend on the Riemann curvature tensor. We study the n-dimensional sphere case to validate these results. We also show that the diffusion for positive constant curvature is slower than the diffusion in a plane space, while the diffusion for negative constant curvature turns out to be faster. Finally the two-dimensional case is emphasized, as it is relevant for the single particle diffusion on biomembranes.Comment: 16 pages and 3 figure

    Notes on noncommutative supersymmetric gauge theory on the fuzzy supersphere

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    In these notes we review Klimcik's construction of noncommutative gauge theory on the fuzzy supersphere. This theory has an exact SUSY gauge symmetry with a finite number of degrees of freedom and thus in principle it is amenable to the methods of matrix models and Monte Carlo numerical simulations. We also write down in this article a novel fuzzy supersymmetric scalar action on the fuzzy supersphere

    Problem Identification and Task Engagement Using the LIBRE Problem Solving Tool: A Case Study of Three Bilingual Teacher Candidates

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    Bilingual Latino students engage multiple languages, cultures and environments as they pursue educational and professional goals. For this underrepresented group, pursuing a post-secondary degree is a “lucha” (fight) to negotiate the complex interplay of historical, educational, and cultural variables and achieve academic success. Because Bilingual Latino teacher success is incumbent upon successfully negotiating and overcoming linguistic, cultural and educational challenges, examination of problem solving and goal setting is necessary to provide insight into the types of barriers and facilitators that this group experiences and the ways in which they overcome obstacles. An in-depth case study of three bilingual teacher candidates illustrates the use of the LIBRE problem-solving tool as a culturally responsive activity involving a sequence of problem identification, analysis, solution generation, and evaluation to facilitate problem resolution. The case studies examined herein illuminate self-reported social-cultural contextual challenges, solutions, goals, and engagement through explicit problem solving and shows the primacy of familia and cultura in these women’s lives, problem-solving, and decision making. Implications for teacher educators and bilingual Latino teacher candidates are discussed

    Curvas de absorción de nutrimentos como estrategia para el manejo sostenible y eficiente de la fertilización del tomate industrial en Azuero

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    Con el objetivo de determinar la dinámica de absorción de nutrimentos en el cultivo de tomate industrial variedades IDIAP T7 e IDIAP T8 en tres tipos de suelo con tres niveles de arcillas de la región de Azuero, se realizó un ensayo con suelos de tres localidades con historial tomatero. Para ello, se llenaron 288 macetas (96 por tipo de suelo) con suelo de las tres localidades seleccionadas con cuatro repeticiones por tratamiento, en ellas se sembraron plántulas de tomate de 21 días de germinadas que recibieron el plan de fertilización que se le recomienda al productor; se realizaron muestreos de tejidos en cada una de las etapas fenológicas de importancia. Se logró determinar la producción de materia seca, el rendimiento del cultivo, la extracción de nutrimentos en cada etapa fenológica, las curvas de absorción para cada nutrimento, el análisis de regresión estableció las ecuaciones y mostró los coeficientes de determinación que van de 70% para la absorción de Fe en suelo con bajo contenido de arcillas, hasta 95% para Mn en suelo con alto contenido de arcillas para la variedad IDIAP - T7 y 66% para Cu en suelo bajo en arcillas hasta, 96% para K en suelo con alto contenido de arcillas para la variedad IDIAP - T8; también, se logró determinar la extracción relativa de nutrimentos y se estableció el orden de importancia de los nutrimentos para cada variedad y para cada suelo con diferente contenido de arcillas