773 research outputs found

    Magnetic effects in sulfur-decorated graphene

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    The interaction between two different materials can present novel phenomena that are quite different from the physical properties observed when each material stands alone. Strong electronic correlations, such as magnetism and superconductivity, can be produced as the result of enhanced Coulomb interactions between electrons. Two-dimensional materials are powerful candidates to search for the novel phenomena because of the easiness of arranging them and modifying their properties accordingly. In this work, we report magnetic effects of graphene, a prototypical non-magnetic two-dimensional semi-metal, in the proximity with sulfur, a diamagnetic insulator. In contrast to the well-defined metallic behaviour of clean graphene, an energy gap develops at the Fermi energy for the graphene/sulfur compound with decreasing temperature. This is accompanied by a steep increase of the resistance, a sign change of the slope in the magneto-resistance between high and low fields, and magnetic hysteresis. A possible origin of the observed electronic and magnetic responses is discussed in terms of the onset of low-temperature magnetic ordering. These results provide intriguing insights on the search for novel quantum phases in graphene-based compounds.Comment: 6 pages and 5 figure

    Luther-Emery Stripes, RVB Spin Liquid Background and High Tc Superconductivity

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    The stripe phase in high Tc cuprates is modeled as a single stripe coupled to the RVB spin liquid background by the single particle hopping process. In normal state, the strong pairing correlation inherent in RVB state is thus transfered into the Luttinger stripe and drives it toward spin-gap formation described by Luther-Emery Model. The establishment of global phase coherence in superconducting state contributes to a more relevant coupling to Luther-Emery Stripe and leads to gap opening in both spin and charge sectors. Physical consequences of the present picture are discussed, and emphasis is put on the unification of different energy scales relevant to cuprates, and good agreement is found with the available experimental results, especially in ARPES.Comment: 4 pages, RevTe

    Strained graphene: tight-binding and density functional calculations

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    We determine the band structure of graphene under strain using density functional calculations. The ab-initio band strucure is then used to extract the best fit to the tight-binding hopping parameters used in a recent microscopic model of strained graphene. It is found that the hopping parameters may increase or decrease upon increasing strain, depending on the orientation of the applied stress. The fitted values are compared with an available parametrization for the dependence of the orbital overlap on the distance separating the two carbon atoms. It is also found that strain does not induce a gap in graphene, at least for deformations up to 10%

    Bosonization of interacting fermions in arbitrary dimension beyond the Gaussian approximation

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    We use our recently developed functional bosonization approach to bosonize interacting fermions in arbitrary dimension dd beyond the Gaussian approximation. Even in d=1d=1 the finite curvature of the energy dispersion at the Fermi surface gives rise to interactions between the bosons. In higher dimensions scattering processes describing momentum transfer between different patches on the Fermi surface (around-the-corner processes) are an additional source for corrections to the Gaussian approximation. We derive an explicit expression for the leading correction to the bosonized Hamiltonian and the irreducible self-energy of the bosonic propagator that takes the finite curvature as well as around-the-corner processes into account. In the special case that around-the-corner scattering is negligible, we show that the self-energy correction to the Gaussian propagator is negligible if the dimensionless quantities (qckF)dF0[1+F0]1μναναμ ( \frac{q_{c} }{ k_{F}} )^d F_{0} [ 1 + F_{0} ]^{-1} \frac{\mu}{\nu^{\alpha}} | \frac{ \partial \nu^{\alpha} }{ \partial \mu} | are small compared with unity for all patches α\alpha. Here qcq_{c} is the cutoff of the interaction in wave-vector space, kFk_{F} is the Fermi wave-vector, μ\mu is the chemical potential, F0F_{0} is the usual dimensionless Landau interaction-parameter, and να\nu^{\alpha} is the {\it{local}} density of states associated with patch α\alpha. We also show that the well known cancellation between vertex- and self-energy corrections in one-dimensional systems, which is responsible for the fact that the random-phase approximation for the density-density correlation function is exact in d=1d=1, exists also in d>1d> 1, provided (1) the interaction cutoff qcq_{c} is small compared with kFk_{F}, and (2) the energy dispersion is locally linearized at the Fermi the Fermi surface. Finally, we suggest a new systematic method to calculate corrections to the RPA, which is based on the perturbative calculation of the irreducible bosonic self-energy arising from the non-Gaussian terms of the bosonized Hamiltonian.Comment: The abstract has been rewritten. No major changes in the text

    Theory of Fermion Liquids

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    We develop a general theory of fermion liquids in spatial dimensions greater than one. The principal method, bosonization, is applied to the cases of short and long range longitudinal interactions, and to transverse gauge interactions. All the correlation functions of the system may be obtained with the use of a generating functional. Short-range and Coulomb interactions do not destroy the Landau Fermi fixed point. Novel fixed points are found, however, in the cases of a super-long range longitudinal interaction in two dimensions and transverse gauge interactions in two and three spatial dimensions. We consider in some detail the 2+1-dimensional problem of a Chern-Simons gauge action combined with a longitudinal two-body interaction V(q)qy1V({\bf q}) \propto |{\bf q}|^{y-1} which controls the density, and hence gauge, fluctuations. For y<0y < 0 we find that the gauge interaction is irrelevant and the Landau fixed point is stable, while for y>0y > 0 the interaction is relevant and the fixed point cannot be accessed by bosonization. Of special importance is the case y=0y = 0 (Coulomb interaction) which describes the Halperin-Lee-Read theory of the half-filled Landau level. We obtain the full quasiparticle propagator which is of a marginal Fermi liquid form. Using Ward Identities, we show that neither the inclusion of nonlinear terms in the fermion dispersion, nor vertex corrections, alters our results: the fixed point is accessible by bosonization. As the two-point fermion Green's function is not gauge invariant, we also investigate the gauge-invariant density response function. Near momentum Q=2kFQ = 2 k_F, in addition to the Kohn anomaly we find singular behavior. In Appendices we present a numerical calculation of the spectral function for a Fermi liquid with Landau parameter f00f_0 \neq 0. We also show how Kohn's theorem isComment: Minor corrections and clarifications, and additional references. 30 pages, RevTex 3.0, 3 figures in uuencoded postscript files

    Cyclotron motion in graphene

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    We investigate cyclotron motion in graphene monolayers considering both the full quantum dynamics and its semiclassical limit reached at high carrier energies. Effects of zitterbewegung due to the two dispersion branches of the spectrum dominate the irregular quantum motion at low energies and are obtained as a systematic correction to the semiclassical case. Recent experiments are shown to operate in the semiclassical regime.Comment: 6 pages, 1 figure include

    Conductivity of graphene: How to distinguish between samples with short and long range scatterers

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    Applying a quasiclassical equation to carriers in graphene we found a way how to distinguish between samples with the domination of short and long range scatterers from the conductivity measurements. The model proposed explains recent transport experiments with chemically doped as well as suspended graphene.Comment: 6 pages, 3 figures, some references have been corrected and revise

    Effect of Coulomb interactions on the physical observables of graphene

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    We give an update of the situation concerning the effect of electron-electron interactions on the physics of a neutral graphene system at low energies. We revise old renormalization group results and the use of 1/N expansion to address questions of the possible opening of a low-energy gap, and the magnitude of the graphene fine structure constant. We emphasize the role of Fermi velocity as the only free parameter determining the transport and electronic properties of the graphene system and revise its renormalization by Coulomb interactions in the light of recent experimental evidence.Comment: Proceedings of the Nobel Symposium on graphene 2010, to appear as a special issue in Physica Script

    Terahertz imaging and spectroscopy of large-area single-layer graphene

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    We demonstrate terahertz (THz) imaging and spectroscopy of a 15x15-mm^2 single-layer graphene film on Si using broadband THz pulses. The THz images clearly map out the THz carrier dynamics of the graphene-on-Si sample, allowing us to measure sheet conductivity with sub-mm resolution without fabricating electrodes. The THz carrier dynamics are dominated by intraband transitions and the THz-induced electron motion is characterized by a flat spectral response. A theoretical analysis based on the Fresnel coefficients for a metallic thin film shows that the local sheet conductivity varies across the sample from {\sigma}s = 1.7x10^-3 to 2.4x10^-3 {\Omega}^-1 (sheet resistance, {\rho}s = 420 - 590 {\Omega}/sq).Comment: 6 pages, 5 figure

    The Physics of Kondo Impurities in Graphene

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    This article summarizes our understanding of the Kondo effect in graphene, primarily from a theoretical perspective. We shall describe different ways to create magnetic moments in graphene, either by adatom deposition or via defects. For dilute moments, the theoretical description is in terms of effective Anderson or Kondo impurity models coupled to graphene's Dirac electrons. We shall discuss in detail the physics of these models, including their quantum phase transitions and the effect of carrier doping, and confront this with existing experimental data. Finally, we point out connections to other quantum impurity problems, e.g., in unconventional superconductors, topological insulators, and quantum spin liquids.Comment: 27 pages, 8 figs. Review article prepared for Rep. Prog. Phys. ("key issues" section). (v2) Final version as publishe