40,687 research outputs found
Relativistic Effects of Mixed Vector-Scalar-Pseudoscalar Potentials for Fermions in 1+1 Dimensions
The problem of fermions in the presence of a pseudoscalar plus a mixing of
vector and scalar potentials which have equal or opposite signs is
investigated. We explore all the possible signs of the potentials and discuss
their bound-state solutions for fermions and antifermions. The cases of mixed
vector and scalar P\"{o}schl-Teller-like and pseudoscalar kink-like potentials,
already analyzed in previous works, are obtained as particular cases
Unified Treatment of Mixed Vector-Scalar Screened Coulomb Potentials for Fermions
The problem of a fermion subject to a general mixing of vector and scalar
screened Coulomb potentials in a two-dimensional world is analyzed and
quantization conditions are found.Comment: 7 page
On Duffin-Kemmer-Petiau particles with a mixed minimal-nonminimal vector coupling and the nondegenerate bound states for the one-dimensional inversely linear background
The problem of spin-0 and spin-1 bosons in the background of a general mixing
of minimal and nonminimal vector inversely linear potentials is explored in a
unified way in the context of the Duffin-Kemmer-Petiau theory. It is shown that
spin-0 and spin-1 bosons behave effectively in the same way. An orthogonality
criterion is set up and it is used to determine uniquely the set of solutions
as well as to show that even-parity solutions do not exist.Comment: 10 page
New solutions of the D-dimensional Klein-Gordon equation via mapping onto the nonrelativistic one-dimensional Morse potential
New exact analytical bound-state solutions of the D-dimensional Klein-Gordon
equation for a large set of couplings and potential functions are obtained via
mapping onto the nonrelativistic bound-state solutions of the one-dimensional
generalized Morse potential. The eigenfunctions are expressed in terms of
generalized Laguerre polynomials, and the eigenenergies are expressed in terms
of solutions of irrational equations at the worst. Several analytical results
found in the literature, including the so-called Klein-Gordon oscillator, are
obtained as particular cases of this unified approac
Bound states of bosons and fermions in a mixed vector-scalar coupling with unequal shapes for the potentials
The Klein-Gordon and the Dirac equations with vector and scalar potentials
are investigated under a more general condition, . These intrinsically relativistic and isospectral problems
are solved in a case of squared hyperbolic potential functions and bound states
for either particles or antiparticles are found. The eigenvalues and
eigenfuntions are discussed in some detail and the effective Compton wavelength
is revealed to be an important physical quantity. It is revealed that a boson
is better localized than a fermion when they have the same mass and are
subjected to the same potentials.Comment: 3 figure
The peremptory influence of a uniform background for trapping neutral fermions with an inversely linear potential
The problem of neutral fermions subject to an inversely linear potential is
revisited. It is shown that an infinite set of bound-state solutions can be
found on the condition that the fermion is embedded in an additional uniform
background potential. An apparent paradox concerning the uncertainty principle
is solved by introducing the concept of effective Compton wavelength
Charge-fluctuation contribution to the Raman response in superconducting cuprates
We calculate the Raman response contribution due to collective modes, finding
a strong dependence on the photon polarizations and on the characteristic
wavevectors of the modes. We compare our results with recent Raman spectroscopy
experiments in underdoped cuprates, and
, where anomalous low-energy peaks are
observed, which soften upon lowering the temperature. We show that the specific
dependence on doping and on photon polarizations of these peaks is only
compatible with charge collective excitations at finite wavelength.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figure
Observation of the Kohn anomaly near the K point of bilayer graphene
The dispersion of electrons and phonons near the K point of bilayer graphene
was investigated in a resonant Raman study using different laser excitation
energies in the near infrared and visible range. The electronic structure was
analyzed within the tight-binding approximation, and the
Slonczewski-Weiss-McClure (SWM) parameters were obtained from the analysis of
the dispersive behavior of the Raman features. A softening of the phonon
branches was observed near the K point, and results evidence the Kohn anomaly
and the importance of considering electron-phonon and electron-electron
interactions to correctly describe the phonon dispersion in graphene systems.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure
Signatures of nematic quantum critical fluctuations in the Raman spectra of lightly doped cuprates
We consider the lightly doped cuprates YCaBaCuO
and LaSrCuO (with ,0.04), where the presence of a
fluctuating nematic state has often been proposed as a precursor of the stripe
(or, more generically, charge-density wave) phase, which sets in at higher
doping. We phenomenologically assume a quantum critical character for the
longitudinal and transverse nematic, and for the charge-ordering fluctuations,
and investigate the effects of these fluctuations in Raman spectra. We find
that the longitudinal nematic fluctuations peaked at zero transferred momentum
account well for the anomalous Raman absorption observed in these systems in
the channel, while the absence of such effect in the channel
may be due to the overall suppression of Raman response at low frequencies,
associated with the pseudogap. While in YCaBaCuO the
low-frequency lineshape is fully accounted by longitudinal nematic collective
modes alone, in LaSrCuO also charge-ordering modes with finite
characteristic wavevector are needed to reproduce the shoulders observed in the
Raman response. This different involvement of the nearly critical modes in the
two materials suggests a different evolution of the nematic state at very low
doping into the nearly charge-ordered state at higher doping.Comment: 12 pages with 10 figures, to appear in Phys. Rev. B 201
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