3,698 research outputs found

    Forecasting UNLV GPA Based on NeedCD Group

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    The Center for Academic Enrichment & Outreach at UNLV is a service that provides university students with the resources they need in their college career. The Center has established federally-funded programs that helps low-income individuals, first-generation college students, and individuals with disabilities to progress throughout their academic career. These programs include tutoring, personal counseling, mentoring, financial literacy & guidance, and scholarships. With all this, the Center hopes to create a community in which every individual can fulfill their post-secondary educational objectives

    Spatial modeling with repopulation potential for three flora species of Huaytapallana Regional Conservation Area, Peru

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    In the high mountain ecosystems of the Huaytapallana Regional Conservation Area (ACR-H) there are three species of flora (Krapfia macropetala, Gentianella scarlatinostriata and Senecio canescens) of social, economic, cultural and medicinal importance, however their population status and undefined local distribution make these species area more vulnerable to extinction. Therefore, the objective of this work is to determine the population distribution for repopulation purpose in the ACR-H from the potential distribution in Peru using Maxent algorithm and a local model developed with the Saaty pairwise hierarchy matrix, adding a soil sample for a better application of the final model. The results show that the Species Distribution Models (SDMs) have a high confidence because the Area Under the Curve (AUC) surpass 0.90. Otherwise, the local model is consistent by showing a Consistency Ratio (CR) of less than 0.10. As a final result, all species obtained optimal spaces for repopulation near the Huaytapallana Cordillera, where Krapfia macropetala obtained the largest extension (715.334 ha) and Gentianella scarlatinostriata is the smallest (650.096 ha). Further there were no differences in the parameters evaluated in the three soil samples, which facilitates the application of the models for the repopulation of these three species

    Frecuencia de ansiedad y depresión en pacientes ASA I – II sometidos a cirugía, en el HG1 de Quito en el periodo de Febrero a Abril del 2010.

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    Se realizó un estudio de cohorte transversal para determinar la prevalencia de Ansiedad y Depresión en pacientes ASA I y ASA II que fueron sometidos a una intervención quirúrgica. Lugar: Hospital de las Fuerzas Armadas HG-1 Tipo de estudio: cohorte transversal. Muestra: probabilística, aleatoria sistemática, intencionada. Universo: pacientes ingresados en el HG1 que serán sometidos a intervenciones quirúrgicas programadas, clasificados en ASA I o II. Tamaño de la muestra: 171. Variables: Nivel de Ansiedad y Depresión medido con la Escala Hospitalaria de Ansiedad y Depresión (HADS), tipo de cirugía, ASA,variables demográficas básicas y duración de la estancia hospitalaria pre quirúrgica. Resultados: Encontramos una población con un promedio de edad de 55 años, la edad guarda una distribución normal con valores que van desde 18 a 99 años.We conducted a cross sectional study to determine the prevalence of anxiety and depression in patients with ASA I-II who underwent surgery. Location: Hospital of the Armed Forces HG-1 Type of Study: Cross Sectional Sampling: Probability, systematic random, intentional. Universe: HG-1 patients admitted to be submitted for non-urgent surgeries or emergency, classified ASA I-II. Sample Size: 171 Variables: Level of anxiety and depression measured by the HAD Scale, type of surgery, ASA, basic demographic variables and duration of stay presurgery. Results: We found a population with a mean age of 55, the age keeps a normal distribution with values ranging from 18 to 99 years. Additionally we measured BMI, which has a parametric distribution and this helps to further analysis

    Prepositional error analysis in EFL students' written compositions

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    This research project, developed at Uniminuto University, emerged from the difficulties that the lexical category of prepositions causes to EFL learners in general. The researchers were interested in analyzing how a group of students used prepositions in a written task taken from one of their exams. In order to approach the understanding of this phenomenon, the researchers based the analysis on the interlanguage hypothesis, which states that second language learner’s errors are a key to understand their interlanguage (linguistic system) in terms of prepositional usage. As for the methodology of analysis, researchers decided to use the method known as Error Analysis, which is a systematic procedure for analyzing linguistic samples by using taxonomies. 55 EFL learners participated in this research, the group belonged to the course Anglophone Language and Culture VI and the students came from four different groups. After completing the analysis, the conclusion is that prepositions presented a difficult challenge for all the levels of proficiency within the selected courses, and intralingual strategies of learners mainly produced such errors

    Propuesta de materiales RCD, para el reforzamiento de la subbase granular en pavimento asfáltico en la calle Sicchez, urbanización Santa Rosa, distrito de 26 de octubre, Piura

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    En nuestro territorio, como en muchos otros países, existen problemas que aquejan a nuestra comunidad conjuntamente con el medio ambiente, uno de ellos es la contaminación por materiales residuales provenientes de obras de construcción y demoliciones, o ya sea de cualquier estructura que posea concreto; Esto nos lleva a pensar que deberían existir métodos o soluciones para poder reutilizar dicho material. En eso se basa nuestro proyecto, estudiar dichos materiales reciclados, su composición, su estructura y sus propiedades, para ser utilizados, como componentes de la subbase granular para el diseño de un pavimento flexible, en la Calle Sicchez, Urbanización Santa Rosa, distrito de 26 de octubre, en la ciudad de Piura. Este material tendrá que pasar por los rigurosos ensayos de calidad, así como también determinar sus propiedades mecánicas y físicas, y así demostrar si son aptos para la conformación de la subbase granular. Dicho esto, detallaremos en nuestros estudios todos los aspectos correspondientes a la calidad y sus propiedades, para determinar que porcentajes pueden usarse al compartir composición con agregados naturales

    Diagnóstico de la gestión del conocimiento en una empresa grande de Barranquilla (Colombia)

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    En la era del conocimiento los docentes deben tener múltiples competencias para responder a la misión de la universidad, que contempla tres funciones sustantivas: la docencia, la investigación y la extensión. A la segunda se quiere responder con este artículo, en el que el autor principal, junto con dos ingenieros industriales realizan el diagnóstico de la Gestión del Conocimiento (GC) en una importante empresa de la ciudad de Barranquilla (Colombia).La investigación parte del estudio, análisis y síntesis de los principales exponentes de la GC y partir de las mejores prácticas encontradas y el modelo de capital intelectual de Bueno y la espiral del conocimiento de Nonaka y Takeuchi, especialmente, se desarrolló una metodología que permitió determinar seis variables macro claves para diagnosticar el estado de la GC en la empresa: Identificación del conocimiento, Proceso de transmisión del conocimiento, Medios y tecnologías, Toma de decisiones, Cultura organizacional y Competitividad, las cuales permitieron cumplir con el objetivo del estudio, que estaba orientado a determinar la Gestión del conocimiento en la empresa evaluada en una escala de cero a cinco.Teachers in the era of knowledge must have multiple competencies to respond to the mission of the university that contemplates three important functions: teaching, research and services of extension. This article focuses to the second function where the author and two industrial engineers made the diagnosis of the Management of Knowledge (MK) in an important company of the city of Barranquilla (Colombia). The research began in the study, analysis and synthesis of the main exponents of the MK and through of best found practices in Colombia and one model of intellectual capital of and the spiral of the knowledge of Nonaka and Takeuchi, specially, was developed a methodology that allowed to determine six key global variables to diagnose the state of the MK in the company. The variables identified are: Identification of the knowledge, process of transmission of the knowledge, means and technologies, decision making, organizational culture and competitiveness, allowed to fulfill the objective of the study which was oriented to determine the MK in the company evaluated in one scale of five degrees

    Prepositional error analysis in EFL students' written compositions

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    This research project, developed at Uniminuto University, emerged from the difficulties that the lexical category of prepositions causes to EFL learners in general. The researchers were interested in analyzing how a group of students used prepositions in a written task taken from one of their exams. In order to approach the understanding of this phenomenon, the researchers based the analysis on the interlanguage hypothesis, which states that second language learner’s errors are a key to understand their interlanguage (linguistic system) in terms of prepositional usage. As for the methodology of analysis, researchers decided to use the method known as Error Analysis, which is a systematic procedure for analyzing linguistic samples by using taxonomies. 55 EFL learners participated in this research, the group belonged to the course Anglophone Language and Culture VI and the students came from four different groups. After completing the analysis, the conclusion is that prepositions presented a difficult challenge for all the levels of proficiency within the selected courses, and intralingual strategies of learners mainly produced such errors

    Extensional and Intensional Strategies

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    This paper is a contribution to the theoretical foundations of strategies. We first present a general definition of abstract strategies which is extensional in the sense that a strategy is defined explicitly as a set of derivations of an abstract reduction system. We then move to a more intensional definition supporting the abstract view but more operational in the sense that it describes a means for determining such a set. We characterize the class of extensional strategies that can be defined intensionally. We also give some hints towards a logical characterization of intensional strategies and propose a few challenging perspectives
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