4,954 research outputs found

    Single motherhood and low birthweight in Spain

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    Nonmarital childbearing is becoming an increasingly common path to family formation in Spain. The proportion of births to unmarried mothers has increased from 2% in 1975 to 30.2% in 2007. Along with this marked increase, there has been an important shift in the sociodemographic profile of unmarried mothers. This study focuses on the impact of mothers’ marital status on the health status of their newborns, using low birthweight as an indicator. We are interested in examining how the impact of mothers’ unmarried status on birth outcomes changes as nonmarital childbearing shifts from a marginal to a relatively common behaviour. The results of the analysis reveal that the health disadvantage gap between marital and nonmarital births has narrowed significantly over the past decade in Spain. We argue that diminishing selection processes and increasing social acceptance could explain the declining significance of marital status as a risk factor for low birthweight.childbearing, cohabitation, low birthweight, nonmarital fertility, out-of-wedlock, perinatal health, Spain, unmarried mothers

    Not truly partnerless: Non-residential partnerships and retreat from marriage in Spain

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    In Spain, nearly two-thirds of women aged 20-34 have not yet entered their first union. However, almost half of them have a stable partner in a different household. Hence, the drop in marriage rates and low prevalence of cohabitation cannot be rightly interpreted as a decline in partnership formation, but rather as a postponement of co-residential unions. This paper examines the prevalence and determinants of non-residential stable partnerships among young adults (women aged 20-34), in relation to cohabitation and marriage, using a multinomial logit model of current partnership type. The analysis is based on data from the 1999 Spanish Fertility Survey.cohabitation, LAT, partnerships, Spain, union formation

    Is Latin America starting to retreat from early and universal childbearing?

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    The 2000 censuses show that the proportion of women below age 30 who are mothers has dropped substantially in most Latin America countries, suggesting that the social imperative of early motherhood, which has long prevailed in the region, is weakening. Surveys conducted in 14 Latin American countries in 2006 also show a strong link between childlessness and higher education across several cohorts. We discuss whether the recent increase in childlessness among young women reflects a shift towards later childbearing, a novel trend in the Latin American context, and also whether it may signal an emerging retreat from universal childbearing in the region.childlessness, fertility, first birth, Latin America

    Women’s changing socioeconomic position and union formation in Spain and Portugal

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    Economic and sociological theories of marriage have long emphasized the impact of women’s education and employment on union formation. In this study, we explore the relevance of the female economic independence hypothesis to explain women’s patterns of entry into marriage and cohabitation in Portugal and Spain. In these two Southern European countries, gender equity has improved remarkably in the public sphere, but family relations remain structured along traditional gender roles. We focus on three indicators of women’s autonomy: educational attainment, employment status and having lived independently from the family of origin. The analysis is based on the Fertility and Family Surveys and discrete-time multinomial logistic regression models are used to estimate the odds of marrying, cohabiting or remaining single. The results suggest that whereas the effect of female education is consistent with the independence hypothesis, women’s labour force participation encourages union formation, particularly among younger cohorts. Living independently from the family of origin reduces the likelihood of entering marriage but increases considerably the odds of cohabiting.cohabitation, education, employment, independence hypothesis, marriage, Portugal, South Europe, Spain, union formation, women’s status

    Contraceptive use patterns among Spanish single youth

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    Objective: To examine sexual and contraceptive use patterns, including method choice, among unmarried youth in Spain. Method: The analysis is based on the 1999 Youth Survey. The analytical sample comprised 696 never-married sexually experienced women aged 15–24 and 1070 men. Logistic regression was used to assess the influence of various socio-demographic factors on contraceptive use, and multinomial logistic regression was used to examine the determinants of method choice. Results: Given the trend towards earlier sexual initiation and increasing marriage postponement, sexual activity prior to marriage has become the norm in Spain. Nine out of 10 sexually active single youth reported contraceptive use at their last intercourse. Differentials across social subgroups were small, with the exception of those based on educational level. Young women and men with more than one partner in the previous year and those not currently in a stable relationship were more likely to engage in unprotected intercourse. Regarding the choice of method, the analysis revealed that, although condom is the dominant method, there is a tendency to shift to the pill with increasing age and relationship stability. Conclusion: The level of contraceptive protection among unmarried youth is reasonably high, but a nontrivial proportion of youth engage in unprotected sexual activity.Peer reviewe

    Análisis de la comunicación de “Chiara Ferragni” a través de las nuevas tecnologías y la creatividad

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    El siguiente trabajo de investigación pretende ser un acercamiento al conocimiento de las claves en la comunicación del caso “Chiara Ferragni”, editora del blog “The Blonde Salad”. Tras la investigación, se pretenden establecer las razones que han convertido a Chiara Ferragni, a través de su creatividad y el uso de las nuevas tecnologías, en una revolución mediática, abordando un estudio del caso basado en su modo de vida, trayectoria, estilo, personalidad, estrategias de comunicación e identidad corporativa.Grado en Publicidad y Relaciones Pública

    A new convergent algorithm to approximate potentials from fixed angle scattering data

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    We introduce a new iterative method to recover a real compact supported potential of the Schr\"odinger operator from their fixed angle scattering data. The method combines a fixed point argument with a suitable approximation of the resolvent of the Schr\"odinger operator by partial sums associated to its Born series. Convergence is established for potentials with small norm in certain Sobolev spaces. As an application we show some numerical experiments that illustrate this convergence.Comment: 25 pages, 6 figure

    Matrimonios de hecho, de derecho y en eterno aplazamiento: la nupcialidad española al inicio del siglo XXI

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    La nupcialidad española se encuentra inmersa en un profundo proceso de cambio. La edad media de hombres y mujeres al matrimonio ha aumentado más de 4 años en las dos últimas décadas, las tasas de divorcio contemporáneas implican que un 15 por 100 de los matrimonios se separan, 1 de cada 10 matrimonios es el segundo para al menos uno de los cónyuges, el 13 por 100 de las mujeres nacidas en los años sesenta ha experimentado una unión de hecho, y 1 de cada 5 nacimientos se produce al margen del matrimonio. El objetivo de este artículo es presentar el debate teórico que se viene produciendo a nivel internacional en torno a las raíces de la evolución reciente de la nupcialidad y ofrecer una síntesis de los rasgos que caracterizan la nupcialidad española contemporánea, situándola dentro del contexto europeo.Peer reviewe

    Ansiedad en el paciente prequirúrgico y visita prequirúrgica: Programa de enfermería para la disminución de los niveles de ansiedad

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    La ansiedad es una de las reacciones más conocidas que se dan en el paciente al enfrentarse a un acto quirúrgico. Numerosos estudios demuestran que el estado psicológico antes de la operación, en especial la ansiedad, incide en la recuperación postoperatoria, y que la educación y el suministro de información en forma de visita prequirúrgica tienen múltiples efectos beneficiosos en estos pacientes. Este trabajo se centra en las herramientas necesarias para medir y controlar la ansiedad antes pasar al quirófano, proponiendo un cuestionario específico de ansiedad prequirúrgica, pendiente de validación, y una intervención de enfermería, en forma de visita prequirúrgica, consistente en dar información adicional y resolver dudas. El objetivo principal de este trabajo es facilitar unos instrumentos para medir y controlar la ansiedad en el paciente que va a someterse a una operación. Además, se pretende comparar la disminución del grado de ansiedad preoperatoria con una visita estructura de enfermería versus la información habitual y conocer el grado de ansiedad de los distintos pacientes. Para ello se llevaría a cabo un ensayo clínico aleatorizado simple ciego, en el que intervendrían entre 450 y 460 pacientes pertenecientes al Hospital de Medina del Campo; éstos serían distribuidos aleatoriamente en dos grupos, uno con el que se realizaría la visita prequirúrgica (grupo intervención) y otro al que no se daría más información que la habitual (grupo control). Este estudio tendría una duración de un año y, si los resultados fueran positivos, la visita prequirúrgica podría ser extrapolada a otro tipo de intervenciones.Departamento de Enfermerí