24 research outputs found

    Lasting temperature effects on the muscle tissue, body growth and fillet texture of adult turbots, Scophthalmus maximus, L.

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    In the teleosts, several factors can influence the muscle growth patterns of fish by a modulation of the hypertrophy and hyperplasia. The temperature (T) is one of the most important environmental factors. Thus, the T history of fish influences on their potential growth, as it has been observed in Salmon, Salmo salar (Johnston et al., 2003) and other species. The T imprinting can influence on the muscle cellularity throughout the advanced stages of life due to the lasting T effects on myogenic cells precursors (MPC) (Steinbacher et al., 2011). In different teleost species, a correlation between texture and muscle fibre size has been demonstrated (Hatae et al., 1990). Hence, the thermal history can also influence in the flesh texture. In the present work we study the lasting T effects in adult turbots reared at different Ts during the early phases. This species reaches ≈ 1.5 kg at 18-20 months of age and the first sexual maturity takes place at ≈ 24 month

    Crecimiento y desarrollo gonadal de rodaballos (Scophthalmus maximus L.) triploides hasta los 18 meses de edad

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    El objetivo de este trabajo fue determinar los efectos de la triploidía sobre el crecimiento, proporción de sexos y desarrollo gonadal de los rodaballos (Scophthalmus maximus L.) hasta los 18 meses de edad. Los resultados obtenidos demostraron una proporción significativamente mayor de hembras en el grupo triploide respecto del control diploide, un crecimiento significativamente superior, en el mismo grupo, y un desarrollo gonadal significativamente inferior en los triploides, especialmente en las hembra

    Estimación de la utilidad de un sistema de análisis automático SCA (Sperm Class Analyzer) para el recuento y control de calidad de fitoplancton en cultivo intensivo

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    Durante los últimos años el sistema de cultivo de microalgas marinas ha evolucionado desde los cultivos extensivos y la producción en bolsas de grandes volúmenes para alcanzar la biomasa adecuada, pasando por sistemas de cultivo intensivo en continuo y llegando en la actualidad al uso de un sistema semicontinuo, a base de fotobiorreactores que aprovechando al máximo la luz, consigue alcanzar producciones óptimas en volúmenes y tiempos mucho más reducidos, economizando espacio, tiempo, material e incluso personal. Este experimento consistió en la validación para microalgas de un sistema de valoración y recuento automático de uso veterinario para análisisde esperma (SeA). Los resultados indican que este sistema no sólo es operativo, sino que puede ser de gran utilidad configurando la aplicacitli precisa para el análisis de los parámetros de calidad en el cultivo intensivo de frtoplancton.The marine microalgae conure system has evolved since Ihe beginning 01 aquaculture, where large volumes were produced to attain an adequale biomass, extensive culture, intensive continuous cultures and finally Ihe semi continuous systems Ihat are presently used, using photo bioreactOll, which optimize Ihe use 01 light and nutrients to attain optimal microalgae production in much lower volumes and shorter times, reducing space aIII time required, as well as costs relatedto material and hand labor. The objective 01 this experiment was to validate an automatic sperm count normally used in the veterinary industry (SeA), for rts use in microalgae count. Results indicate that the SeA is valid forthis use. Furthermore, SCAcan be of great utility and accuracy, when configured forthe analysis~ quality parameters in the intensive microalgae culture

    Estudio de los ritmos de espermiación en machos de rodaballo (Scophthalmus maximus L.) en cautividad

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    Se llevó a cabo un estudio de los ritmos de espermiación con 14 machos de rodaballo (Scophthalmus maximus L.) sometidos a fotoperiodo natural y temperatura controlada de 14± 1ºC. Se establecieron dos grupos A y B de siete machos cada uno escogidos al azar. Al grupo A, se le extrajo el esperma diariamente durante los 10 días que duró la experiencia y al grupo B, considerado como control, se le extrajo el esperma solamente los dias primero y último de la experiencia. Con el esperma extraído a los machos del grupo A, se determinó el volumen en una escala de O a 3 (entre O y > lml), la viscosidad en una escala de 1 a 2, la concentración cuyos valores oscilaron entre 320/12800xl06 esp/lm, la movilidad de O a 5 según la escala de Sánchez- Rodríguez (1975) y el pH cuyos valores oscilaron entre 6.9 y 7.5. Los días primero y último de la experiencia, además de los parámetros citados anteriormente, se determinaron en todos los machos de los dos grupos (A y B), la presión osmótica, la concentración de proteinas, la glucosa, el colesterol, los triglicéridos, LDH y los iones: Na+, K+, Cl-, Ca++ y Mg++. Se compararon los resultados obtenidos entre los días primero y último y no se encontraron diferencias significativas (P>O 05) y la comparación de los datos finales entre ambos grupos tampoco mostró diferencias significativas (p>0.05), excepto en la movilidad (P<0.05).Study of the sperming cycles in male turbot (Scophthalmus maximus L.) in captivity: A study was performed on sperming cycles in 14 turbot males (Scophthalmus maximus L.) subjected to a natural photoperiod and a controlied temperature of 14± 1ºC. Two groups (A and B) were formed with seven males, chosen at random, in each. Sperm was extracted daily from males in group A throughout the 10 days of the experience Sperm was extracted from males in Group B, considered as the control group, only on the first and last days of the experience. Sperm was extracted from males in group A was used to determine the volume in a scale ranging from O to 3 (between O and > 1 ml.), viscosity in a scale of 1 to 2, concentration with values ranging between 320/12800x106 esp/mnl, mobility from O to 5 according to the scale by Sánchez-Rodríguez (1975) and pH values ranging between 6.9 and 7.5. The first and last days of the experience, apart from the parameters cited above, were determined in all males in the two groups (A and B), osmotic pressure, concentration of proteins, glucose, cholesterol, triglicerids, LDH and ions: Na+, K+, Cl-, Ca+ and Mg++. Results of concentration, volume, viscosity and mobility obtained, on the first and last days were compared and no significant differences were observed (P>0.05). When final results from the two groups were compared, no significant differences were found again (P>0.05), except in mobility (P<O.05)

    Crecimiento de rotiferos con Nannochloropsis gaditana cultivada en fotobiorreactores versus cultivo tradicional en bolsas

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    En las instalaciones de la planta de cultivos marinos del Centro Oceanoqráñco de Vigo (lEO) se cuHivan diversas especies de microaJgas seg1ÍI! sistema tradicional de producción en bolsas (5OOL) y, mayoritariamente; bajo un nuevo sistema de producción en lotobiorreac!ores (FBRs)de columna (1 ooUUd.) de ano rendimiento montados por la empresa AQUALGAE SL. Parte de la producción de microalgas se destina al OJltivoy enriquecimiento de alimento vivo (rotíferos y Artemia). Este experimento se diseñó con el fin de obtener resutados que nos permitan asegurara calidad del cultivo de rotífero, aportando como alimento las microalgas producidas en semicontinuoen los FBRs, para poder así sustituirtotalmenle el sistema tradicional de producción en bolsas, menos productivo, más laborioso y sin apenas control sobre la composición nutricional dela biomasa cosechada. Los resultados obtenidos demuestran la calidad y estabilidad nutricional de las microalgas producidas en los FBRs,11) habiendo dilerencias signilicativas en el crecimiento de las poblaciones de rotíferos, aunque el número total de huevos sí ha sido superior en ~ grupo alimentado con microalgas procedentes de los FBRs. Se discuten además las dilerencias se composición nutricional observadas.In lhe lacilijies 01 lhe Centro Oceanográfico de Vigo (lEO) several species 01 microalgae are produced according to the traditional batch OJltureil poIyelhylene bags (500 L) ando more recently, in high yield column photobiorreactors (PBRs), 100 L each column, installed by tIle ~ AQUALGAE SL. Part 01 lhe harvested microalgae biomass is used lor lhe culture and enrichment 01 live prey (rotiler and Artemia). The goal cíl!e lhis wor1<was to evaluate the leasibilijy 01 maintaining and ensuring a good qualijy 01 rotilers led microalgae cuHured semicontinuously in PBRs,~ orderto lully substiMe tradijional cuHure in bags which are less productive, require more hand wor1<and no control on lhe nutritional compositioncí algae can be exerted. Hesults showed lhe nutritional qualijy 01 lhe microalgae biomass obtained in PBRs, and lhe stability 01 ijs composition. No signilicant differences were observed in comparison with group led algae Irom traditional bags except lor total eggs which were higher in ~ algae lrom PBRs. Nutritional composition differences among group are also discussed

    Wreckfish (Polyprion americanus). New Knowledge about reproduction, larval husbandry and nutrition. Promise a new species for aquaculture

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    Four different wreckfish (Polyprion americanus) broodstock batches were maintained in research facilities under different photo and thermo-period conditions, one in Greece, the Helenic Center for Marine Research (HCMR, n = 3) and three in Spain: Instituto Español de Oceanografía (IEO, n = 13) in Vigo, Aquarium Finisterrae (MC2, n = 21) in A Coruña and Consellería do Mar (CMRM, n = 11). The CMRM includes two centers that work together: Instituto Galego de Formación en Acuicultura (IGAFA) and Centro de Investigacións Mariñas (CIMA), both in Pontevedra. During the five years of the project DIVERSIFY (Exploring the biological and socio-economic potential of new-emerging candidate fish species for the expansion of the European aquaculture industry, 2013–2018) works focused on the reproductive biology of the species, broodstock, and larvae nutrition and development of incubation and larval rearing protocols have been carried out. In terms of reproduction, catch methods of new wild animals, the reproductive cycle, sperm characteristics evaluation, and spontaneous and induced spawning methods have been described for wreckfish. Regarding nutrition, the positive effect of two types of enrichment on the fatty acid profiles of Artemia and rotifer has been verified. The relationship between the fatty acid profile of the diets supplied to the broodstock and the fatty acid profile obtained in the oocytes and eggs of the females fed with different diets, has also been demonstrated. Finally, early larval ontogeny has been described and incubation and larval rearing protocols have been proposed based on the results obtained in the different experiments of temperature, growth, survival, and larval feeding that were carried out.Versión del edito