566 research outputs found
Light curves for bump Cepheids computed with a dynamically zoned pulsation code
The dynamically zoned pulsation code developed by Castor, Davis, and Davison was used to recalculate the Goddard model and to calculate three other Cepheid models with the same period (9.8 days). This family of models shows how the bumps and other features of the light and velocity curves change as the mass is varied at constant period. The use of a code that is capable of producing reliable light curves demonstrates that the light and velocity curves for 9.8 day Cepheid models with standard homogeneous compositions do not show bumps like those that are observed unless the mass is significantly lower than the 'evolutionary mass.' The light and velocity curves for the Goddard model presented here are similar to those computed independently by Fischel, Sparks, and Karp. They should be useful as standards for future investigators
Spectral variability in early-type binary X-ray systems
Theoretical models for the ionization of trace elements in a strong stellar wind by a compact binary X-ray source and for the resulting orbital phase dependence of the emergent soft X-ray spectra and the profiles of ultraviolet resonance lines are presented. Model results agree qualitatively with the X-ray and ultraviolet spectra of the system 4U 0900-40/HD 77581 and explain the suppression of the absorption profiles of the Si IV upsilon 1394 and C IV upsilon 1548 lines when the X-ray sources is in front of the star. The model predicts that the absorption profiles of the N V upsilon 1239 and O VI upsilon 1032 lines will be enhanced rather than suppressed during this orbital phase. We predict phase-dependent linear polarization in the resonance lines profiles. Future observations of these phase dependent effects in early-type binary X-ray systems may be used to investigate the dynamics of stellar winds and their interactions with the X-ray source
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Verification (mostly) for High Energy Density Radiation Transport: 5 Case Studies
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Astrophysical Radiation Hydrodynamics: The Prospects for Scaling
The general principles of scaling are discussed, followed by a survey of the important dimensionless parameters of fluid dynamics including radiation and magnetic fields, and of non-LTE spectroscopy. The values of the parameters are reviewed for a variety of astronomical and laboratory environments. It is found that parameters involving transport coefficients--the fluid and magnetic Reynolds numbers--have enormous values for the astronomical problems that are not reached in the lab. The parameters that measure the importance of radiation are also scarcely reached in the lab. This also means that the lab environments are much closer to LTE than the majority of astronomical examples. Some of the astronomical environments are more magnetically dominated than anything in the lab. The conclusion is that a good astronomical environment for simulation in a given lab experiment can be found, but that the reverse is much more difficult
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Radiation Hydrodynamics
The discipline of radiation hydrodynamics is the branch of hydrodynamics in which the moving fluid absorbs and emits electromagnetic radiation, and in so doing modifies its dynamical behavior. That is, the net gain or loss of energy by parcels of the fluid material through absorption or emission of radiation are sufficient to change the pressure of the material, and therefore change its motion; alternatively, the net momentum exchange between radiation and matter may alter the motion of the matter directly. Ignoring the radiation contributions to energy and momentum will give a wrong prediction of the hydrodynamic motion when the correct description is radiation hydrodynamics. Of course, there are circumstances when a large quantity of radiation is present, yet can be ignored without causing the model to be in error. This happens when radiation from an exterior source streams through the problem, but the latter is so transparent that the energy and momentum coupling is negligible. Everything we say about radiation hydrodynamics applies equally well to neutrinos and photons (apart from the Einstein relations, specific to bosons), but in almost every area of astrophysics neutrino hydrodynamics is ignored, simply because the systems are exceedingly transparent to neutrinos, even though the energy flux in neutrinos may be substantial. Another place where we can do ''radiation hydrodynamics'' without using any sophisticated theory is deep within stars or other bodies, where the material is so opaque to the radiation that the mean free path of photons is entirely negligible compared with the size of the system, the distance over which any fluid quantity varies, and so on. In this case we can suppose that the radiation is in equilibrium with the matter locally, and its energy, pressure and momentum can be lumped in with those of the rest of the fluid. That is, it is no more necessary to distinguish photons from atoms, nuclei and electrons, than it is to distinguish hydrogen atoms from helium atoms, for instance. There are all just components of a mixed fluid in this case. So why do we have a special subject called ''radiation hydrodynamics'', when photons are just one of the many kinds of particles that comprise our fluid? The reason is that photons couple rather weakly to the atoms, ions and electrons, much more weakly than those particles couple with each other. Nor is the matter-radiation coupling negligible in many problems, since the star or nebula may be millions of mean free paths in extent. Radiation hydrodynamics exists as a discipline to treat those problems for which the energy and momentum coupling terms between matter and radiation are important, and for which, since the photon mean free path is neither extremely large nor extremely small compared with the size of the system, the radiation field is not very easy to calculate. In the theoretical development of this subject, many of the relations are presented in a form that is described as approximate, and perhaps accurate only to order of {nu}/c. This makes the discussion cumbersome. Why are we required to do this? It is because we are using Newtonian mechanics to treat our fluid, yet its photon component is intrinsically relativistic; the particles travel at the speed of light. There is a perfectly consistent relativistic kinetic theory, and a corresponding relativistic theory of fluid mechanics, which is perfectly suited to describing the photon gas. But it is cumbersome to use this for the fluid in general, and we prefer to avoid it for cases in which the flow velocity satisfies {nu} << c. The price we pay is to spend extra effort making sure that the source-sink terms relating to our relativistic gas component are included in the equations of motion in a form that preserves overall conservation of energy and momentum, something that would be automatic if the relativistic equations were used throughout
Aspherical Explosion Models for SN 1998bw/GRB 980425
The recent discovery of the unusual supernova SN1998bw and its apparent
correlation with the gamma-ray burst GRB 980425 has raised new issues
concerning both the GRB and supernovae. Although the spectra resemble those of
TypeIc supernovae, there are distinct differences at early times and SN1998bw
appeared to be unusually bright and red at maximum light. The apparent
expansion velocities inferred by the Doppler shift of (unidentified) absorption
features appeared to be high, making SN1998bw a possible candidate for a
"hypernova" with explosion energies between 20 and 50E51 erg and ejecta masses
in excess of 6 - 15 M_o. Based on light curve calculations for aspherical
explosions and guided by the polarization observations of "normal" SNIc and
related events, we present an alternative picture that allows SN1998bw to have
an explosion energy and ejecta mass consistent with core collapse supernovae
(although at the 'bright' end). We show that the LC of SN1998bw can be
understood as result of an aspherical explosion along the rotational axis of a
basically spherical, non-degenerate C/O core of massive star with an explosion
energy of 2foe and a total ejecta mass of 2 M_o if it is seen from high
inclinations with respect to the plane of symmetry. In this model, the high
expansion velocities are a direct consequence of an aspherical explosion which,
in turn, produces oblate iso-density contours. It suggests that the fundamental
core-collapse explosion process itself is strongly asymmetric.Comment: 12 pages, 8 figures, latex, aas2pp4.sty, submitted to Ap
The Hanle Effect as a Diagnostic of Magnetic Fields in Stellar Envelopes IV. Application to Polarized P Cygni Wind Lines
The Hanle effect has been proposed as a new diagnostic of circumstellar
magnetic fields for early-type stars, for which it is sensitive to field
strengths in the 1-300 G range. In this paper we compute the polarized P-Cygni
line profiles that result from the Hanle effect. For modeling the polarization,
we employ a variant of the ``last scattering approximation''. For cases in
which the Sobolev optical depths are greater than unity, the emergent line
intensity is assumed to be unpolarized; while for smaller optical depths, the
Stokes source functions for the Hanle effect with optically thin line
scattering are used. For a typical P Cygni line, the polarized emission forms
in the outer wind, because the Sobolev optical depth is large at the inner
wind. For low surface field strengths, weak P Cygni lines are needed to measure
the circumstellar field. For high values of the surface fields, both the Zeeman
and Hanle diagnostics can be used, with the Zeeman effect probing the
photospheric magnetic fields, and the Hanle effect measuring the magnetic field
in the wind flow. Polarized line profiles are calculated for a self-consistent
structure of the flow and the magnetic geometry based on the WCFields model,
which is applicable to slowly rotating stellar winds with magnetic fields drawn
out by the gas flow. For surface fields of a few hundred Gauss, we find that
the Hanle effect can produce line polarizations in the range of a few tenths of
a percent up to about 2 percent.Comment: accepted to the Astrophysical Journa
Three-Dimensional Simulations of Inflows Irradiated by a Precessing Accretion Disk in Active Galactic Nuclei: Formation of Outflows
We present three-dimensional (3-D) hydrodynamical simulations of gas flows in
the vicinity of an active galactic nucleus (AGN) powered by a precessing
accretion disk. We consider the effects of the radiation force from such a disk
on its environment on a relatively large scale (up to ~10 pc. We implicitly
include the precessing disk by forcing the disk radiation field to precess
around a symmetry axis with a given period () and a tilt angle ().
We study time evolution of the flows irradiated by the disk, and investigate
basic dependencies of the flow morphology, mass flux, angular momentum on
different combinations of and . We find the gas flow settles into a
configuration with two components, (1) an equatorial inflow and (2) a bipolar
inflow/outflow with the outflow leaving the system along the poles (the
directions of disk normals). However, the flow does not always reach a steady
state. We find that the maximum outflow velocity and the kinetic outflow power
at the outer boundary can be reduced significantly with increasing . We
also find that of the mass inflow rate across the inner boundary does not
change significantly with increasing . (Abbreviated)Comment: Accepted for publication in ApJ. 15 pages, 7 figures. A version with
full resolution figures can be downloaded from
HST Measurements of the Expansion of NGC 6543: Parallax Distance and Nebular Evolution
The optical expansion parallax of NGC 6543 has been detected and measured
using two epochs of HST images separated by a time baseline of only three
years. We have utilized three separate methods of deriving the angular
expansion of bright fiducials, the results of which are in excellent agreement.
We combine our angular expansion estimates with spectroscopically obtained
expansion velocities to derive a distance to NGC 6543 of 1001269 pc. The
deduced kinematic age of the inner bright core of the nebula is 1039259
years; however, the kinematic age of the polar caps that surround the core is
larger - perhaps the result of deceleration or earlier mass ejection. The
morphology and expansion patterns of NGC 6543 provide insight into a complex
history of axisymmetric, interacting stellar mass ejections.Comment: Accepted for publication in AJ. 18 pages. 6 figure
Dynamics of Line-Driven Winds from Disks in Cataclysmic Variables. I. Solution Topology and Wind Geometry
We analyze the dynamics of 2-D stationary, line-driven winds from accretion
disks in cataclysmic variable stars. The driving force is that of line
radiation pressure, in the formalism developed by Castor, Abbott & Klein for O
stars. Our main assumption is that wind helical streamlines lie on straight
cones. We find that the Euler equation for the disk wind has two eigenvalues,
the mass loss rate and the flow tilt angle with the disk. Both are calculated
self-consistently. The wind is characterized by two distinct regions, an outer
wind launched beyond four white dwarf radii from the rotation axis, and an
inner wind launched within this radius. The inner wind is very steep, up to 80
degrees with the disk plane, while the outer wind has a typical tilt of 60
degrees. In both cases the ray dispersion is small. We, therefore, confirm the
bi-conical geometry of disk winds as suggested by observations and kinematical
modeling. The wind collimation angle appears to be robust and depends only on
the disk temperature stratification. The flow critical points lie high above
the disk for the inner wind, but close to the disk photosphere for the outer
wind. Comparison with existing kinematical and dynamical models is provided.
Mass loss rates from the disk as well as wind velocity laws are discussed in a
subsequent paper.Comment: 21 pages, 10 Postscript figures; available also from
http://www.pa.uky.edu/~shlosman/publ.html. Astrophysical Journal, submitte
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