4 research outputs found

    Rosiglitazone and Fenofibrate Additive Effects on Lipids

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    Background. To evaluate the effect of rosiglitazone, fenofibrate, or their combined use on plasma lipids in normoglycemic healthy adults. Methods and Results. Subjects were randomized in a double-blind fashion to rosiglitazone + placebo, fenofibrate + placebo, rosiglitazone + fenofibrate, or matching double placebo. The between-group difference in the change in fasting TG, high-density lipoprotein cholesterol (HDL-C), LDL-C, and plasma apolipoproteins A-I, A-II, and C-III level were compared after 12 weeks of treatment. A total of 548 subjects were screened and 41 met the inclusion criteria. After 12 weeks of therapy, the median change in the triglyceride levels showed a significant reduction ranging from 47 to 55 mg per deciliter in the fenofibrate only and rosiglitazone/fenofibrate groups compared with placebo (P = 0.0496). However, the rosiglitazone only group did not show significant change in triglyceride level. The change in the Apo AII showed increase in all the treatment groups compared with placebo (P = 0.009). There was also significant change in the Apo CIII that showed reduction of its level in the fenofibrate only and rosiglitazone/fenofibrate groups (P = 0.0003). Conclusion. Rosiglitazone does not appear to modulate hypertriglyceridemia in patients with elevated triglycerides independent of glucose metabolism

    The Effects of Extended Release Niacin in Combination with Omega 3 Fatty Acid Supplements in the Treatment of Elevated Lipoprotein (a)

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    Objective. To assess the effectiveness of niacin/fish oil combination therapy in reducing Lipoprotein (a) [Lp(a)] levels after twelve weeks of therapy. Background. Lipoprotein (a) accumulates in atherosclerotic lesions and promotes smooth muscle cell growth and is both atherogenic and thrombogenic. A clinical trials of combination therapy for the reduction of Lp(a) has not been previously reported. Methods. The study was an observational study following subjects with an elevated Lp(a) (>70 nmol/L) to assess impact of 12 weeks of combination Omega 3FA, niacin, and the Mediterranean diet on Lp(a). Results. Twenty three patients were enrolled with 7 patients lost to follow up and 2 patients stopped due to adverse events. The average Lp(a) reduction in the remaining 14 subjects after 12 weeks of combination therapy was 23%± 17% [=.003] with a significant association of the reduction of Lp(a) with increasing baseline levels of Lp(a) [R2=0.633, =.001]. Conclusions. There was a significant reduction in Lp(a) levels with combination therapy. A more pronounced effect was noted in patients with higher baseline levels of Lp(a)