4 research outputs found
Prospective high school mathematics teachers’ assessment of the epistemic suitability of a proportionality textbook lesson
Background: Every teacher should be able to use curriculum materials to guide instructional design and make reasoned pedagogical decisions about the limitations these resources may have. Objectives: In this paper, we describe and analyse a formative intervention with prospective high school mathematics teachers, aimed at developing their competence of didactic suitability analysis of mathematics textbook lessons. Design: The methodology followed is didactic engineering, furthermore, the content analysis methodology is applied to examine the response protocols of the participants. Setting and Participants: The experience was carried out within the framework of a University Master's Degree in Compulsory Secondary Education and High School; the sample was made of 30 students. Data collection and analysis: We proposed these prospective teachers systematically and critically analyse a lesson on proportionality. The written reports of the lesson suitability produced by 14 work-teams are compared with the a priori analysis carried out by the researchers. Results: The results suggest that the prospective teachers usually make more descriptive and less analytical analyses even while using a guide. The participants did not clearly identify the epistemic deficiencies of the lesson, thus revealing their limited didactic-mathematical knowledge on proportionality and their lack of critical evaluation of the textbook. However, based on the analysis previously conducted, prospective teachers managed to be quite accurate in preparing their proposals for the use of the textbook lesson. Conclusions: In this article we show the interest and usefulness of providing future teachers with a tool to systematically analyse a specific textbook lesson. However, in order for future teachers to acquire the necessary skills in critical analysis of the lesson, it is necessary to reinforce their didactic-mathematical knowledge related to proportionality
Impacts of diffuse urban stressors on stream benthic communities and ecosystem functioning : a review
Abstract: Catchment urbanisation results in urban streams being exposed to a multitude of stressors. Notably, stressors originating from diffuse sources have received less attention than stressors originating from point sources. Here, advances related to diffuse urban stressors and their consequences for stream benthic communities are summarised by reviewing 92 articles. Based on the search criteria, the number of articles dealing with diffuse urban stressors in streams has been increasing, and most of them focused on North America, Europe, and China. Land use was the most common measure used to characterize diffuse stressor sources in urban streams (70.7 % of the articles characterised land use), and chemical stressors (inorganic nutrients, xenobiotics, metals, and water properties, including pH and conductivity) were more frequently reported than physical or biological stressors. A total of 53.3 % of the articles addressed the impact of urban stressors on macroinvertebrates, while 35.9 % focused on bacteria, 9.8 % on fungi, and 8.7 % on algae. Regarding ecosystem functions, almost half of the articles (43.5 %) addressed changes in community dynamics, 40.3 % addressed organic matter decomposition, and 33.9 % addressed nutrient cycling. When comparing urban and non-urban streams, the reviewed studies suggest that urbanisation negatively impacts the diversity of benthic organisms, leading to shifts in community composition. These changes imply functional degradation of streams. The results of the present review summarise the knowledge gained to date and identify its main gaps to help improve our understanding of urban streams
Seminario de Investigación Académica II (Ing) - IN397 - 202100
Seminario de Investigación Académica II es un curso de especialidad en la carrera de Ingeniería Industrial, el
objetivo es desarrollar el proyecto de tesis enfocado en resolver problemas del contexto de la realidad del sector.
El curso se desarrolla en cinco unidades de aprendizaje, con sesiones teóricas que van desde las etapas básicas
del proceso de investigación científica, la propuesta inicial del tema de investigación, la identificación y
diagnóstico del problema, la construcción del estado del arte que sustenta el informe final con el tema de tesis.
El proceso es sistemático, continuo, enriquecedor en función a las variantes que se presentan durante el tiempo
de búsqueda, selección y análisis de la información que sustenta el tema de tesis, en este proceso, es permanente
el acompañamiento basado en recomendaciones, técnicas y estrategias por parte del equipo de docentes
conformado por el asesor metodológico y el asesor temático.
El propósito de este curso es que el estudiante inicie el plan de tesis en el que se evidencia la aplicación práctica
de su carrera, mediante la gestión de información académica, relevante para su tesis y, a partir de ella, plantear
un problema de investigación susceptible a una posible solución.
En el curso se contribuye al desarrollo de las competencias generales: comunicación oral, comunicación escrita
y manejo de información todas a nivel 2. Por otro lado, también se busca el desarrollo de las competencias
específicas de ABET (7): Capacidad de adquirir y aplicar nuevos conocimientos según sea necesario, utilizando
estrategias de aprendizaje apropiadas, a nivel 2. Tiene como requisito el nivel 5 de inglés y haber alcanzado los
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