4 research outputs found

    Efeito do tamanho e sexo dos suínos no início da fase de terminação sobre os indicadores produtivos no final da engorda

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    The effect of segregation by sex and size at the start of the growing-finishing stage on traits at the end of the fattening and at slaughter was studied in commercial pigs, 121 Danbreed×Pietrain pigs were used, entire males and females. They were divided in good and bad males, and good and bad female groups (G). They were housed in 9 m2 pens. The pigs received clean, fresh water, and ad libitum food and water. The initial weight varied from 12.4±2.0 to 25.3±2.3 kg. The target weight was 115 kg. Fattening was divided into growth (0-60 d) and finishing phases (60-120 d). The response variables were initial (P1), intermediate (P2), and final weight (P3); total feed intake (CMD); daily weight gain between P1 and P2 (GDP1y2), P2 and P3 (GDP2y3), and P1 and P3 (GDP1y3); and feed conversion ratio (CA). The pigs that reached the target weight in 114 d were termed "first quality", the "second quality" in 122 d, the "underachievers" did not reach this weight in 122 d. The GLM procedure of SAS and statistical analysis with learning machines in R were used to analyze the of productive variables and to determine the factors affecting the quality of the pigs at the end of fattening. The females exceeded (P≤0.0263) the males by 2.72 kg and 0.05 kg d-1 for P2 and GDP1y2. The sex*G interaction affected (P≤0.0181) P3, GDP1y3, and GDP2y3. Sex of pig and G were not the most important factors to classify quality at the end of fattening. Regrouping pigs by sex and size at the beginning of the growth-finishing phase affected significantly the productive performance and indirectly influences quality at the end of fattening.El objetivo fue estudiar el efecto de la segregación por sexo y tamaño al iniciar el crecimiento-finalización en características al finalizar la etapa y al sacrificio en cerdos comerciales. Se utilizaron 121 cerdos Danbreed×Pietrain; hembras y machos enteros, clasificados por sexo y crecimiento en: machos buenos y malos y hembras buenas y malas. Los cerdos se alojaron en corrales de 9 m2. El agua y alimento fueron limpios, frescos y ad libitum. El peso inicial por grupo varió de 12.4±2.0 a 25.3±2.3 kg. El peso objetivo fue 115 kg. La engorda se dividió en crecimiento (0-60 d) y finalización (60-120 d). El peso vivo inicial (P1), intermedio (P2) y final (P3); consumo total de alimento (CMD); ganancia diaria de peso entre P1 y P2 (GDP1y2), P2 y P3 (GDP2y3), P1 y P3 (GDP1y3); y conversión alimenticia (CA) fueron las variables de respuesta. Los cerdos que llegaron al peso objetivo en 114 d se denominaron “primera calidad”, los de “segunda calidad” en 122 d, los “saldos” no lo alcanzaron en 122 d. El procedimiento GLM de SAS y análisis estadístico con máquinas de aprendizaje en R se utilizaron para determinar las variables productivas y los factores que influyen la calidad de los cerdos al finalizar la engorda. Las hembras superaron (P≤0.0263) a los machos por 2.72 kg y 0.05 kg día-1 para P2 y GDP1y2. La interacción macho*malo fue significativa (P≤0.0181) para P3, GDP1y3 y GDP2y3. El sexo y grupo de crecimiento no fueron factores importantes para determinar la calidad al finalizar la engorda. Reagrupar los cerdos por sexo y tamaño al iniciar la fase crecimiento-finalización afecta significativamente el comportamiento productivo e influye indirectamente la calidad al finalizar la engorda.O efeito da segregação por sexo e tamanho no início da fase de crescimento-terminação nas características no final da engorda e no abate foi estudado em suínos comerciais, foram utilizados 121 suínos Danbreed×Pietrain, todos machos e fêmeas. Eles foram divididos em grupos de machos bons e maus e grupos de fêmeas boas e más (G). Eles foram alojados em baias de 9 m2. Os suínos receberam água limpa e fresca e comida e água ad libitum. O peso inicial variou de 12,4±2,0 a 25,3±2,3 kg. O peso-alvo era de 115 kg. A engorda foi dividida em fases de crescimento (0-60 d) e terminação (60-120 d). As variáveis de resposta foram peso inicial (P1), intermediário (P2) e final (P3); consumo total de ração (CMD); ganho de peso diário entre P1 e P2 (GDP1y2), P2 e P3 (GDP2y3) e P1 e P3 (GDP1y3); e razão de conversão alimentar (CA). Os suínos que atingiram o peso alvo em 114 d foram denominados de "primeira qualidade", os de "segunda qualidade" em 122 d, os "underachievers" não atingiram esse peso em 122 d. O procedimento GLM de SAS e análise estatística com máquinas de aprendizagem em R foram utilizados para analisar as variáveis produtivas e determinar os fatores que afetam a qualidade dos suínos no final da engorda. As fêmeas excederam (P≤0,0263) os machos em 2,72 kg e 0,05 kg d-1 para P2 e GDP1y2. A interação sexo*G afetou (P≤0,0181) P3, GDP1y3 e GDP2y3. O sexo do porco e o G não foram os fatores mais importantes para classificar a qualidade no final da engorda. O reagrupamento dos suínos por sexo e tamanho no início da fase de terminação afeta significativamente o desempenho produtivo e influencia indiretamente a qualidade no final da engorda

    Jardins per a la salut

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    Facultat de Farmàcia, Universitat de Barcelona. Ensenyament: Grau de Farmàcia. Assignatura: Botànica farmacèutica. Curs: 2014-2015. Coordinadors: Joan Simon, Cèsar Blanché i Maria Bosch.Els materials que aquí es presenten són el recull de les fitxes botàniques de 128 espècies presents en el Jardí Ferran Soldevila de l’Edifici Històric de la UB. Els treballs han estat realitzats manera individual per part dels estudiants dels grups M-3 i T-1 de l’assignatura Botànica Farmacèutica durant els mesos de febrer a maig del curs 2014-15 com a resultat final del Projecte d’Innovació Docent «Jardins per a la salut: aprenentatge servei a Botànica farmacèutica» (codi 2014PID-UB/054). Tots els treballs s’han dut a terme a través de la plataforma de GoogleDocs i han estat tutoritzats pels professors de l’assignatura. L’objectiu principal de l’activitat ha estat fomentar l’aprenentatge autònom i col·laboratiu en Botànica farmacèutica. També s’ha pretès motivar els estudiants a través del retorn de part del seu esforç a la societat a través d’una experiència d’Aprenentatge-Servei, deixant disponible finalment el treball dels estudiants per a poder ser consultable a través d’una Web pública amb la possibilitat de poder-ho fer in-situ en el propi jardí mitjançant codis QR amb un smartphone

    Differences in children's exposure to television advertising of unhealthy foods and beverages in Spain by socio-economic level

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    Background: The influence of food advertising on food preferences and consumption could also contribute to the socio-economic inequalities among Spanish children in terms of eating habits and childhood obesity. Although the main food advertising channel targeted at children in Spain is television, available studies estimate exposure indirectly by combining content data with audience data. The aim of this study was therefore to describe the frequency of exposure to television advertising of unhealthy foods and drinks, measured directly, among Spanish children and adolescents, and analyse its socio-economic inequalities. Methods: Observational study of television advertising impacts in a sample of 1590 children aged 4 to 16 years drawn from a consumer panel representative of the Spanish population in this age group, over the course of a full week of broadcasting in February 2022. The sample was obtained through stratified random sampling by Autonomous Region, with quotas being set by reference to socio-demographic variables. Exposure was measured with an audiometer, and the nutrient content of the food and drink advertised was analysed using the nutrient profile of the WHO Regional Office for Europe. We used the Chi-squared test to analyse possible differences in advertising coverage by socio-economic level. Results: The participants saw a weekly mean of 82.4 food and drink commercials, 67.4 of which were for unhealthy products (81.8%), mostly outside the child-protection time slot. On average, low-social class participants received 94.4% more impacts from unhealthy food and drink advertising than did high-class participants (99.9 vs. 51.4 respectively). The mean advertising coverage of unhealthy foods and drinks was 71.6% higher in low-class than in high-class participants (10.9% vs. 18.7%; p = 0.01). Conclusion: Spanish children and adolescents received an average of 10 impacts per day from television spots for unhealthy foods and drinks. The exposure of low-class children is double that of high-class children, a finding compatible with the high prevalence of childhood obesity in Spain and the related socio-economic inequalities. To protect Spanish minors from the harmful effects of food advertising and reduce the related social health inequalities would require the implementation of a 24:00 watershed for unhealthy food advertising on television.This study was funded by the Spanish Health Research Fund, Carlos III Institute of Health (Project ENPY 337/22).S

    Global attitudes in the management of acute appendicitis during COVID-19 pandemic: ACIE Appy Study

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    Background: Surgical strategies are being adapted to face the COVID-19 pandemic. Recommendations on the management of acute appendicitis have been based on expert opinion, but very little evidence is available. This study addressed that dearth with a snapshot of worldwide approaches to appendicitis. Methods: The Association of Italian Surgeons in Europe designed an online survey to assess the current attitude of surgeons globally regarding the management of patients with acute appendicitis during the pandemic. Questions were divided into baseline information, hospital organization and screening, personal protective equipment, management and surgical approach, and patient presentation before versus during the pandemic. Results: Of 744 answers, 709 (from 66 countries) were complete and were included in the analysis. Most hospitals were treating both patients with and those without COVID. There was variation in screening indications and modality used, with chest X-ray plus molecular testing (PCR) being the commonest (19\ub78 per cent). Conservative management of complicated and uncomplicated appendicitis was used by 6\ub76 and 2\ub74 per cent respectively before, but 23\ub77 and 5\ub73 per cent, during the pandemic (both P < 0\ub7001). One-third changed their approach from laparoscopic to open surgery owing to the popular (but evidence-lacking) advice from expert groups during the initial phase of the pandemic. No agreement on how to filter surgical smoke plume during laparoscopy was identified. There was an overall reduction in the number of patients admitted with appendicitis and one-third felt that patients who did present had more severe appendicitis than they usually observe. Conclusion: Conservative management of mild appendicitis has been possible during the pandemic. The fact that some surgeons switched to open appendicectomy may reflect the poor guidelines that emanated in the early phase of SARS-CoV-2