9 research outputs found

    Effectiveness Of 2% And 4% Papain Gels In The Healing Of Venous Ulcers

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    OBJECTIVE To analyze the effectiveness of 2% and 4% papain gels in tissue repair of venous ulcers. METHOD Quasi-experimental study with consecutive sample of 16 patients with 30 venous ulcers treated at the outpatient clinic of a teaching hospital, from April to November in 2011, using a form for clinical assessment of the patient and its lesion. Variables were analyzed by Wilcoxon and McNemar test (p < 0.05). RESULTS Most participants were female; aged between 51 and 59 years; obese; with hypertension. Regarding ulcers, there was an average decrease of 7.9 cm2 (50% of its original size) in 90 days; 20% of the ulcers completely healed within 56.67 days. There was an increase in epithelialization, significant reduction in the slough and edema, improved depth, in the type and amount of exudate (p < 0.0001). CONCLUSION 2% and 4% papain gels were effective in healing venous ulcers

    Infecção pelo HIV durante a gestação: estudo-Sentinela Parturiente, Brasil, 2002 HIV infection during pregnancy: the Sentinel Surveillance Project, Brazil, 2002

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    OBJETIVO: Avaliar a cobertura efetiva da detecção da infecção pelo HIV durante a gestação, em âmbito nacional. MÉTODOS: A cobertura efetiva do teste de HIV na gestação foi definida como a proporção de gestantes que teve atendimento pré-natal (pelo menos uma consulta), pedido de teste de HIV e conhecimento do resultado antes do parto, sendo estimada por processo de amostragem, utilizando-se as informações coletadas no Estudo-Sentinela Parturiente, 2002. As desigualdades da cobertura efetiva foram analisadas por: grande região; tamanho populacional do município de ocorrência do parto; e grau de instrução da mãe. RESULTADOS: A cobertura efetiva do teste de HIV durante a gestação foi estimada em 52%. As enormes desigualdades socioespaciais ficaram evidenciadas na comparação entre as regiões Nordeste (24%) e Sul (72%); entre parturientes analfabetas (19%) com as que têm o ensino fundamental completo (64%); entre as que realizaram o parto em municípios pequenos (36%) com as que o realizaram em municípios com mais de 500 mil habitantes (66%). As recomendações do Ministério da Saúde foram atendidas, completamente, por somente 27% parturientes. CONCLUSÕES: Os resultados estabelecem a necessidade de haver medidas voltadas para maior cobertura da detecção do HIV na gestação, e indicam que os programas do Programa Nacional de DST e Aids e os programas de saúde da mulher devem ser intensificados, com estratégias conjuntas entre eles.<br>OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the actual coverage of HIV infection detection during pregnancy at national level. METHODS: The actual coverage of HIV testing during pregnancy was defined as the proportion of women who attended prenatal care visits (at least one visit), ordering HIV testing and knowledge of test result before delivery. The coverage was estimated by sampling procedures based on the 2002 Sentinel Surveillance Study data. Actual coverage Inequalities were assessed by: country regions; population size of the municipality where delivery took place; and mother's schooling. RESULTS: The actual coverage of HIV testing during pregnancy was 52%. Huge sociogeographic inequalities are seen between the Northeastern (24%) and Southern regions (72%); illiterate mothers (19%) and those with complete basic education (64%); mothers who delivered in small municipalities (36%) and those who delivered in municipalities with more than 500,000 inhabitants (66%). Ministry of Health recommendations were fully followed by only 27% pregnant women. CONCLUSIONS: The study results show a need for actions aiming at increasing HIV detection coverage during pregnancy, and indicate that HIV/STD programs should be intensified with joint strategies between the National AIDS Program and infant-maternal programs