3,258 research outputs found

    The Age-Productivity Gradient: Evidence from a Sample of F1 Drivers

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    Aging is a global phenomenon. If older individuals are less productive, an aging working population can lower aggregate productivity, economic growth and fiscal sustainability. Therefore, understanding the age-productivity gradient is key in a aging society. However, estimating the effect of aging on productivity is a daunting task. First, it requires clean measures of productivity. Wages are not such measures to the extent that they reward other workers attributes than their productivity. Second, unobserved heterogeneity at workers, firms and workers/firms level challenges the identification of the age-productivity gradient in cross-sectional data. Longitudinal data attenuate some identification issues, but give rise to the problem of partialling out the effect of aging from the pure effect of time. Third, the study of the age-productivity link requires investigating the role of experience and of seniority. We tackle these issues by focussing on a sample of Gran Prix Formula One drivers and show that the age-productivity link has an inverted U-shape profile, with a peak at around the age of 30-32.Aging, individual effects, firm effects, match effects, Formula One

    A context based model for sentiment analysis in twitter for the italian language

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    Studi recenti per la Sentiment Analysis in Twitter hanno tentato di creare modelli per caratterizzare la polarit´a di un tweet osservando ciascun messaggio in isolamento. In realt`a, i tweet fanno parte di conversazioni, la cui natura pu`o essere sfruttata per migliorare la qualit`a dell’analisi da parte di sistemi automatici. In (Vanzo et al., 2014) `e stato proposto un modello basato sulla classificazione di sequenze per la caratterizzazione della polarit` a dei tweet, che sfrutta il contesto in cui il messaggio `e immerso. In questo lavoro, si vuole verificare l’applicabilit`a di tale metodologia anche per la lingua Italiana.Recent works on Sentiment Analysis over Twitter leverage the idea that the sentiment depends on a single incoming tweet. However, tweets are plunged into streams of posts, thus making available a wider context. The contribution of this information has been recently investigated for the English language by modeling the polarity detection as a sequential classification task over streams of tweets (Vanzo et al., 2014). Here, we want to verify the applicability of this method even for a morphological richer language, i.e. Italian

    Dalla gabbia tipografica allo spazio dello scrivere. Il “corpus elettrico” di Emily Dickinson

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    La poetessa americana Emily Dickinson costituisce un caso particolarmente interessante anche per gli studi di Information Science e Digital Humanities. L'intero suo corpus poetico è stato infatti pubblicato postumo e sottoposto a pesanti revisioni che hanno finito per stravolgere il senso stesso di una scrittura estremamente personale e rivoluzionaria. Il nuovo "spazio dello scrivere", il Web, potrà invece offrire finalmente al lettore una edizione critica completa e aderente all'originale. Risorse di rete dedicate a Dickinson sono già disponibili, ma ancora molto resta da fare. Studiosi di letteratura e di Information Science potranno condividere competenze e approcci critici per cercare di "liberare" Emily Dickinson

    Bye, Bye, Jimmy Jones

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    Image analysis as a basis to the design of wheelchair rugby sportswear

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    Sportswear clothing plays a very important part in athletes’ performance. Inappropriate fit puts at risk not only the outcome of the sports event but also the safety of athletes. Wheelchair rugby is a good example of athletes wearing sportswear that is inappropriately fitted. The purpose of this study is to analyse, by means of videos and photographs, the patterns of activity and movements performed by the athletes during a set of wheelchair rugby training sessions. This analysis serves not only to inform on the movements and body postures but also on the problems and difficulties caused by the items of sportswear worn by the athletes. From the analysis it was observed that gloves are causing the most problems with performance, whilst tops and bottoms have more impact on comfort

    Alien Registration- Castellucci, Mary (Portland, Cumberland County)

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    A literature review of the anthropometric studies of school students for ergonomics purposes: are accuracy, precision and reliability being considered?

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    BACKGROUND: Despite offering many benefits, direct manual anthropometric measurement method can be problematic due to their vulnerability to measurement errors. OBJECTIVE: The purpose of this literature review was to determine, whether or not the currently published anthropometric studies of school children, related to ergonomics, mentioned or evaluated the variables precision, reliability and/or accuracy in the direct manual measurement method. METHODS: Two bibliographic databases, and the bibliographic references of all the selected papers were used for finding relevant published papers in the fields considered in this study. RESULTS: Forty-six (46) studies met the criteria previously defined for this literature review. However, only ten (10) studies mentioned at least one of the analyzed variables, and none has evaluated all of them. Only reliability was assessed by three papers. Moreover, in what regards the factors that affect precision, reliability and accuracy, the reviewed papers presented large differences. This was particularly clear in the instruments used for the measurements, which were not consistent throughout the studies. Additionally, it was also clear that there was a lack of information regarding the evaluators’ training and procedures for anthropometric data collection, which are assumed to be the most important issues that affect precision, reliability and accuracy. CONCLUSIONS: Based on the results it was possible to conclude that the considered anthropometric studies had not focused their attention to the analysis of precision, reliability and accuracy of the manual measurement methods. Hence, and with the aim of avoiding measurement errors and misleading data, anthropometric studies should put more efforts and care on testing measurement error and defining the procedures used to collect anthropometric data

    Actores políticos y turismo: la visión de los candidatos a intendente sobre el turismo en Mar del Plata en las elecciones de 1983

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    El objetivo de la presente ponencia consiste en analizar la visión que tenían los candidatos a intendente por el Partido de General Pueyrredon respecto del pasado, presente y futuro de Mar del Plata como ciudad turística, teniendo en cuenta al turismo como sustento económico y social dentro del proceso de desarrollo de la localidad. Para ello se realiza un estudio de carácter exploratorio y descriptivo.Fil: Castellucci, Daniela I. Universidad Nacional de Mar del Plata. Facultad de Ciencias Económicas y Sociales; Argentina