36 research outputs found

    Contribuciones para pergeñar la práctica del psicólogo de la educación en Colombia

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    This article presents a general review of educational psychology practice in Colombia, where psychologists are traditionally formed under the conception of punctual interventions on specific aspects of the dynamic of education, but which leaves out other elements of this system. In order to overcome this situation the adoption of a constructivist - systemic perspective is proposed which will enhance the change of model in intervention. This change would allow to go beyond clinical and assistant positions, and at the same time to take a closer step to an educative and constructive model offering tools for the reconceptualization of intervention from three perspectives: preventive, corrective and enriching. To allow understanding of this change process, the intervention proposal developed delimits the psychologists routine and enables the comprehension of the educational system as a whole in which s/he is a constitutive part, and in this way it will be possible to abandon the psychologists redeeming vision that is normally held.En este artículo se presenta una revisión general de la práctica de la psicología de la educación en Colombia, donde tradicionalmente se han formado psicólogos que realizan intervenciones puntuales sobre aspectos específicos de la dinámica educativa, pero que dejan por fuera otros elementos del sistema. Para superar esta situación se propone la adopción de una perspectiva constructivista-sistémica que propicie el cambio de modelo en la intervención; este cambio permitiría el alejamiento de posiciones clínico-asistenciales y, a la vez, el acercamiento a un modelo educativo-constructivo que brinde herramientas para reconceptualizar la intervención desde tres modalidades: preventiva, correctiva y enriquecedora. Para ayudar a comprender este proceso de cambio, se desarrolla una propuesta de intervención que delimita el quehacer del psicólogo y posibilita considerar el sistema educativo como un todo en el que éste es parte constitutiva y, de esta manera, abandonar la visión redentora que se tiene de este profesional

    ¿Está enseñando a sus hijos a escribir? Pues empiece por una buena lectura

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    En un aula de segundo curso de Educación Primaria (7-8 años), antes del confinamiento, los alumnos estaban esforzándose para escribir una noticia a partir de la lectura de artículos de un periódico digital y otro en papel. Las niñas y los niños, sentados en parejas, discutían acerca de qué título poner y qué contenidos querían plasmar en su propio texto mientras consultaban, de vez en cuando, el ejemplo que el docente les había proporcionado

    Writing a synthesis versus reading: strategies involved and impact on comprehension

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    Little evidence is available regarding the differential impact of reading versus reading and writing on multiple source comprehension. The present study aims to: (1) compare the inferential comprehension performance of students in reading vs. reading/synthesis conditions; (2) explore the impact of performing the tasks on paper vs. on screen with Read&Answer (R&A) software; and (3) explore the extent to which rereading, notetaking, and the quality of the written synthesis can explain student's comprehension scores. For the students in the synthesis condition, we also examined the relationship between the quality of the synthesis they produced and the comprehension they achieved. 155 psychology undergraduates were randomly assigned either to the reading (n=78) or to the reading/synthesis condition (n=77). From this sample, 79 participants carried out the task with the Read&Answer software, and 76 solved the task on paper. All the students took a prior knowledge questionnaire, and read three complementary texts about the conception of intelligence. Students in the reading condition answered an inferential comprehension test, whereas students in the synthesis condition were asked to write a synthesis before taking the same test. Results show no differences in comprehension between students in the four conditions (task and media). There was no significant association between rereading and task condition. However, students in the synthesis condition were more likely to take notes. We found that two of the categories for the quality of the synthesis, textual organization and accuracy of content had an impact on inferential comprehension for the participants who wrote it. The quality of the synthesis mediated between student's prior knowledge and inferential comprehension

    Aprender Psicología a través de los textos.

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    This study focused on the tasks set by Psychology lecturers teaching the undergraduate course that involve reading and producing written texts. Via ananalysis of the published curricula for the 28 core and obligatory courses that comprise the degree, we determined the frequency and type of a) reading activities and b) hybrid activities involving reading and writing, and their distribution over the six first semesters. The results indicate a high number of reading tasks and a much lower percentage of hybrid tasks. In turn, the more frequently used hybrid tasks -completing questionnaires, reports on practical sessions- presented far less complexity than tasks used less frequently, such as writing summaries or essays based on more than one source

    Profiles of self-perceived competencies and conceptions of academic writing in university students

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    This study analyses Spanish undergraduates' perceptions of their competency in academic writing, as well as their perception of the criteria that define its quality. We identified student profiles and examined their relationship with (1) certain sample characteristics, such as years of university experience, area of study and students' gender, and (2) variables related to the process of writing, namely the students' perception of the writing process and the importance they attribute to its characteristics. The data obtained came from the European Writing Survey (EUWRIT) which was administered to 1,044 students from nine Spanish universities. Profiles were identified by means of k-means cluster analysis. The relationship between these profiles and the variables studied was examined by means of chi-squared analyses and univariate ANOVAs. Two profiles were identified: students who are confident about their writing skills and who acknowledge the importance of writing in their field of knowledge; and students who are relatively confident about their writing ability and who consider writing to be relatively important in their subject area. ResumenEste estudio analiza la percepcion de estudiantes universitarios espanoles sobre su competencia en escritura academica y sobre el criterio que define la calidad de dicha escritura. Se identificaron los perfiles de estudiantes y se examino su relacion con (1) algunas caracteristicas de la muestra anos de experiencia universitaria, ambito de estudio de los estudiantes y su genero; y (2) variables relacionadas con el proceso de escritura las percepciones que los estudiantes tienen sobre el proceso de escritura y la importancia que atribuyen a las caracteristicas de dicho proceso. Los datos obtenidos proceden de la Encuesta Europea sobre la Escritura Academica (EEEA), que fue administrada a 1,044 estudiantes de nueve universidades espanolas. La relacion entre estos perfiles y las variables estudiadas fue examinada mediante analisis de chi-cuadrado y ANOVAS univariados. Se identificaron dos perfiles distintos: estudiantes que confian en sus habilidades de escritura y que reconocen la importancia de la escritura en su ambito de conocimiento; y los estudiantes que confian relativamente en sus habilidades de escritura y que consideran que la escritura es relativamente importante en su ambito de conocimiento

    Improving Questioning-Answering Strategies in Learning from Multiple Complementary Texts: an Intervention Study

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    Studies have shown that inferential questions encourage a more in-depth understanding of texts and that students need to learn appropriate strategies for answering them, particularly when they deal with multiple texts. In this experimental study, the authors aimed to improve 8th grade students' (13- to 14 years old) ability to answer intra- and intertextual inferential questions when they read one or multiple complementary texts. The intervention was implemented by a group of middle-school history teachers. Teachers in both the intervention and control groups (IG and CG, respectively) taught the same teaching unit using the same reading materials. However, teachers in the IG participated in 12 hours of professional development seminars on analysis of their classroom practice and how to improve their questioning strategies. Post-intervention results revealed that students in the IG were significantly better than those in the CG at answering intra- and intertextual inferential questions. This difference was maintained at follow-up (two months after finishing the intervention). Students in the IG also performed better than those in the CG at a learning test. These results confirm the value of teaching students how to answer complex questions, especially when they refer to more than one text. The findings also support the value of the professional development program that enables teachers to reflect on their practice

    Change in Classroom Dialogicity to Promote Cultural Literacy across Educational Levels

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    In a highly diverse world, cultural literacy is an essential tool for living together in harmony, and dialogic teaching may be a way to promote and develop it among children and adolescents. We define cultural literacy as a set of attitudes (inclusion, tolerance, and empathy) and skills (dialogic argumentation) needed to understand others in our everyday lives. This paper focuses on the effect of a professional development programme to promote dialogue and argumentation to help children and adolescents overcome pre-existing stereotypes and prejudices and foster students' participation in discussions that contrast divergent viewpoints. This was done through debates on social responsibility issues, living together, and belonging as presented in books and short films addressing the following topics: citizenship, the celebration of diversity, democracy, globalisation, human rights, cooperation, sustainable development, and climate change. After the professional development programme was implemented, we video-recorded two of the 15 student-teacher interaction sessions during the project's implementation (session #3 and session #8). We analysed the data using a validated coding scheme across three educational levels (three preschool, four primary school, and four secondary school classrooms). We observed moderate gains in secondary education and preschool, but statistically significant gains in primary education

    Prácticas de redacción académica en las universidades españolas

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    [eng] Introduction. This article aims at describing the use of written genres at university and how they are used to teach and learn. Method. We carried out a descriptive study focusing on teachers' perceptions regarding the importance of academic writing in promoting learning, the degree of competence they attribute to academic writing in comparison to other academic competences, the academic writing tasks most assigned and the criteria used to assess the quality of an academic text. Participants in this study were 106 teachers from 4 Spanish universities. Data was collected trough a translated and adapted version of the Writing Skills Appreciation Inventory. Results. Results offer a complex picture. On the one hand, teachers value writing-to-learn in their disciplines, but they do not ask students to write very frequently. On the other hand, teachers consider that students are not competent enough to use writing as a learning tool. Although they recognise the importance of writing to learn they are not used to reflect on how to use it in their disciplines. Moreover, while the presence of a clear, personal point of view is also one of the highly valued criteria for teachers, data also show that among the less valued criteria are forceful defense of a thesis or grasping the effect of the text on the reader, which seems to be clearly contradictory. Discussion and conclusions. Results offer some contradictions between the teachers' percepción about academic writing and the role that writing has in their practices. Educational implications are discussed.[spa] Introducción. En este articulo nos centramos en la naturaleza de los géneros escritos más usados en la universidad y cómo se utilizan en los procesos de enseñanza y aprendizaje. Método. Se realizó un estudio descriptivo sobre las percepciones del profesorado universita-rio respecto a los siguientes aspectos relacionados con la escritura académica: el grado de importancia en el aprendizaje, el grado de competencia que atribuyen a sus estudiantes en el dominio de la escritura académica en comparación con otras competencias, el tipo de tareas de escritura más habituales y los criterios utilizados para evaluar la calidad de un texto académico. Los participantes fueron 106 profesores de 4 universidades españolas que respon-dieron a una versión traducida y adaptada del Writing Skills Appreciation Inventory. Resultados. Los resultados ofrecen un panorama complejo. Por un lado, si bien los profesores valoran la escritura como una herramienta útil para aprender en sus respectivas disciplinas, no solicitan a menudo este tipo de escritura. A pesar de que reconocen la importancia de la escri-tura para aprender no están acostumbrados a reflexionar sobre su uso en sus respectivas disci-plinas. Por otro lado, los profesores consideran a los estudiantes poco competentes para utili-zar la escritura como herramienta de aprendizaje, y, mientras que la presencia de un punto de vista personal es muy valorado por los profesores, la defensa enérgica de una tesis o la pre-ocupación por el efecto del texto en el lector, están entre los criterios menos valorados. Discusión y Conclusión. En el texto se analizan las implicaciones educativas que se derivan de dichas percpeciones y cómo estas implicaciones educativas nos acercan a los planteamient-so del EEES respecto al aprendizaje de competencia

    Llibre d’actes de la I Conferència Internacional de Recerca en Educació. Educació 2019: reptes, tendències i compromisos

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    I Conferència Internacional de Recerca en Educació. Educació 2019: reptes, tendències i compromisos. (4 i 5 de novembre de 2019, Universitat de Barcelona). Institut de Recerca en Educació (IRE-UB) Universitat de Barcelona.Presentem el llibre d’actes de la I Conferència Internacional de Recerca en Educació – “Educació 2019: reptes, tendències i compromisos” (IRED’19), celebrada a Barcelona, el 4 i 5 de novembre de 2019, a la Universitat de Barcelona. IRED’19 és una iniciativa promoguda per l’Institut de Recerca en Educació (IRE), de la Universitat de Barcelona, amb l’objectiu d’incentivar l’intercanvi, la discussió i la reflexió al volant de tres eixos: reptes que es plantegen al sistema educatiu durant els propers anys; tendències cap a on s’orienten les polítiques institucionals actuals, i compromisos als quals cal arribar en els propers anys. Durant la conferència tots tres eixos es van abordar des de tres perspectives: Recerca i societat; Grups de recerca, i Instituts de recerca. En les taules rodones al voltant de grups de recerca, la finalitat era vincular els grups de recerca participants amb discursos innovadors, reflexius, crítics i/o sobre temàtiques transversals de la recerca en el context del nostre temps i la nostra societat. En les sessions dels instituts de recerca es va tractar sobre els processos d’agrupació i cohesió de grups, les noves estratègies en presentació de projectes, i la visibilitat, rellevància i avaluació de la recerca. Les comunicacions que conformen el llibre d’actes van ser presentades en les sessions de Recerca i societat, amb la finalitat de fomentar la discussió entre els participants entorn els reptes que actualment es plantegen en l’àmbit educatiu. La sessió pretenia convertir-se en un espai de trobada on exposar i analitzar els últims avenços en investigació educativa i algunes propostes innovadores que indiquessin les tendències de transformació i millora predominants en l’àmbit educatiu. Esperem que us resultin profitoses

    Serum methylation of GALNT9, UPF3A, WARS, and LDB2 as noninvasive biomarkers for the early detection of colorectal cancer and advanced adenomas

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    Background Early detection has proven to be the most effective strategy to reduce the incidence and mortality of colorectal cancer (CRC). Nevertheless, most current screening programs suffer from low participation rates. A blood test may improve both the adherence to screening and the selection to colonoscopy. In this study, we conducted a serum-based discovery and validation of cfDNA methylation biomarkers for CRC screening in a multicenter cohort of 433 serum samples including healthy controls, benign pathologies, advanced adenomas (AA), and CRC.Results First, we performed an epigenome-wide methylation analysis with the MethylationEPIC array using a sample pooling approach, followed by a robust prioritization of candidate biomarkers for the detection of advanced neoplasia (AN: AA and CRC). Then, candidate biomarkers were validated by pyrosequencing in independent individual cfDNA samples. We report GALNT9, UPF3A, WARS, and LDB2 as new noninvasive biomarkers for the early detection of AN. The combination of GALNT9/UPF3A by logistic regression discriminated AN with 78.8% sensitivity and 100% specificity, outperforming the commonly used fecal immunochemical test and the methylated SEPT9 blood test.Conclusions Overall, this study highlights the utility of cfDNA methylation for CRC screening. Our results suggest that the combination methylated GALNT9/UPF3A has the potential to serve as a highly specific and sensitive blood-based test for screening and early detection of CRC