1,201 research outputs found

    Diseño de una solución de movilidad de cliente basada en SDN

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    Due to the complex scene of the growing networks infrastructure in the big cities, and because of the increasing amount of the mobile devices, the management of the users’ flows has become into a big challenge for the network operators. Taking these issues into consideration, the European Union has developed one line of research within the framework of the CROWD project to develop a solution for high density networks and the issue of the users mobility inside this kind of networks. The main goal of this final degree project is to create a control program which, through the software defined network (SDN) paradigm, implements the mobility management of a mobile node, for the cases of network- and host-based mobility. The mobility approach of this project has two different points of view. On the one hand we have implemented a mobility management solution which relies on the network to take care of the mobility of the user. In this network-based scene, the actions to ensure the complete connectivity during the transit of the mobile node amongst two districts are leaded by two different actors, the CROWD Regional Controller (CRC) and the CROWD Local Controller (CLC). This approach is completely transparent to the user attributing all the operations to the controllers and allowing the mobility of the user within the network without doing any specific action. On the other hand, we have the host-based mobility approach. This design also includes the participation of the mobile node during the handover interactions. Its participation consists on creating an IPv6 in IPv4 tunnel between the public IPv4 of the Mobile Node and the public IPv4 of the Default Gateway with which it is anchored to. Mobile Node has to be able to communicate with the CROWD Regional Controller. With these two different approaches, the project aims to create a software solution for the scenario of extremely dense networksIngeniería Informátic

    Development of customized conversational interfaces with Deep Learning techniques

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    This Bachelor’s thesis will cover the end-to-end process of developing a personalized conversational interface for a specific domain, using Deep Learning techniques. In particular, it will focus on the study of the Dialog Manager module, which is in charge of deciding the next system response based on the current dialog state. AlthoughthereisplentyofliteratureaboutMachineLearningappliedtotheconstruction of dialog management models, there is very little reference to the utilization of Deep Learning for such task. As a result, this work analyzes the improvement that deep neural networks can bring to accuracy. Several models are created with TensorFlow, and comparisons are made with traditional Machine Learning solutions. Results show that Deep Learning is not the most recommended approach for this type of problems, yet further research is suggested for more complex datasets. After this, one of the Deep Learning models, based on a train scheduling domain, is used for the implementation of the dialog manager inside a real spoken dialog system. To integrate the rest of required components of such technology (automatic speech recognizer, natural language understanding module and text-to-speech service), a modern framework is used: DialogFlow. With this platform, a complete chatbot is built in the form of an assistant in the train scheduling domain. Evaluationof thespoken dialogsystemwith real users generatesavery positivefeedback, demonstrating that a Deep Learning based dialog manager is a valid solution in commercial conversational interfaces.Ingeniería Informátic

    The economic geography of football success: empirical evidence from european cities

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    Introduction. – 1. The geography of successful football teams: an analytical framework – 2. Empirical analysis – 2.1. Data, model estimation and results – 2.2. Cities and teams: some remarks about market size and teams’ performance – 3. Conclusions – 4. Annex

    The production process in basketball: Empirical evidence from Spanish league

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    The main objective of this paper is to provide an empirical assessment of the production process in a basketball team. We estimate a logit model in which the output produced by a team is the game outcome (win or loss) and the inputs are those play characteristics that impact on that outcome. From the results obtained it is clear that, on average, there is a substantial difference between the impact of each play characteristic on a basketball team’s winning probability and that probability varies as the quality/quantity of the inputs used changes, albeit not proportionally.sports economics, team sport, professional basketball, productive process, logit model

    Phenology, seed dispersal and difficulties in natural recruitment

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    13 páginas, 5 figuras, 2 tablas.commercial species. This study focused on a widely exploited Neotropical canopy species, Pachira quinata (Malvaceae), at the southernmost, wettest limit of its natural distribution, in the Colombian Amazonia. We studied phenological patterns, seed production and natural densities; assessed the importance of seed dispersal and density-dependent effects on recruitment, using field experiments. At this seasonal forest P. quinata was overrepresented by large adult trees and had very low recruitment caused by the combination of low fruit production, high seed predation and very high seedling mortality under continuous canopies mostly due to damping off pathogens. There was no evidence of negative distance or density effects on recruitment, but a clear requirement of canopy gaps for seedling survival and growth, where pathogen incidence was drastically reduced. In spite of the strong dependence on light for survival of seedlings, seeds germinated readily in the dark. At the study site, the population of P. quinata appeared to be declining, likely because recruitment depended on the rare combination of large gap formation with the presence of reproductive trees nearby. The recruitment biology of this species makes it very vulnerable to any type of logging in natural populations.We thank Carlos Mejía for continuous support during field work. Ramiro Montealegre shared with us his knowledge on local P. quinata. Mauricio Alvarez initially planted the seedlings that served us for two-year monitoring. Financial support was provided by a WCS-FES-Instituto von Humboldt undergraduate research grant to MCC.Peer reviewe

    Regional differences in sports participation: the case of Local Authorities in England

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    This paper investigates the determinants of sports participation at regional level in England by applying beta models to Sport England’s Active People Survey. We analyze the differences in the regional characteristics among 325 English Local Authorities (LAs). The results show the importance of some socio-demographic variables such as educational level, ethnicity, and size of population; economic variables (income levels and occupations); sport volunteering; and weather conditions. Neither medium term sports funding nor sports infrastructure are significant factors in explaining differences of sports participation among the English LAs. The findings suggest a need for cross-party consensus on sports policy over time to safeguard continuity of policy objectives beyond the four-year government term

    Los lĂ­mites de las polĂ­ticas nacionales en la Eurozona: el caso de la prima de riesgo soberana

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    [Resumen]El objetivo del presente trabajo es valorar el impacto sobre el comportamiento de la prima de riesgo de la deuda española de dos intentos de incidir sobre esta variable por parte de policymakers que operan en distintos niveles de gobierno: nacional y supranacional (europeo). Por un lado, la reforma del artículo 135 de la Constitución Española en agosto de 2011 estableciendo un “techo de deuda” y la prioridad absoluta al servicio de dicha deuda. Por otro lado, las famosas declaraciones del Presidente del BCE en julio de 2012, en apoyo al euro. Con esta finalidad, contrastamos la posible existencia de rupturas estructurales en la serie temporal mensual del spread de la deuda pública española en el período 2007-2014. La evidencia empírica obtenida sugiere que los mercados financieros, en su evaluación de las políticas monetaria y fiscal implementadas en el marco de la Eurozona, no avalan medidas parciales y penalizan especialmente los fallos de coordinación y la incertidumbre en la instrumentación de las políticas económicas
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