4,360 research outputs found

    Two particle correlations and orthogonality catastrophe in interacting Fermi systems

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    The wave function of two fermions, repulsively interacting in the presence of a Fermi sea, is evaluated in detail. We consider large but finite systems in order to obtain an unabiguous picture of the two-particle correlations. As recently pointed out by Anderson, in two or lower dimensions the particles may be correlated even when situated on the Fermi surface. The "partial exclusion principle" for two particles with opposite spin on the same Fermi point is discussed, and related to results from the T-matrix approximation. Particles on different Fermi points are shown to be uncorrelated in dimensions d > 1. Using the results for the two-particle correlations we find that the orthogonality effect induced by adding an extra particle to a (tentative) two-dimensional Fermi liquid is finite.Comment: 25 pages, LATEX, RWTH/ITP-C 10/9

    Free Differential Algebras: Their Use in Field Theory and Dual Formulation

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    The gauging of free differential algebras (FDA's) produces gauge field theories containing antisymmetric tensors. The FDA's extend the Cartan-Maurer equations of ordinary Lie algebras by incorporating p-form potentials (p>1p > 1). We study here the algebra of FDA transformations. To every p-form in the FDA we associate an extended Lie derivative â„“\ell generating a corresponding ``gauge" transformation. The field theory based on the FDA is invariant under these new transformations. This gives geometrical meaning to the antisymmetric tensors. The algebra of Lie derivatives is shown to close and provides the dual formulation of FDA's.Comment: 10 pages, latex, no figures. Talk presented at the 4-th Colloquium on "Quantum Groups and Integrable Sysytems", Prague, June 199

    Phase separation frustrated by the long range Coulomb interaction II: Applications

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    The theory of first order density-driven phase transitions with frustration due to the long range Coulomb (LRC) interaction develop on paper I of this series is applied to the following physical systems: i) the low density electron gas ii) electronic phase separation in the low density three dimensional t−Jt-J model iii) in the manganites near the charge ordered phase. We work in the approximation that the density within each phase is uniform and we assume that the system separates in spherical drops of one phase hosted by the other phase with the distance between drops and the drop radius much larger than the interparticle distance. For i) we study a well known apparent instability related to a negative compressibility at low densities. We show that this does not lead to macroscopic drop formation as one could expect naively and the system is stable from this point of view. For ii) we find that the LRC interaction significantly modifies the phase diagram favoring uniform phases and mixed states of antiferromagnetic (AF) regions surrounded by metallic regions over AF regions surrounded by empty space. For iii) we show that the dependence of local densities of the phases on the overall density found in paper I gives a non-monotonous behavior of the Curie temperature on doping in agreement with experiments.Comment: Second part of cond-mat/0010092 12 pages, 12 figure

    Electron-phonon coupling close to a metal-insulator transition in one dimension

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    We consider a one-dimensional system of electrons interacting via a short-range repulsion and coupled to phonons close to the metal-insulator transition at half filling. We argue that the metal-insulator transition can be described as a standard one dimensional incommensurate to commensurate transition, even if the electronic system is coupled to the lattice distortion. By making use of known results for this transition, we prove that low-momentum phonons do not play any relevant role close to half-filling, unless their coupling to the electrons is large in comparison with the other energy scales present in the problem. In other words the effective strength of the low-momentum transferred electron-phonon coupling does not increase close to the metal-insulator transition, even though the effective velocity of the mobile carriers is strongly diminished.Comment: 20 pages, REVTEX styl

    Phase separation frustrated by the long range Coulomb interaction I: Theory

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    We analyze the combined effect of the long range Coulomb (LRC) interaction and of surface energy on first order density-driven phase transitions in the presence of a compensating rigid background. We study mixed states formed by regions of one phase surrounded by the other in the case in which the scale of the inhomogeneities is much larger than the interparticle distance. Two geometries are studied in detail: spherical drops of one phase into the other and a layered structure of one phase alternating with the other. We find the optimum density profile in an approximation in which the free energy is a functional of the local density (LDA). It is shown that an approximation in which the density is assumed to be uniform (UDA) within each phase region gives results very similar to those of the more involved LDA approach. Within the UDA we derive the general equations for the chemical potential and the pressures of each phase which generalize the Maxwell construction to this situation. The equations are valid for a rather arbitrary geometry. We find that the transition to the mixed state is quite abrupt i.e. inhomogeneities of the first phase appear with a finite value of the radius and of the phase volume fraction. The maximum size of the inhomogeneities is found to be on the scale of a few electric field screening lengths. Contrary to the ordinary Maxwell construction, the inverse specific volume of each phase depends here on the global density in the coexistence region and can decrease as the global density increases. The range of densities in which coexistence is observed shrinks as the LRC interaction increases until it reduces to a singular point. We argue that close to this singular point the system undergoes a lattice instability as long as the inverse lattice compressibility is finite.Comment: 17 pages, 14 figures. We added a section were the density profile of inhomogeneities is arbitrary and included other geometries. The applications of the original version are in a separate pape

    Stripe ordering and two-gap model for underdoped cuprates

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    The evidence of edge-gaps around the M-points in the metallic state of underdoped cuprates has triggered a very active debate on their origin. We first consider the possibility that this spectroscopic feature results from a quasi-static charge ordering taking place in the underdoped regime. It comes out that to explain the coexistence of gaps and arcs on the Fermi surface the charge modulation should be in an eggbox form. In the lack of evidences for that, we then investigate the local pairing induced by charge-stripe fluctuations. A proper description of the strong anisotropy of both the interactions and the Fermi velocities requires a two-gap model for pairing. We find that a gap due to incoherent pairing forms near the M-points, while coherence is established by the stiffness of the pairing near the nodal points. The model allows for a continuos evolution from a pure BCS pairing (over- and optimally doped regime) to a mixed boson-fermion model (heavily underdoped regime).Comment: 4 pages, Proceedings of M2S-HTS

    On localization effects in underdoped cuprates

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    We comment on transport experiments in underdoped LaSrCuO in the non-superconducting phase. The temperature dependence of the resistance strongly resembles what is expected from standard localization theory. However this theory fails, when comparing with experiments in more detail.Comment: 8 pages, to be published in J. of Superconductivit

    On the application of Mattis-Bardeen theory in strongly disordered superconductors

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    The low energy optical conductivity of conventional superconductors is usually well described by Mattis-Bardeen (MB) theory which predicts the onset of absorption above an energy corresponding to twice the superconducing (SC) gap parameter Delta. Recent experiments on strongly disordered superconductors have challenged the application of the MB formulas due to the occurrence of additional spectral weight at low energies below 2Delta. Here we identify three crucial items which have to be included in the analysis of optical-conductivity data for these systems: (a) the correct identification of the optical threshold in the Mattis-Bardeen theory, and its relation with the gap value extracted from the measured density of states, (b) the gauge-invariant evaluation of the current-current response function, needed to account for the optical absorption by SC collective modes, and (c) the inclusion into the MB formula of the energy dependence of the density of states present already above Tc. By computing the optical conductvity in the disordered attractive Hubbard model we analyze the relevance of all these items, and we provide a compelling scheme for the analysis and interpretation of the optical data in real materials.Comment: 11 pages, 6 figure
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