14 research outputs found

    Differences in muscle enzyme profile and metabolic response to fighting in bulls from one to three years old

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    The metabolic response to exercise is partially linked to muscle enzyme profile, and both factors might be influenced by ageing. This research aims: 1) To analyze the differences in muscle characteristics of fighting bulls of different ages; and 2) To assess whether the muscle enzyme profile is affected by ageing in the same way it affects other bovine breeds. Muscle biopsies from gluteus medius and semitendinosus muscles were withdrawn immediately after bullfighting, at depths of 3 and 5 cm, from a total of 24 animals, belonging to three age groups: A (1-year-olds; n=6), B (2-year-olds; n=6) and C (3-year-olds; n=12). Muscle concentrations of glycogen, lactate, adenosin triphosphate and glucose-6-P were determined. In addition, activities of citrate synthase, 3-OH-acyl-dehydrogenase, glycogen phosphorylase, lactate dehydrogenase and hexokinase were measured. No significant differences were found between the two analyzed muscles and neither between depths for any of the muscle parameters. Group A showed lower muscle lactate accumulation, with positive correlations between oxidative and glycolytic enzymes, reflecting a balance between both metabolic pathways. Group B was the most oxidative, whereas group C was the most glycolytic. Therefore, muscle oxidative potential achieved its maximum at 2 years of age, whereas the glycolytic capacity increased progressively with ageing. These results are different from those showed by other bovine breeds, with a progressive reduction in oxidative potential from birth. In conclusion, age significantly influences metabolic response to fighting as well as muscle enzyme profile in bulls

    Biological actions and determinant factors of the circulating concentrations of insulin-like growth factor type 1, IGF-1, in the horse

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    El eje somatotr贸pico es esencial para el desarrollo som谩tico del organismo, determinando el metabolismo celular. Aunque est谩 constituido por diversas hormonas, los componentes esenciales son tres: la insulina, la hormona de crecimiento o GH y los factores de crecimiento similares a la insulina, tipos 1 y 2 (IGF-1 e IGF-2). La cuantificaci贸n de la GH es complicada debido, en primer lugar, a su liberaci贸n epis贸dica hacia la circulaci贸n sist茅mica y en segundo lugar, a su corta vida media en sangre, unos 20 min. Uno de los lugares de actuaci贸n de la GH es el h铆gado, donde induce la s铆ntesis de IGF-1 e IGF-2. La cuantificaci贸n de estos factores, por tanto, se considera un marcador fiable de la funci贸n hipofisaria y de la actividad del eje somatotr贸pico. En la presente revisi贸n bibliogr谩fica, en primer lugar, se describen las principales acciones biol贸gicas del IGF-1. En segundo lugar, se presentan los factores principales que afectan significativamente a sus concentraciones circulantes. Entre estos factores, destacan el tama帽o corporal, raza, edad, sexo, momento de la extracci贸n de la muestra, ritmos circadianos, dieta, privaci贸n de comida, ejercicio y entrenamiento. El efecto de estos factores debe ser conocido antes de llevar a cabo una aplicaci贸n cl铆nica e investigadora del IGF-1 en el caballoThe somatotropic axis is pivotal for somatic development and cell metabolism. Although it is composed by several hormones, the most important components are three: insulin, growth hormone or GH and insulin-like growth factors type 1 and 2 (IGF- 1 and IGF-2). The measurement of GH is difficult and inaccurate, because two main reasons: firstly, the GH hormone is released in an episodic way and secondly, its blood half-life is short, about 20 min. The GH hormone has significant actions on the liver, inducing the synthesis of IGF-1 and IGF-2. The measurement of these factors, therefore, is considered a reliable marker of the activity of the hypophysis and the somatotropic axis. In the present review, firstly, we will describe the main biological actions of the IGF-1 and secondly, we will define the main factors that could significantly influence the circulating concentrations of IGF-1. Among these factors, the most important are body size, breed, age, gender, time of blood extraction, circadian rhythms, diet, food privation, exercise and training. The effect of these factors should be assessed prior to extended clinical and research use of IGF-1 in horse

    Social networks use to stimulate the critical sense and the will to conduct research in students

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    IV Congreso VetDoc de Docencia Veterinaria, Le贸n 2017 (6-7 de Julio)[ES] El uso de las redes sociales (RS) en la sociedad actual despierta un inusitado inter茅s social y profesional. En el 谩mbito acad茅mico el inter茅s se centra en conocer los efectos que 茅stas provocan en el 茅xito y desarrollo educativo de cualquier estudiante, m谩s a煤n a niveles universitarios (Cabrero-Almenara et al., 2016). El objetivo de nuestra investigaci贸n fue evaluar si el uso de las redes sociales incentivaba el sentido cr铆tico y el deseo de investigar de los estudiantes que las utilizaban, dentro de un proyecto de innovaci贸n docente realizado por nosotros, en la Universidad de C贸rdoba

    Plasmatic progesterone values in andalusian and arabian mares during the reproductive cycle

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    The plasmatic progesterone levels in Arabian and Andalusian mares during the reproductive cycle have been studied. In the partum there is a significant d茅crease in plasmatic progesterone levels. During the heat these levels are below 2 ng/ml. During the luteinic period, the plasmatic progesterone levels are suprior in the Arabian mares, oscilating between 5.98 and 12.8 ng/mJ in the Arabian and 4.58 and 8.3 帽g/m1 in the Andalusian mares. In the prepartum and partum "clays there is also significant diference between the two breeds. The length of estral and luteinic period are similar in both breeds with average of 21 3 and 16.5 + 2.25 days respectively. The earlier gestacional test by determinatioPS of-pl谩smatic progesterone levels" between 18th and 21th days post breeding allow us detect the 100 % of non pregnant and the 95.6 % of pregnant mares.Se han estudiado los niveles plasm谩ticos de progesterona de yeguas espa帽olas y 谩rabes en diferentes fases del ciclo. reproductor. En el d铆a del parto hay un descenso brusco de los niveles plasm谩ticos de progesterona y 茅stos, durante el celo, son inferiores a 2 ng/ml. Los niveles plasm谩ticos de progesterona son significativamente m谩s altos para la raza 谩rabe que para la espa帽ola, durante la fase lute铆nica y comienzo de gestaci贸n. Oscilan entre 4,58 y 8,3 ng/ml, en yeguas espa帽olas; y entre 5,98 y 12,8 ng/ml, en las 谩rabes. Tambi茅n difieren significativamente las dos razas en el prepartum y en el d铆a del parto. La duraci贸n de la fase lute铆nica es similar en las dos razas (16,5 + 2,25 d铆as) y la duraci贸n del ciclo estral puede cifrarse en 21 + 3 d铆as. El diagn贸stico precoz de gestaci贸n, por determinaci贸n de la progesterona plasm谩tica entre los 18-21"d铆as postcubrici贸n, nos permite detectar el 10 % de los animales vac铆os y el 96,6 % de los gestantes

    Length of heat in arabian and andalusian mares

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    The length of heat in Andalusian and Arabian mares, and the optimum day of breeding in the first postpartum heat, have been studied. In our results the average of all the heat was 5.78 + 1.54 days. No significant diferences have been found between breeds. The high fertility percentage for the postpartum heat has been reached between 11th and 14th day of ter parturition.Se han estudiado las duraciones de los celos, tanto en yeguas paridas como en no pandas dentro y entre las razas espa帽ola y 谩rabe, as铆 como los d铆as 贸ptimos de cubrici贸n en el primer celo postparto. Nuestros resultados muestran una media de 5,78 + 1,54 d铆as, para el total de todos los celos, y no hay diferencias significativas entre razas. Los porcentajes mas altos de fertilidad en el celo postparto se alcanzan con cubriciones entre el 112 y 142 d铆a despu茅s de parir

    Fertility values in andalusian and arabian mares

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    The influence of age and number of heats in the fertility value of Arabian and Andalusian mares have been studied. The Arabian mares have a whole fertility value 11 % higher than the Andalusian ones. The fertility is low at the begining of the reproductive life increasing with age and having a subsequent decreasing in mares advanced in years. Also the fertility values are higher with the first heat, and decrease, progressiv,e on the following heats. On the post-partum heat the fertili卢ty value was 40 % for the Andalusian and 55 % for the Arabian mares.Se han estudiado los valores de fertilidad de las yeguas de raza espa帽ola, y 谩rabe, dentro y entre razas, as铆 como la influencia de la edad y el n煤mero de celos. Las yeguas 谩rabes son un 11 % m谩s f茅rtiles que las espa帽olas, ya que la fertilidad total en yeguas espa帽olas es del 57,7 %; y en las 谩rabes, del 68,5 %. La fertilidad es menor al comienzo de la vida reproductiva, y se incrementa para volver a descender a edades avanzadas. La fertilidad es m谩s alta en el primer celo y decrece en celos sucesivos. Para el celo post-partum es del 40 % y 55 %, para yeguas espa帽olas y 谩rabes, respectivamente

    Effects of the change in the duration of daylight on manifestation of heat in andalusian mares

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    Following the traditional method of exploitation, for a period of four years 165 Spanish-bred mares were observed. The heats. per month from January to June and the gestation rates in each month were determined. The number of mares on heat in January was 26.6 and increased with the daily increase of ligth. The higest gestation rate was obtained in the month of March (53.8掳), in the remaining months it was 43% which was the mean fertlity per cycle. In order to increase the fertility rate from 60.6% to 80% it is indispensable that, apart from taking advantage of the months of January to June, i.e. mating season of 180 days, modern reproduction techniques should be used so that the mares which are not pregnant start having 5 to 6 cycles as against the two and a half cycles shown at present.Siguiendo el m茅todo de explotaci贸n tradicional, se ha controlado, durante un per铆odo de 4 a帽os, un total de 165 yeguas de raza espa帽ola. Se han determinado los celos que han manifestado, por meses, desde enero a julio, y las tasas de gestaci贸n de cada mes. El n煤mero de yeguas en celo, en enero, fue del 26.6; y aumenta con el incremento diario de la luz. La tasa de gestaci贸n m谩s alta se consigue en el mes de marzo (53.8%) y en los otros meses se aproxima al 43%, y coincide con la media de fertilidad por ciclos. Para aumentar la tasa de fertilidad, del 60.6% al 80%, es imprescindible, adem谩s, aprovechar los meses de enero y junio; es decir: una temporada de cubrici贸n de unos 180 d铆as, y utilizar t茅cnicas modernas de reproducci贸n, para que las yeguas que vayan quedando vac铆as manifiesten de 5 a 6 ciclos, frente a los dos ciclos de media que ahora muestran