5 research outputs found

    The Impact of the Environmental Quality of Online Feedback and Satisfaction When Exploring the Critical Factors for Luxury Hotels

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    The tourism sector is undergoing many very significant changes. In addition to adapting to an interactive society, the use of quality must be incorporated as a competitive strategy. It also has the challenge of promoting excellence. The Internet is an easily accessible source of information and by using it, hotel establishments can easily find out their consumers’ requirements. This document aims to explore the main factors for luxury hotels that affect tourist satisfaction by studying users’ online reviews. This research investigates the importance of opting for a competitive strategy of excellence, which specializes in total customer satisfaction. To do this, this research analyzes the comments made on Internet by tourists at luxury hotels and uses the QSR (Qualitative Solutions and Research International) qualitative analysis software called NVivo to study the comments made when the tourists are highly satisfied. From this analysis, the items that these types of tourists value most highly are identified

    The Impact of the Environmental Quality of Online Feedback and Satisfaction When Exploring the Critical Factors for Luxury Hotels

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    The tourism sector is undergoing many very significant changes. In addition to adapting to an interactive society, the use of quality must be incorporated as a competitive strategy. It also has the challenge of promoting excellence. The Internet is an easily accessible source of information and by using it, hotel establishments can easily find out their consumers’ requirements. This document aims to explore the main factors for luxury hotels that affect tourist satisfaction by studying users’ online reviews. This research investigates the importance of opting for a competitive strategy of excellence, which specializes in total customer satisfaction. To do this, this research analyzes the comments made on Internet by tourists at luxury hotels and uses the QSR (Qualitative Solutions and Research International) qualitative analysis software called NVivo to study the comments made when the tourists are highly satisfied. From this analysis, the items that these types of tourists value most highly are identifie

    Los medios de comunicación al servicio de la lucha antivenérea y la protección de la salud materno-infantil (1900-50) The mass media at the service of the fight against venereal diseases and the protection of maternal-infant health (1900-50)

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    En este artículo pretendemos analizar el uso del cartelismo sanitario en el contexto de las campañas de educación sanitaria que las instituciones sanitarias españolas diseñaron para difundir conocimientos científico-técnicos, influir en las actitudes e intentar modificar comportamientos en la población española. Nos centramos en los carteles relacionados con la protección de la salud materno-infantil y las enfermedades venéreas. La investigación analiza igualmente la utilización del cartelismo como instrumento para atraer pacientes a los servicios sanitarios. También se pretende analizar su contribución, junto a otros muchos factores, a la construcción de determinadas imágenes de la maternidad, de la infancia sana, de género y sexualidad en el marco del desarrollo de la salud pública española.<br>Focusing on posters about the protection of maternal-infant health and about venereal diseases, the article analyzes their use within the context of the health education campaigns that Spanish health institutions devised to disseminate scientific and technical knowledge, influence attitudes, and modify the behavior of the Spanish people. The study also analyzes the use of posters as a tool for attracting patients to health services. It further analyzes this craft's contribution - in conjunction with many other factors - to the construction of certain images: maternity, a healthy childhood, gender, and sexuality, all within the framework of the development of Spanish public health

    Ciencia y persuasión social en la medicalización de la infancia en España, siglos XIX-XX Science and social persuasion in the medicalization of childhood in 19th- and 20th-century Spain

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    Este trabajo indaga la conversión en rutinaria de la visita del médico de niños en España. Estudia la sustitución de modelos de atención al embarazo, parto y crianza, tradicionalmente opacos para varones y objeto de cuidados mediante agentes populares, por otros accesibles a la medicina académica. A partir de la situación existente a nivel popular en el último tercio del siglo XIX, exploramos la repercusión de campañas de divulgación científica - entendidas como crítica sin cuartel a lo que se construyó como cultura popular - y la proliferación de dispositivos asistenciales gratuitos. La oferta de vigilancia sobre la alimentación de lactantes permitió familiarizar a las madres con la asistencia facultativa en la enfermedad, hasta que, en la segunda mitad del siglo XX, la Pediatría se centró preferentemente en las patologías y la Puericultura dejó de ser especialidad médica para convertirse en identidad profesional subalterna.<br>The article explores how childhood visits to doctors first became routine in Spain. The introduction of new models of prenatal care, childbirth, and childrearing required the extension of academic medicine into a terrain traditionally occupied by practitioners of popular medicine. Focusing on the status quo for most of the population in the final third of the nineteenth century, the study examines the repercussion of the era's scientific outreach campaigns (expressions of harsh criticism of what popular culture had constructed) and the spread of free health assistance. In particular, it highlights how attention to the nutritional needs of nursing mothers helped these women gain familiarity with the medical assistance available in the case of illness - so much so that by the second half of the twentieth century, the issues of health education and promotion had been relegated to a secondary plane within the medical profession