18 research outputs found

    Effects of vitamin C supplementation on acute phase Chagas disease in experimentally infected mice with Trypanosoma cruzi QM1 strain

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    The tissue changes that occur in Chagas disease are related to the degree of oxidative stress and antioxidant capacity of affected tissue. Studies with vitamin C supplementation did not develop oxidative damage caused by Chagas disease in the host, but other studies cite the use of peroxiredoxins ascorbate - dependent on T. cruzi to offer protection against immune reaction. Based on these propositions, thirty "Swiss" mice were infected with T. cruzi QM1 strain and treated with two different vitamin C doses in order to study the parasitemia evolution, histopathological changes and lipid peroxidation biomarkers during the acute phase of Chagas disease. The results showed that the parasite clearance was greater in animals fed with vitamin C overdose. There were no significant differences regarding the biomarkers of lipid peroxidation and inflammatory process or the increase of myocardium in animals treated with the recommended dosage. The largest amount of parasite growth towards the end of the acute phase suggests the benefit of high doses of vitamin C for trypomastigotes. The supplementation doesn't influence the production of free radicals or the number of amastigote nests in the acute phase of Chagas disease.As alterações teciduais que ocorrem na doença de Chagas estão relacionadas ao grau de estresse oxidativo e à capacidade antioxidante do tecido afetado. Estudos realizados com suplementação de vitamina C revelaram redução no dano oxidativo causado no hospedeiro pela doença de Chagas, porém outros estudos citam o uso de peroxiredoxinas dependentes de ascorbato pelo T. cruzi para se proteger da ação imune. Com base nessas proposições, trinta camundongos "Swiss" foram infectados com a cepa QM1 de T. cruzi e tratados com duas diferentes doses de vitamina C para estudar a evolução da parasitemia, alterações histopatológicas e dosagem de biomarcadores de peroxidação lipídica durante a fase aguda da doença de Chagas. Os resultados mostraram que a parasitemia foi maior nos animais que receberam uma superdosagem de vitamina C. Não houve diferenças significativas quanto aos biomarcadores de peroxidação lipídica e houve maior processo inflamatório no miocárdio dos animais tratados com dosagem recomendada. O maior crescimento parasitário ao fim da fase aguda sugere benefício de altas doses de vitamina C aos tripomastigotas. A suplementação não exerceu influência sobre a produção de radicais livres e o número de ninhos de amastigotas na fase aguda da doença de Chagas

    Severe visceral leishmaniasis and COVID-19 coinfection in an immunosuppressed patient

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    Visceral leishmaniasis (VL) is an opportunistic disease in immunosuppressed individuals, who may present severe clinical conditions, such as the ones described in this patient. She lived in an endemic region for VL, and was possibly infected with L. (L.) infantum chagasi through the bite of a contaminated sand fly. This initial infection has triggered a pemphigus vulgaris condition by immunogenic proteins present in the mosquito's saliva. The immunosuppression caused by the use of high doses of corticosteroids to control the disease promoted a severe VL condition, with hepatosplenomegaly, thrombocytopenia and hemorrhages, requiring hospitalization and the onset of a subsequent SARS-CoV-2 infection. Due to the intensity of clinical manifestations related to VL, aggravated by COVID-19, she died two days after admission to the Clinical Hospital of Marilia Medical School (HC–Famema)


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    We describe two patients with HIV/AIDS who presented pulmonary and intestinal infection caused by Cryptosporidium parvum, with a fatal outcome. The lack of available description of changes in clinical signs and radiographic characteristics of this disease when it is located in the extra-intestinal region causes low prevalence of early diagnosis and a subsequent lack of treatment


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    Introduction: In order to examine the effectiveness of vitamin C (ascorbic acid) in combating the oxidative insult caused by Trypanosoma cruzi during the development of the chronic phase of Chagas disease, Swiss mice were infected intraperitoneally with 5.0 × 104 trypomastigotes of T. cruzi QM1strain. Methods: Mice were given supplements of two different doses of vitamin C for 180 days. Levels of lipid oxidation (as indicated by thiobarbituric acid reactive substances-TBARS), total peroxide, vitamin C, and reduced glutathione were measured in the plasma, TBARS, total peroxide and vitamin C were measured in the myocardium and histopathologic analysis was undertaken in heart, colon and skeletal muscle. Results: Animals that received a dose equivalent to 500 mg of vitamin C daily showed increased production of ROS in plasma and myocardium and a greater degree of inflammation and necrosis in skeletal muscles than those that received a lower dose or no vitamin C whatsoever. Conclusion: Although some research has shown the antioxidant effect of vitamin C, the results showed that animals subject to a 500 mg dose of vitamin C showed greater tissue damage in the chronic phase of Chagas disease, probably due to the paradoxical actions of the substance, which in this pathology, will have acted as a pro-oxidant or pro-inflammatory

    Susceptibilidade de Rhodnius neglectus, Rhodnius robustus e Triatoma infestans (Hemiptera, Reduviidae, Triatominae) à infecção por duas cepas de Trypanosoma cruzi (Kinetoplastidae, Trypanosomatidae) utilizando xenodiagnóstico artificial Susceptibility of Rhodnius neglectus, Rhodnius robustus and Triatoma infestans (Hemiptera, Reduviidae, Triatominae) to two Trypanosoma cruzi strains infection (Kinetoplastidae, Trypanosomatidae) using artificial xenodiagnosis

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    A susceptibilidade de ninfas de 3º estádio de Rhodnius neglectus, R. robustus e Triatoma infestans às cepas Y e AMJM de Trypanosoma cruzi foi verificada utilizando xenodiagnóstico artificial. Para a leitura do xenodiagnóstico, as fezes dos triatomíneos foram examinadas a cada dois dias, a partir do 5º até o 31º dia pós infecção, pela técnica de compressão abdominal. Os resultados mostraram diferenças na susceptibilidade dos triatomíneos para as duas cepas estudadas e o período ótimo de leitura variou do 11º ao 19º dias para a cepa Y e do 11º ao 15º dias para a cepa AMJM. Também, pôde-se concluir que para a cepa Y, as três espécies de triatomíneos demonstraram boa susceptibilidade, enquanto para a cepa AMJM, a melhor susceptibilidade foi observada com R. neglectus, seguida pelo T. infestans e R. robustus.<br>The susceptibility of 3rd instar nymph of Triatominae Rhodnius neglectus, R. robustus and Triatoma infestans to Trypanosoma cruzi Y and AMJM strains was verified using artificial xenodiagnosis. After the accomplishment of the xenodiagnosis, the faeces of the Triatominae were analyzed on two-day intervals from day 5 until day 31 post infection, using the abdominal compression technique. The results showed differences in the susceptibility of the Triatominae for the two strains studied, and the optimal period reading differed from day 11 to day 19 for the Y strain and from day 11 to day 15 for the AMJM strain. For the Y strain, all three Triatominae species showed good susceptibility, whereas in the AMJM strain, the highest susceptibility was observed with R. neglectus, followed by T. infestans and R. robustus

    Using captive sentinels to collect wild triatomines in the region of Marília-SP, Brasil

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    In order to collect wild triatomines in the municipality of Marilia, two captive sentinel sites were installed in a remnant riparian zone in the Atlantic Forest comprising 34 hectares located on the Nossa Senhora Aparecida farm. One enclosure was built on the margin and another inside the forest, about 200 meters from the edge, using rabbits as bait to attract wild triatomines. In addition to the caged rabbits, active searches for triatomines were performed in tree holes, bird nests and armadillo burrows by spraying Pirisa 1080-L1E1 aerosol dislodger. The sentinels were maintained for one year and four months. During this period six active searches were performed, but without success in attracting or colonizing wild triatomines. One factor that has probably intervened in the triatomine colonization is the periodic application of insecticides formulated with pyrethroid in farms neighboring the forest to fight Diaphorina citri in orange plantations.Com o objetivo de coletar triatomíneos silvestres na região do município de Marília foram instalados dois cativeiros experimentais em uma mata ciliar remanescente de Mata Atlântica, com 34 hectares de extensão localizada no sítio Nossa Senhora Aparecida. Um cativeiro foi construído às margens e outro no interior da mata a aproximadamente 200 metros da borda, utilizando-se coelhos como atrativos para triatomíneos silvestres. Além dos cativeiros experimentais foram realizadas buscas ativas de triatomíneos em ocos de árvores, ninhos de pássaros, habitáculos de tatu com pulverização do desalojante Pirisa 1080-L1E1. Os cativeiros foram mantidos por um ano e quatro meses e seisbuscas ativas foram realizadas nesse período, porém sem sucesso na colonização de triatomíneos silvestres. Um dos fatores que provavelmente tenham interferido para a não colonização de triatomíneos seja a aplicação periódica de inseticida a base de piretróide nas fazendas vizinhas da mata para combater o Diaphorina citri nas plantações de laranja.Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP

    Incidence of Trypanosoma cruzi transmission through breastfeeding during acute experimental Chagas disease

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    OBJECTIVE: To verify the incidence of T. cruzi transmission through breastfeeding during acute experimental Chagas' disease. METHODS: Fifteen female Swiss mice were mated and, after pregnancy confirmation, placed in individual cages. A few hours after birth, the females were inoculated with 0.1 mL of blood containing approximately 3 x 10(5) trypomastigote forms of Y strain of T. cruzi and continued breastfeeding for 25 days. RESULTS: In 142 offspring examined no infection through breast-feeding was observed. CONCLUSIONS: The low number of trypomastigote forms ingested by the newborn mice combined with biological and biochemical characteristics of blood trypomastigotes may explain the lack of transmission in this experiment