1,044 research outputs found
A Bayesian Inference Analysis of the X-ray Cluster Luminosity-Temperature Relation
We present a Bayesian inference analysis of the Markevitch (1998) and Allen &
Fabian (1998) cooling flow corrected X-ray cluster temperature catalogs that
constrains the slope and the evolution of the empirical X-ray cluster
luminosity-temperature (L-T) relation. We find that for the luminosity range
10^44.5 erg s^-1 < L_bol < 10^46.5 erg s^-1 and the redshift range z < 0.5,
L_bol is proportional to T^2.80(+0.15/-0.15)(1+z)^(0.91-1.12q_0)(+0.54/-1.22).
We also determine the L-T relation that one should use when fitting the Press-
Schechter mass function to X-ray cluster luminosity catalogs such as the
Einstein Medium Sensitivity Survey (EMSS) and the Southern Serendipitous High-
Redshift Archival ROSAT Catalog (Southern SHARC), for which cooling flow
corrected luminosities are not determined and a universal X-ray cluster
temperature of T = 6 keV is assumed. In this case, L_bol is proportional to
T^2.65(+0.23/-0.20)(1+z)^(0.42-1.26q_0)(+0.75/-0.83) for the same luminosity
and redshift ranges.Comment: Accepted to The Astrophysical Journal, 20 pages, LaTe
The Evolution of Luminous Compact Blue Galaxies: Disks or Spheroids?
Luminous compact blue galaxies (LCBGs) are a diverse class of galaxies
characterized by high luminosities, blue colors, and high surface brightnesses.
Residing at the high luminosity, high mass end of the blue sequence, LCBGs sit
at the critical juncture of galaxies that are evolving from the blue to the red
sequence. Yet we do not understand what drives the evolution of LCBGs, nor how
they will evolve. Based on single-dish HI observations, we know that they have
a diverse range of properties. LCBGs are HI-rich with M(HI)=10^{9-10.5} M(sun),
have moderate M(dyn)=10^{10-12} M(sun), and 80% have gas depletion timescales
less than 3 Gyr. These properties are consistent with LCBGs evolving into
low-mass spirals or high mass dwarf ellipticals or dwarf irregulars. However,
LCBGs do not follow the Tully-Fisher relation, nor can most evolve onto it,
implying that many LCBGs are not smoothly rotating, virialized systems. GMRT
and VLA HI maps confirm this conclusion revealing signatures of recent
interactions and dynamically hot components in some local LCBGs, consistent
with the formation of a thick disk or spheroid. Such signatures and the high
incidence of close companions around LCBGs suggest that star formation in local
LCBGs is likely triggered by interactions. The dynamical masses and apparent
spheroid formation in LCBGs combined with previous results from optical
spectroscopy are consistent with virial heating being the primary mechanism for
quenching star formation in these galaxies.Comment: 4 pages, 1 figure, to appear in "Hunting for the Dark: The Hidden
Side of Galaxy Formation", Malta, 19-23 Oct. 2009, eds. V.P. Debattista &
C.C. Popescu, AIP Conf. Se
Mass-detection of a matter concentration projected near the cluster Abell 1942: Dark clump or high-redshift cluster?
A weak-lensing analysis of wide-field - and -band images centered on
the cluster Abell 1942 has uncovered a mass concentration arcminutes
South of the cluster center. A statistical analysis shows that the detections
are highly significant. No strong concentration of bright galaxies is seen at
the position of the mass concentration, though a slight galaxy number
overdensity and a weak extended X-ray source are present about 1' away from its
From the spatial dependence of the tangential alignment around the center of
the mass concentration, we inferred a lower bound on the mass inside a sphere
of radius \ts Mpc of , much higher
than crude mass estimates based on X-ray data. No firm conclusion can be
inferred about the nature of the clump. If it were a high-redshift cluster, the
weak X-ray flux would indicate that it had an untypically low X-ray luminosity
for its mass; if the X-ray emission were physically unrelated to the mass
concentration, this conclusion would be even stronger.
The search for massive halos by weak lensing enables us for the first time to
select halos based on their mass properties only and to detect new types of
objects, e.g., dark halos. The mass concentration in the field of A1942 may be
the first example of such a halo.Comment: Sumitted to A&A Main Journal. 15 pages, 11 figures. 75 Kb gzipped tar
file. Figures with images not included, but available on ftp.iap.fr
/pub/from_users/mellier/A1942: a1942darkclump.ps.gz (2.1 Mb
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