108 research outputs found


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    Technological innovation is viewed as a major stimulus for economic growth. High-speed internet access via broadband infrastructure has been experiencing a prompt development since the end of 90s, thanks to the deployment of both fix and mobile technologies. The present study investigates on the behavior of broadband diffusion as a technological determinant of economic growth in the main OECD countries. The estimations performed allowed to control and interpret the time evolution of the phenomenon according to the achievable target of growth, as resulting from the promotion of broadband internet connections. Our main goal is to provide evidence of a relevant - in quantitative term - relation between broadband diffusion and economic dynamics in the short, medium and long run

    Sanzioni antitrust e vaglio giurisdizionale: uno sguardo alla tecnica di quantificazione

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    Da una disamina ad ampio spettro della casistica antitrust italiana in tema di intese e abuso di posizione dominante è emersa un’elevata propensione del giudice amministrativo nazionale a rideterminare (nel 52% dei casi) l’importo delle sanzioni pecuniarie comminate dall’Autorità Garante della Concorrenza e del Mercato (AGCM). Tale considerazione sembra confermata, in ottica comparativa, dal basso tasso di ricorsi accolti (10%) presso la Corte di Giustizia dell’Unione Europea in tema di contenzioso antitrust. Da tale evidenza emergono alcuni quesiti. Il Giudice, quando esercita il suo sindacato di merito, si attiene alla stessa metodologia su cui si basa l’Autorità? Modificando la sanzione, incide sulla funzione deterrente della stessa. Quindi: emerge un rischio di inficiare la capacità deterrente della sanzione? Su tale sfondo, il presente lavoro indaga le modalità con cui il giudice amministrativo italiano motiva e lega, nel dispositivo, l’accolto con l’effettiva rideterminazione eseguita. L’analisi sui casi parte da un dataset composto da n. 524 sanzioni AGCM comminate per abuso di posizione dominante e intese nel periodo 2000-2015. Per analizzare l’approccio implementato dal giudice amministrativo si sono vagliati tutti i casi (n. 119) di procedimenti con sanzioni rideterminate a seguito di ricorso giurisdizionale. Le risultanze dell’analisi condotta portano a ritenere fondato il timore che l’opera del Giudice possa occasionalmente, tramite l’attività di ridetermina, incidere sull’efficienza ed efficacia complessiva dell’apparato sanzionatorio antitrust. Tale rischio, andatosi attenuando nel tempo, può derivare da una incertezza metodologica alla base del calcolo della sanzione. Incertezza che si ritiene tanto più ampia quanto maggiore è il distacco logico dalla tecnica tracciata nelle guidelines

    Protesi acustiche: Generalita e Impianti Cocleari

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    Lo scopo di questo lavoro è fornire una conoscenza base del funzionamento dell’apparato uditivo, seguita da una panoramica delle protesi auricolari e poi andare nello specifico a discutere dell’ impianto cocleare (IC), un vero proprio organo di senso artificiale capace di stimolare direttamente il nervo acustico

    Access to bank financing and start‐up resilience: A survival analysis across business sectors in a time of crisis

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    The presence of exogenous global shocks due to the 2007/2008 economic and financial crisis and the current global pandemic crisis are deeply hampering economic operators’ overall ability to access credit. Small and medium-sized enterprises and start-ups are most severely affected by credit rationing. This paper investigates whether access to bank loans in the early stage of a start-up’s lifecycle is a predictor of a firm’s default in a time of economic crisis. We ground our analysis on a firm-level longitudinal data set of Italian new capital companies born from 2004 to 2006. Implementing a discrete-time proportional hazard model we study their likelihood of default up to 2014 after controlling for a consistent number of other firms, industry and innovation related characteristics. The main findings confirm that access to bank loans significantly enhances the resilience of Italian start-ups. By taking into consideration the sectoral degree of innovation where firms operate, we also find that bank financing still exerts a positive influence on firm survival in both less and more innovative industries. However, there is evidence of a stronger positive influence on of long-term debt on the survival of firms operating in low- and medium-low innovative industries

    Quanto è "complessa" la crescita? Un'analisi panel in 27 paesi Europei

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    Il presente lavoro mira a costruire un ponte tra la letteratura sulla complessità economica e i modelli teorici della crescita endogena. I modelli tradizionali di crescita, infatti, sembrano sottostimare l’impatto generato dalle interazioni sistemiche dei diversi fattori di crescita. Per colmare tale gap, si adatta il modello di Mankiw et al. (1992) al fine di poter includere una misura di complessità economica (i.e., Economic Complexity Index - ECI). L’analisi empirica è riferita ad un panel (2007-2018) di 27 paesi dell’area europea. Con il ricorso ad un approccio tradizionale (panel a effetti fissi e random), dinamico auto-regressivo (system-GMM) e semi-parametrico ad effetti fissi, l’analisi condotta evidenzia che il livello di complessità dei sistemi economici incide significativamente sui livelli di crescita economica e che la relazione funzionale è di tipo non lineare.This paper aims to build a bridge between the economic complexity and endogenous growth stream of works. Traditional growth empirical and theoretical literature tend to underestimate the relevance of the effects exerted by the systematic interactions among the growth factors. In this vein, this work adapts the Mankiw et al. (1992) model in order to consider, in the technological component of the growth function, a measure of the country’s system economic complexity. The empirical analysis refers to a panel of 27 European area countries for 12 years (2007-2018). Implementing both traditional panel estimation approach (fixed and random effects model) and dynamic generalized method of moments (system-GMM) approach, the findings obtained reveal that the economic complexity index (ECI) represents a primary determinant of actual growth path

    L' efficacia degli incentivi agli investimenti in sicurezza.

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    Il quaderno fornisce un quadro assolutamente inedito sullo strumento degli Incentivi di Sostegno alle Imprese, i cosiddetti Bandi ISI, che sostengono le imprese che realizzano investimenti che migliorino le condizioni di sicurezza e di salute dei luoghi di lavoro. Idealmente la politica mira a un target di imprese caratterizzate da maggiore rischio, a causa della piccola dimensione o del tipo di lavorazione o ancora del settore produttivo, e fornisce un contributo a fondo perduto per realizzare investimenti che apportino una riduzione del rischio di infortunio o di quello di contrarre malattie professionali. Si tratta della prima volta in cui viene pubblicato un quadro completo del sistema di implementazione di questa politica gestita dall’Inail, quadro dotato di un ampio corredo di informazioni qualitative e quantitative. Questo è stato reso possibile per la piena collaborazione offerta dall’Istituto Nazionale per l’Assicurazione contro gli Infortuni sul Lavoro (Inail) che nel proprio Piano delle attività di ricerca 2016-2018 aveva già intrapreso un percorso di ricerca che aveva come obiettivo la valutazione della sostenibilità e dell’efficacia degli interventi di prevenzione

    Assessing the umbrella value of a range-wide conservation network for Jaguars (Panthera onca)

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    Umbrella species are employed as conservation short-cuts for the design of reserves or reserve networks. However, empirical data on the effectiveness of umbrellas is equivocal, which has prevented more widespread application of this conservation strategy. We perform a novel, large-scale evaluation of umbrella species by assessing the potential umbrella value of a jaguar (Panthera onca) conservation network (consisting of viable populations and corridors) that extends from Mexico to Argentina. Using species richness, habitat quality, and fragmentation indices of similar to 1500 co-occurring mammal species, we show that jaguar populations and corridors overlap a substantial amount and percentage of high-quality habitat for co-occurring mammals and that the jaguar network performs better than random networks in protecting high-quality, interior habitat. Significantly, the effectiveness of the jaguar network as an umbrella would not have been noticeable had we focused on species richness as our sole metric of umbrella utility. Substantial inter-order variability existed, indicating the need for complementary conservation strategies for certain groups of mammals. We offer several reasons for the positive result we document, including the large spatial scale of our analysis and our focus on multiple metrics of umbrella effectiveness. Taken together, our results demonstrate that a regional, single-species conservation strategy can serve as an effective umbrella for the larger community and should help conserve viable populations and connectivity for a suite of co-occurring mammals. Current and future range-wide planning exercises for other large predators may therefore have important umbrella benefits

    In silico analysis and theratyping of an ultra-rare CFTR genotype (W57G/A234D) in primary human rectal and nasal epithelial cells

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    Mutation targeted therapy in cystic fibrosis (CF) is still not eligible for all CF subjects, especially for cases carrying rare variants such as the CFTR genotype W57G/A234D (c.169T>G/c.701C>A). We performed in silico analysis of the effects of these variants on protein stability, which we functionally characterized using colonoids and reprogrammed nasal epithelial cells. The effect of mutations on cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator (CFTR) protein was analyzed by western blotting, forskolin-induced swelling (FIS), and Ussing chamber analysis. We detected a residual CFTR function that increases following treatment with the CFTR modulators VX661±VX445±VX770, correlates among models, and is associated with increased CFTR protein levels following treatment with CFTR correctors. In vivo treatment with VX770 reduced sweat chloride concentration to non-CF levels, increased the number of CFTR-dependent sweat droplets, and induced a 6% absolute increase in predicted FEV1% after 27 weeks of treatment indicating the relevance of theratyping with patient-derived cells in CF

    Effect of the relative shift between the electron density and temperature pedestal position on the pedestal stability in JET-ILW and comparison with JET-C

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    The electron temperature and density pedestals tend to vary in their relative radial positions, as observed in DIII-D (Beurskens et al 2011 Phys. Plasmas 18 056120) and ASDEX Upgrade (Dunne et al 2017 Plasma Phys. Control. Fusion 59 14017). This so-called relative shift has an impact on the pedestal magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) stability and hence on the pedestal height (Osborne et al 2015 Nucl. Fusion 55 063018). The present work studies the effect of the relative shift on pedestal stability of JET ITER-like wall (JET-ILW) baseline low triangularity (\u3b4) unseeded plasmas, and similar JET-C discharges. As shown in this paper, the increase of the pedestal relative shift is correlated with the reduction of the normalized pressure gradient, therefore playing a strong role in pedestal stability. Furthermore, JET-ILW tends to have a larger relative shift compared to JET carbon wall (JET-C), suggesting a possible role of the plasma facing materials in affecting the density profile location. Experimental results are then compared with stability analysis performed in terms of the peeling-ballooning model and with pedestal predictive model EUROPED (Saarelma et al 2017 Plasma Phys. Control. Fusion). Stability analysis is consistent with the experimental findings, showing an improvement of the pedestal stability, when the relative shift is reduced. This has been ascribed mainly to the increase of the edge bootstrap current, and to minor effects related to the increase of the pedestal pressure gradient and narrowing of the pedestal pressure width. Pedestal predictive model EUROPED shows a qualitative agreement with experiment, especially for low values of the relative shift