33 research outputs found

    Saúde nas metrópoles - Doenças infecciosas

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    A urbanização é um processo irreversível em escala mundial e estima-se que o número de pessoas que vivem em cidades deverá atingir 67% da população do planeta até 2050. Os países de baixa ou média renda, por sua vez, possuem 30% a 40% da população urbana vivendo atualmente em favelas, em situação de risco para diversos agravos de saúde. No Brasil, embora 84,3% da população residissem em áreas urbanas já em 2010, não se verificam no momento ações consistentes voltadas ao enfrentamento das questões de saúde urbana. Neste artigo discute-se a situação epidemiológica de agravos infecciosos de interesse para a saúde pública (dengue, infecção por HIV/aids, leptospirose, hanseníase e tuberculose) a partir do ano 2000 nas 17 metrópoles do país, de modo a esclarecer o papel atual das doenças infecciosas no contexto da saúde urbana brasileira.Urbanization is an irreversible global process and the number of people living in cities is estimated to reach 67% of the world population by 2050. In low- and middle-income countries, 30% to 40% of the population currently lives in slum areas, under risk of several diseases. Even though 84.3% of the Brazilian population already lived in urban areas in 2010, no consistent initiatives have been implemented to address urban health issues. We discuss here the epidemiological features of communicable diseases that are relevant to public health (dengue, HIV/aids, leptospirosis, leprosy and tuberculosis) in Brazil's 17 metropolitan areas since 2000 to help clarify the current role of infections in the context of Brazilian urban health

    Soil contamination by eggs of soil-transmitted helminths with zoonotic potential in the town of Fernandópolis, State of São Paulo, Brazil, between 2007 and 2008

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    INTRODUÇÃO: A concentração de cães e gatos em áreas urbanas, associada a um número cada vez mais crescente da população errante desses animais, tem um papel epidemiológico importante na contaminação de solos de praças e parques públicos e na disseminação de infecções por variados gêneros de parasitas. O objetivo do presente estudo foi determinar a frequência de geo-helmintos com potencial zoonótico em solo de praças públicas e escolas municipais infantis da Cidade de Fernandópolis, Estado de São Paulo, Brasil, no período compreendido entre março de 2007 e fevereiro de 2008. MÉTODOS: Foram avaliadas todas as praças (32) e escolas (13) da cidade. As amostras foram testadas pelos métodos de Rugai adaptado, Willis e Caldwell e Caldwell. RESULTADOS: Foram avaliadas 225 amostras de solo com 30,2% (68) de positividade. Nas amostras provenientes de praças públicas, a positividade foi de 40% (64), ao passo que, nas escolas, foi de apenas 6,1% (6). Os ovos de parasitas encontrados foram Toxocara spp. 79,3% (47), Trichuris spp. 13,8% (8) e ancilostomídeos 6,9% (4). Variáveis relacionadas ao local, como o número de cães (OR 21,18 - IC95%: 10,81-41,51), de espécimes de fezes (OR 6,87 - IC95%: 3,51-13,47) e a utilização de cerca (OR 0,1 - IC95%: 0,05-0,20) tiveram impacto na contaminação do solo. CONCLUSÕES: Foram observados, nas amostras contaminadas, parasitas com potencial zoonótico, entre os quais estão os agentes etiológicos de doenças como a larva migrans visceral e cutânea, fato que representa risco a saúde da população que frequenta tais ambientes.INTRODUCTION: The concentration of dogs and cats in urban areas, associated with an ever-increasing wandering population of these animals, has an important epidemiological role in the soil contamination of public spaces and the spread of infections of several types of parasites. This study aimed to determine the frequency of soil-transmitted helminths with zoonotic potential in public squares and municipal primary schools in Fernandópolis, State of São Paulo, Brazil, conducted between 2007 and 2008. METHODS: All the squares (32) and schools (13) in the town were evaluated. Soil samples were tested using the Rugai method modified by Willis, Caldwell and Caldwell. RESULTS: A total of 225 soil samples were evaluated and 30.2% (68) were positive for helminths. In samples from public squares, 40% (64) contamination was observed; however, contamination in schools was only 6.1% (6). The parasites eggs identified were Toxocara spp. 79.3% (47), Trichuris spp. 13.8% (8) and Ancylostomatidae 6.9% (4). Variables related to the site, such as the number of dogs (OR 21.18, 10.81 - 41.51), fecal samples (OR 6.87, 3.51 - 13.47) and the use of fences (OR 0.1, 0.05 - 0.20), had an impact on soil contamination. CONCLUSIONS: In the contaminated samples, parasites with zoonotic potential were identified, including the etiologic agents of diseases like cutaneous and visceral larva migrans, a fact that poses a risk to health of the population that frequent such environments

    Potential biases in the classification, analysis and interpretations in cross-sectional study: commentaries – surrounding the article "resting heart rate: its correlations and potential for screening metabolic dysfunctions in adolescents"

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    Abstract\ud \ud Background\ud Resting heart rate reflects sympathetic nerve activity. A significant association between resting heart rate (HR) and all causes of cardiovascular mortality has been reported by some epidemiologic studies. Despite suggestive evidence, resting heart rate (RHR) has not been formally explored as a prognostic factor and potential therapeutic outcome and, therefore, is not generally accepted in adolescents.\ud \ud \ud Discussion\ud The core of the debate is the methodological aspects used in "Resting heart rate: its correlations and potential for screening metabolic dysfunctions in adolescents"; the points are: cutoff used for cluster RHR, two different statistical models used to analyze the same set of variables, one for continuous data, and another for categorical data; interpretation of p-value < 0.05, sampling process involving two random stages, analysis of design effect and the parameters of screening tests.\ud \ud \ud Summary\ud Aspects that must be taken into account for evaluation of a screening test to measure the potential for discrimination for a common variable (population with outcome vs. no outcome population), the main indicators are: sensitivity, specificity, accuracy, positive predictive value and negative predictive value. The measures of argumentation equality (CI) or difference (p-valor) are important to validate these indicators but do not indicate quality of screening

    Who and Where are the University of São Paulo Medical School Graduates?

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    OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the impact of a complex-care-based medical school in the context of the Brazilian health care system on students’ career choices. METHODS: This was a retrospective cross-sectional study based on medical regulatory organization records. It included records for 7,419 physicians who graduated from FMUSP. Geographic data were analyzed using Kernel maps, and the statistical analysis was performed with SPSSs version 24.0. A p-value less than 0.05 was considered significant. RESULTS: Of the 7,419 physicians, 68.6% (95% CI 67.5-69.7) were male, and 20.7% (95% CI 19.8%-21.7%) had no medical specialty, compared to 46.4% nationwide. Internal medicine and surgery-based specialties were more popular, accounting for 39.4% (95% CI 38.3%-40.5%) and 16.8% (95% CI 15.5%-17.6%) of our study group, compared to the Brazilian averages of 25.9% and 13.5%. Our graduates also had a higher probability of staying in Sa˜o Paulo City, especially when born outside the city. CONCLUSION: We believe that FMUSP remains an interesting model for studying the impact of a highly specialized center on the education and career choices of medical students

    Frequency of anti-Toxocara spp antibody in school children from Fernandópolis-SP, Brazil and analysis of soil contamination by parasite eggs

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    A toxocaríase é uma zoonose muito difundida em todo o mundo. Trata-se da infecção humana, em especial pelas larvas de Toxocara canis, um nematóide comum de cães. O objetivo do presente estudo foi levantar a soropositividade a anticorpos anti-Toxocara spp, identificar os fatores de risco em grupos de escolares da cidade de Fernandópolis/SP e avaliar a contaminação do solo por ovos desse e de outros geo-helmintos entre os anos de 2007 e 2008. Foi realizado um estudo transversal utilizando-se amostragem complexa e estratificada, por renda, para a avaliação da toxocaríase humana. O método diagnóstico empregado foi o teste de ELISA para detecção de anticorpos IgG anti-Toxocara spp. O estudo da contaminação do solo deu-se por meio da avaliação de amostras de solo de praças, parques públicos e escolas municipais e pela avaliação de amostras de fezes provenientes de 10 praças públicas. Foram avaliados 252 indivíduos em dois estratos, o primeiro representando baixa renda com 120 (47,6%) crianças e o segundo com 132 (52,4%) representando renda elevada. A frequência geral de positividade ao antígeno TES foi de 15,4% (39), sendo 28,3% (34) para o primeiro estrato contra 3,7% (5) do segundo (p<0,000). A exposição à geofagia (exposto OR ajustado 14,65 - IC95% = 2,14 a 89,25 e muito expostos OR ajustado 19,15 a IC95% = 2,96 a 123,94), o hábito de levar objetos à boca (exposto OR ajustado 9,31 - IC95% = 1,63 a 53,03 e muito expostos OR ajustado 42,29 a IC95% = 5,49 a 326,01) e a presença de mais de dois cães em domicílio (OR ajustado 21,25 = 1,7 a 264,87) foram variáveis associadas à positividade. O hábito de lavar as mãos antes das refeições (OR ajustado 0,01 - IC95% 0,00 a 0,05) representou importante fator de proteção. Foram avaliadas 225 amostras de solo, sendo 71% (160) provenientes de praças e parques públicos e 29% (65), de escolas municipais. Foi observado alto grau de contaminação de praças e parques públicos 28,4% (64), ao passo que nas escolas a positividade foi de 1,7% (6). Os parasitos encontrados com maior frequência foram de Toxocara spp 79,6% (47), Trichuris spp 13,5% (8) e ancilostomídeo 6,4% (4). Foram avaliadas ainda 400 amostras de fezes de cães, e observou-se uma positividade de 23,7% (95). Os parasitos observados com maior frequência nas amostras positivas foram ancilostomídeo símile 74,7% (71) e Toxocara canis, 53,6% (51). A positividade a anticorpos anti-Toxocara spp em indivíduos de 1 a 12 anos de idade, provenientes de cinco escolas do município de Fernandópolis/SP, foi relativamente baixa. Os principais fatores de risco/proteção dizem respeito às questões modificáveis como a geofagia, o hábito de levar objetos à boca, a existência de mais de dois cães em domicílio e o hábito de lavar as mãos antes das refeições. Os solos de praças e parques públicos de Fernandópolis/SP e amostras de fezes recolhidas em ambiente estavam altamente contaminados com geo-helmintos zoonóticos e representam fonte de infecção relevante para a populaçãoToxocariasis is a zoonosis of worldwide occurrence. It is defined as the human infection by larvae of nematodes, especially Toxocara canis, common intestinal parasite of dogs. The aim of this study was to estimate the frequency of anti-Toxocara spp antibodies, identify risk factors in groups of school children from the city of Fernandópolis/SP and evaluate soil contamination by eggs of this and other geohelminths between 2007 and 2008. It was conducted a cross-sectional study using complex sampling for the assessment of human toxocariasis. The diagnostic method used was the ELISA test for detection of IgG anti-Toxocara spp antibodies. The study of soil contamination was done through evaluation of soil samples from public places, sand boxes of municipal schools and evaluation of dogs stool samples from 10 public places. Two hundred and fifty two children were evaluated in two strata, the first with 120 children (47.6%) from low income families and the second with 132 (52.4%) from high income ones. The overall frequency of antibodies anti-Toxocara spp was 15.4% (39), being 28.3% (34) for the first stratum compared with 3.7% (5) of the second (p <0.000). The exposure to geophagy (exposed: adjusted OR 14.65 - CI 95% = 2.14 to 89.25; very exposed: adjusted OR 19.15 - CI 95%= 2.96 to 123.94), the habit of rising objects up to the mouth (exposed: adjusted OR 9.31 1.63 to 53.03; very exposed: adjusted OR 42.29 - CI 95%= 5.49 to 326.01) and the presence of more than two dogs at home (adjusted OR 21.25 - 1.7 to 264.87) were variables associated with positivity. The habit of washing hands before meals (adjusted OR 0.01 - CI 95% = 0.00 to 0.05) represented an important protective factor. Were evaluated 225 samples of soil: 71% (160) from public places and 29% (65) of municipal schools. It was observed a high contamination of public places with 28.4% (64) being positive, while in school positivity was 1.7% (6). The most frequent parasites eggs found were Toxocara spp 79.6% (47), Trichuris spp 13.5% (8) and Ancylostomatidae 6.4% (4). They were also evaluated 400 fecal samples of dogs and observed a positivity of 23.7% (95). The most frequent parasites observed in positive samples were Ancylostoma simile 74.7% (71) and Toxocara canis 53.6% (51). The anti-Toxocara spp antibodies positivity in school children from Fernandópolis/SP was relatively low. The main factors of risk/protection concern to modifiable issues like geophagy, the habit of rising objects up to the mouth, the existence of more than two dogs at home and the habit of washing hands before meals. The soil of public places of Fernandópolis/SP and feces samples collected from the environment were highly contaminated with zoonotic helminths and represent important source of infection for the populatio

    Metabolic changes associated with use of antiretroviral drugs in people living with HIV/AIDS: characterization and development of intelligent algorithms applied to identification and prediction

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    Introdução: com o advento da terapia antirretroviral altamente ativa observou-se um profundo impacto na história natural da infecção pelo HIV. O emprego de combinações terapêuticas contendo drogas de diferentes classes promove importante e sustentada supressão na replicação viral, levando à restauração imunológica e, consequentemente, eleva a sobrevida e a qualidade de vida das pessoas que vivem com HIV (PVH). Objetivos: a presente proposta visa analisar e caracterizar as alterações endocrinológicas e metabólicas associadas ao uso de medicamentos antirretrovirais em PVH e desenvolver algoritmos computacionais inteligentes visando sua identificação e previsão. Métodos: Trata-se de uma coorte ambidirecional de PVH, que iniciaram o uso de TARV entre 1º. de janeiro de 2003 e 31 de dezembro de 2013, com seguimento até dezembro de 2014. Recortes metodológicos foram empregados para, (1) avaliar a qualidade da base de dados, (2) estimar a densidade de incidência de alterações lipídicas e glicídicas na coorte, (3) identificar fatores associados à incidência de diabetes mellitus, e (4) desenvolver um algoritmo para predição de novos casos de diabetes mellitus. O primeiro recorte utilizou as estatísticas de kappa e coeficiente de correlação para medidas qualitativas e quantitativas de LTCD4+ e carga viral do HIV; o segundo usou estatísticas de incidência acumulada com intervalo de confiança de 95% com emprego do método de reamostragem de bootstrap e determinação da densidade de incidência por 1.000 pessoas ano usando, com cálculo de intervalo de confiança de 95% projetado com distribuição de Poisson; o terceiro utilizou a regressão de Cox e um modelo hierarquizado para estudar os fatores que influenciam no tempo até a ocorrência de diabetes mellitus e, o quarto, empregou metodologia para estruturação do sistema especialista fuzzy Sugeno, a curva ROC para estudar a acurácia do modelo comparada aos outros fatores. Resultados: 8.007 pacientes foram considerados elegíveis no primeiro recorte. A correlação geral observada para a menor contagem de LTCD4+ antes de TARV foi 0,970 (p = 50 anos HR 2,4 (IC95%1,9-3,1), obesidade HR 2,1 (IC95%1,6- 2,8), razão triglicerídeos:HDL-c >= 3,5 HR 1,8 (IC95%1,51-2,2) e hiperglicemia HR 2,6 (IC95%1,7-2,5). O sistema fuzzy Sugeno teve acurácia (AUC) de 0,811 (IC95% 0,772- 0,851). Conclusões: as análises indicaram alta correlação (quantitativa) e concordância (qualitativa) entre Coorte Brasil de HIV/AIDS e o sistema informatizado SISCEL; diabetes mellitus e outros alterações metabólicas foram comuns na coorte Brasil de HIV/AIDS; a exposição a estavudina (d4T) mostrou-se fator de risco para diabetes mellitus; e o algoritmo linguístico fuzzy foi capaz de predizer novos casos de diabetes mellitus com acurácia superior à dos fatores de risco convencionaisIntroduction: with the advent of highly active antiretroviral therapy (ART) a profound impact on the natural history of HIV infection was observed. The use of combined therapeutic regimens containing antiretroviral drugs of different classes promotes important and sustained suppression of viral replication, leading to immune restauration and increases survival and the quality of life of people living with HIV (PLWH). Objectives: This study aims to analyze and characterize the endocrinological and metabolic changes associated with the use of antiretroviral drugs in PLWH and to develop intelligent computational algorithms for their identification and prediction. Methods: this is an ambidirectional cohort of PLWH, who were started on ART between January 1, 2003 and December 31, 2013, with follow-up through December 31, 2014. Our methodological approaches aimed at (1) assessing the quality of the database, (2) estimating the incidence density of lipid and glucose changes, (3) identifying factors associated with incident diabetes mellitus, and (4) developing an algorithm for prediction of incident diabetes mellitus. For the first approach we used the kappa and correlation coefficient statistics for qualitative and quantitative measures of LTCD4 + and HIV viral load (VL); for the second we used cumulative incidence statistics with a 95% confidence interval, by means of bootstrap resampling and calculation of incidence density per 1,000 person-years with a 95% confidence interval based on the Poisson distribution; for the third we used Cox regression and a hierarchical model to investigate factors that influenced time until incidence of diabetes mellitus and, for the fourth, we used in addition to structuring the Sugeno fuzzy expert system, the ROC curve to assess the accuracy of the model as compared to other factors. Results: 8,007 patients were considered eligible for the first approach; overall observed correlation for the lower LTCD4+ count before ART was 0.970 (p = 50 years HR 2.4 (95%CI 1.9-3.1), obesity HR 2.1 (95% CI 1.6-2.8), triglyceride:HDL-c ratio >= 3.5 HR 1.8 (95% CI 1.51-2.2) and hyperglycemia HR 2.6 (95% CI 1.7-2.5). The Sugeno fuzzy system had an accuracy (AUC) of 0.811 (IC95% 0,772-0,851). Conclusions: the analyses indicated a high correlation (quantitative) and agreement (qualitative) between Brazil\'s HIV/AIDS Cohort Study and SISCEL databases; diabetes mellitus and other metabolic alterations were common in the Brazil cohort of HIV / AIDS; exposure to stavudine (d4T) was a risk factor for incident diabetes mellitus; and the fuzzy linguistic algorithm could predict new cases of diabetes mellitus with a higher accuracy than conventional risk factor

    Brazilian infectious diseases specialists: who and where are they?

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    Abstract Background The infectious diseases specialist is a medical doctor dedicated to the management of infectious diseases in their individual and collective dimensions. Objectives The aim of this paper was to evaluate the current profile and distribution of infectious diseases specialists in Brazil. Methods This is a cross-sectional study using secondary data obtained from institutions that register medical specialists in Brazil. Variables of interest included gender, age, type of medical school (public or private) the specialist graduated from, time since finishing residency training in infectious diseases, and the interval between M.D. graduation and residency completion. Maps are used to study the geographical distribution of infectious diseases specialists. Results A total of 3229 infectious diseases specialist registries were counted, with 94.3% (3045) of individual counts (heads) represented by primary registries. The mean age was 43.3 years (SD 10.5), and a higher proportion of females was observed (57%; 95% CI 55.3&#8211;58.8). Most Brazilian infectious diseases specialists (58.5%) practice in the Southeastern region. However, when distribution rates were calculated, several states exhibited high concentration of infectious diseases specialists, when compared to the national rate (16.06). Interestingly, among specialists working in the Northeastern region, those trained locally had completed their residency programs more recently (8.7 yrs; 95% CI 7.9&#8211;9.5) than physicians trained elsewhere in the country (13.6 yrs: 95% CI 11.8&#8211;15.5). Conclusion Our study shows that Brazilian infectious diseases specialists are predominantly young and female doctors. Most have concluded a medical residency training program. The absolute majority practice in the Southeastern region. However, some states from the Northern, Northeastern and Southeastern regions exhibit specialist rates above the national average. In these areas, nonetheless, there is a strong concentration of infectious diseases specialists in state capitals and in metropolitan areas