183 research outputs found

    "Landscape is luxury": searching for images of sustainability

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    Landscape can give an expressive form to ecological processes, give a vision for “green” policies and plans, and allow the public at large to understand what is at stake. Because most territorial changes are planned on the basis of various forms of representations and rendering, the power of images has grown more and more. What images of change are planners and designers putting forward? Are these images able to represent innovative scenarios of sustainability? The paper presents some case studies. The landscape is close to the way in which people perceive their own living environment, so it can be a powerful visioning tool for participatory democracy. It is proposed that the landscape debate should be reoriented, from the prevailing attention paid to the identity, as an heritage of the past, to a stronger focus on the “aspirations of the public” (European Landscape Convention) and to the creation of new landscape identities

    Promoting the smart, sustainable and inclusive development of inner areas. What chances for Europe and East Asia? From remote wilderness to livable place. Evolution of an alpine park in the framework of the European Charter for Sustainable Tourism

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    Protected areas are considered to be on-site and on-going workshops for testing sustainable development strategies. The Federation of Nature and National Parks of Europe (EUROPARC) promotes the European Charter for Sustainable Tourism in Protected Areas (ECST, 2010) with the motto “Good for Parks, Good for People!”. The ECST is a label which can be obtained thanks to a participatory process focused on defining, implementing and monitoring an Action Plan. The Val Grande National Park (Piedmont, Italy) is highly engaged in sustainable development strategies. In 2013, joining the ECST gave momentum and a model. This paper will discuss how the Park took this new pathway of sustainable development, changing a long-lasting paradigm, in particular, adopting the “protected landscape approach” (Brown, Mitchell, Beresford 2005; Philips 2003), and so shifting its goal from being a mere “nature sanctuary” to becoming a place to live

    Landscape networks and their meaning in planning activities

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    This short paper aims at connecting the topic of cultural routes with the “landscape networks” (greenways, blueways, cultural itineraries, but also ecological nets) illustrating how the landscape approach fertilized the cultural heritage domain and policies in recent years. Examples are also provided

    Un processo per la qualitĂ  paesaggistica

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    Il saggio sintetizza il processo metodologico proposto come esito della ricerca PRIN "Scenari di paesaggio nel piano urbanistico locale". La ricerca muove dalla constatazione della mancanza di modelli di riferimento, nel nostro paese, per il trattamento degli aspetti paesaggistici a livello locale, e in particolare negli strumenti urbanistici comunali, e della difficoltà nell'adeguamento ai nuovi piani paesaggistici regionali. Si sviluppa ed illustra, attraverso un caso studio, un processo di analisi, valutazione dello stato e delle dinamiche, proposta di scenari progettuali, valutazione degli stessi scenari e coinvolgimento delle popolazioni nelle scelte. Il processo presenta alcune proposte di innovazione ed è concretamente illustrato nei diversi passaggi

    Analisi di visibilitĂ  per la tutela e la pianificazione del paesaggio. Sperimentazione sul caso studio di Torino

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    Lo studio del paesaggio gode di un momento di grande espansione. Al suo interno, i metodi di analisi del paesaggio visuale sono un importante campo di studio che ha implicazioni nelle procedure di valutazione di impatto ambientale e paesaggistico degli interventi, ma anche nella pianificazione paesaggistica. Le analisi di visibilità effettuate tramite GIS offrono la possibilità, sulla base di un modello digitale del terreno o delle superfici, e della definizione del cono visivo dell'osservatore, di determinare le aree visibili da un punto o, viceversa, tutte le aree da cui un punto è visibile. Ciò può contribuire, ad esempio, alla tutela di punti panoramici e di fulcri visivi. L'uso di tali analisi si sta sperimentando sui beni piemontesi, nell'ambito delle attività di pianificazione paesaggistica regionali, con la consulenza scientifica del Dipartimento DIST (Politecnico e Università di Torino). I risultati sono molto influenzati dalla base cartografica utilizzata (in particolare, DTM o DSM e relativa maglia). Il paper, sperimentando tre diverse basi su un caso studio (Villa della Regina a Torino, sito iscritto nella World Heritage List dell'Unesco), discute su potenzialità e limiti di ciascuna di essa rispetto all'applicazione in ambito pianificatorio, ossia la tutela e la pianificazione paesaggistica. La conclusione è che non esiste una base migliore, ma è opportuno scegliere quella utile alla specifica finalità conoscitiva e applicativa

    GIS-based visual analysis for planning and designing historic urban landscapes

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    Visibility and scenic landscape analysis is an important field of study with direct implications in urban and regional landscape planning and management. More specifically, GIS-based landscape visibility analysis can be a tool to protect, manage, and plan also historic urban landscapes, focusing on scenic and visual values. Using visibility maps it is possible to predict the visual impact of transformations, locate interventions on the basis of visual sensitivity, and protect landscape of natural beauty, cultural heritage and significant landmarks visible from selected viewpoints. Among the studies carried out in some cities in the world, in Italy there is a pilot project for the integration of GIS-based visibility analysis in planning decisions for the Piedmont cultural heritage. GIS-based landscape visibility analysis has been developed on different areas located in the Piedmont Region within the framework of the landscape planning activity developed by the MiBAC (Ministero dei beni e delle attività culturali e del turismo) and the Piedmont Region - with the scientific advice of the Politecnico di Torino. A specific study has been carried out in the city of Turin. Set in an international perspective, this paper will focus on describing these applications and on highlighting some problematic issues and possible uses of such techniques in the planning domain

    Planning for the global urban agenda. Shaping ecodistricts in Tokyo suburbs

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    The volume deals with selected issues from the New Urban Agenda (NUA) of the United Nations (Quito, 2016), paying particular attention to the rural-urban linkages and the planning solutions for metropolitan suburbs. How to preserve farmlands and open spaces, how to enhance urban agriculture and urban sustainability are the major concerns. The first section presents introductory essays on such topics; the second section presents plans and projects on a case study, Nishi-Tokyo City. Plans and projects are the outcome of the on-site workshop jointly organized by The Tokyo University and the Politecnico di Torino in collaboration with Nishi-Tokyo Municipality, and in the framework of the joint research project “Implementing the UN New Urban Agenda. Universities in Action”
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