136 research outputs found

    Bendings of radio jets in BL Lacertae objects I: EVN and MERLIN observations

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    Several blazars, and BL Lac objects in particular, show a misalignment between the jet orientation on parsec and kiloparsec scales. Some authors (i.e. Conway & Murphy, 1993) have attempted to explain this behaviour invoking helical jets for misalignment angles around 90\degr, showing how in this case there are interesting implications for the understanding of the medium into which the jet is expanding. By comparing sensitive VLA observations (Cassaro et al., 1999) with images available in the literature for the BL Lac objects from the 1-Jy Sample (Stickel et al., 1991), it is clear that there is a wide range of misalignments between the initial jet direction and the kpc-scale jet, when detected. We have carried out VLBI observations of these BL Lac objects, in order to investigate the spatial evolution of the radio jets from few tens to hundreds of mas, and to search for helical jets in this class of sources. We present here the first dataset obtained from EVN+MERLIN observations at 5 GHz for seven objects. From these observations we never have a clear detection of helical jets, we only have a possible signature of their presence in 2 objects. In only one of the sources with a misalignment angle around 90\degr the presence of helical jets can be ruled out. This implies that it is not possible to invoke helical jets to explain the morphology of all the sources showing a misalignment of about 90\degr between the parsec and the kiloparsec scale jets.Comment: 12 pages, 9 figures, latex, accepted by Astronomy & Astrophysic

    Extended emission around GPS radio sources

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    Extended radio emission detected around a sample of GHz Peaked Spectrum (GPS) radio sources is discussed. Evidence for extended emission which is related to the GPS source is found in 6 objects out of 33. Three objects are associated with quasars with core-jet pc-scale morphology, and three are identified with galaxies with symmetric (CSO) radio morphology. We conclude that the core-jet GPS quasars are likely to be beamed objects with a continuous supply of energy from the core to the kpc scale. It is also possible that low surface brightness extended radio emission is present in other GPS quasars but the emission is below our detection limit due to the high redshifts of the objects. On the other hand, the CSO/galaxies with extended large scale emission may be rejuvenated sources where the extended emission is the relic of previous activity. In general, the presence of large scale emission associated with GPS galaxies is uncommon, suggesting that in the context of the recurrent activity model, the time scale between subsequent bursts is in general longer than the radiative lifetime of the radio emission from the earlier activity.Comment: 18 paged, 18 figures, accepted for publication on A&

    Extended radio emission in BL Lac objects - I: the images

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    We have observed 28 sources selected from the 1Jy sample of BL Lac objects (Stickel et al. 1991) with the Very Large Array (VLA) in A, B and D configurations at 1.36, 1.66 and 4.85 GHz, and/or with the Westerbork Synthesis Radio Telescope (WSRT) at 1.40 GHz. In this paper we present high sensitivity images at arcsecond resolution of the 18 objects showing extended structure in our images, and of another source from the FIRST (Faint Images of the Radio Sky at Twenty-cm) survey (Becker et al. 1995). In general our high sensitivity images reveal an amount of extended emission larger than previously reported. In some objects the luminosity of the extended structure is comparable with that of FR~II radio sources. A future paper will be devoted to the interpretation of these results.Comment: 12 pages, 35 figures, to appear on A&A Supp. Ser., postscript file with figures included available at http://www.ira.noto.cnr.it/staff/carlo/ds1030.ps.g

    Reflections in a Pool: Lully's Ballet des Saisons and the Court of Louis XIV

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    Excerpt from an unpublished MA thesis (Musicology, Cornell University, 1993). Lully's Ballet des saisons of 1661, a French ballet de cour, focuses on the progression of the four seasons at the royal château of Fontainebleau. The work also incorporates deeper levels of meaning that would have been apparent to the courtiers at the time. Uncovering these layers requires an exploration of the ballet's various subtexts and the relationship between its surface and political meaning. A close examination allows a more fluid view of the court hierarchy. The ballet, then, acts as a mirror of the society that created it

    Winning Approval: The Ins and Outs of Music Score Approval Plans

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    Looks at the issues surrounding the implementation of an approval plan for music scores. Paper given on March 22, 2010 at the Music Library Association (MLA) annual conference, in San Diego, CA on a session entitled "Score Approval Plans: Are They Still Useful in Challenging Economic Times?

    Comparison of Adaptive Control Architectures for Flutter Suppression

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    A study is conducted to derive and implement a state feedback model reference adaptive control (MRAC) solutions for a 2-D aeroelastic nonlinear system and in evaluating the robustness of different control strategies to damage leading to the deterioration of the structural stiffness characteristics. The standard MRAC, a modified MRAC and the adaptive controller are the three model reference adaptive control solutions analyzed. The standard direct MRAC solution serves as the threshold to assess whether or not the more complex algorithms are an effective improvement to it

    Reaching out to early-career astrobiologists: AbGradE's actions and perspectives

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    Astrobiology Graduates in Europe (AbGradE, pronounced ab-grad-ee) is an association of early-career scientists working in fields relevant to astrobiological research. Conceptualized in 2013, it was initially designed as a mini-conference or workshop dedicated to early-career researchers, providing a friendly environment where early-career minds would be able to present their research without being intimidated by the possibility of facing a more traditional audience, composed mainly of senior scientists. Within the last couple of years, AbGradE became the first point of call for European, but also for an increasing number of non-European, early-career astrobiologists. This article aims to present how AbGradE has evolved over the years (in its structure and in its way of organizing events), how it has adapted with the COVID-19 pandemic, and what future developments are considered

    Características morfogênicas e estruturais de gramíneas com potencial de uso em Sistemas de Integração - Lavoura - Pecuária - Floresta em Rondônia.

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    Este trabalho apresenta as principais características morfogênicas e estruturais de gramíneas com potencial de uso em sistemas de integração Lavoura-Pecuária-Floresta (iLPF?s). Este sistema surge como alternativa promissora, por apresentarem várias vantagens quando comparados aos sistemas convencionais de produção. Nos iLPF's as pastagens além de servirem como a base alimentar dos rebanhos, oportunizando a geração de produtos de origem animal, passam a exercer importante papel na ciclagem de nutrientes.bitstream/item/46764/1/cot364-gramineas.pd
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