21 research outputs found

    Orion Capsule Parachute Assembly System (CPAS) Riser Twist Load Amplification

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    Any cluster of parachute systems is subject to effects on performance due to interactions between the parachutes. One such interaction is the twisting of a riser from one parachute around that of another. Due to friction and relative motion between the risers, it is possible for the tension in the riser near the attach point to be different from the tension in the riser towards the suspension lines or canopy. This could result in system failure due to larger than expected loading. The Orion Capsule Parachute Assembly System (CPAS) designed and executed a test to quantify the amplification of the load in a parachute riser due to twist, rocking rate and angle, cluster size, and canopy load. The design of the testing approach, test matrix, and hardware are discussed along with results and findings

    Aerodynamic Reconstruction Applied to Parachute Test Vehicle Flight Data Analysis

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    The aerodynamics, both static and dynamic, of a test vehicle are critical to determining the performance of the parachute cluster in a drop test and for conducting a successful test. The Capsule Parachute Assembly System (CPAS) project is conducting tests of NASA's Orion Multi-Purpose Crew Vehicle (MPCV) parachutes at the Army Yuma Proving Ground utilizing the Parachute Test Vehicle (PTV). The PTV shape is based on the MPCV, but the height has been reduced in order to fit within the C-17 aircraft for extraction. Therefore, the aerodynamics of the PTV are similar, but not the same as, the MPCV. A small series of wind tunnel tests and computational fluid dynamics cases were run to modify the MPCV aerodynamic database for the PTV, but aerodynamic reconstruction of the flights has proven an effective source for further improvements to the database. The acceleration and rotational rates measured during free flight, before parachute inflation but during deployment, were used to con rm vehicle static aerodynamics. A multibody simulation is utilized to reconstruct the parachute portions of the flight. Aerodynamic or parachute parameters are adjusted in the simulation until the prediction reasonably matches the flight trajectory. Knowledge of the static aerodynamics is critical in the CPAS project because the parachute riser load measurements are scaled based on forebody drag. PTV dynamic damping is critical because the vehicle has no reaction control system to maintain attitude - the vehicle dynamics must be understood and modeled correctly before flight. It will be shown here that aerodynamic reconstruction has successfully contributed to the CPAS project

    Experimental and Theoretical Studies of the Lithium-fed Multichannel and Single-channel Hollow Cathode

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    Cathode voltage and temperature profile measurements from lithium-fed single-channel hollow cathode (SCHC) and multichannel hollow cathode (MCHC) experiments are presented along with a the results of a theoretical model that includes the relevant phenomena. The lithium-fed SCHC experiments and the measurement of the plasma potential just downstream of the channel exit show that the plasma penetration length increases with current, and that the maximum temperature is independent of mass flow rate and weakly dependent on current (at high current). The model predicts important operating parameters including the cathode voltage, temperature profile, and ionization fraction as a function of current, lithium flow rate, and channel diameter. The SCHC model is also extended to a MCHC theory by including the thermal/radiative benefits of bundled channels. The theories capture experimental trends and predict cathode temperature to within 10% and voltage to within 4 V. One of the main insights provided by this study is that the arc penetrates to a location where the plasma density is great enough to supply the ion flux required to heat the cathode surface to the thermionic emission temperature. This has the effect of making the maximum temperature and voltage independent of mass flow rate and the penetration depth dependent on mass flow rate and current

    The presentation, clinical features, complications, and treatment of congenital dacryocystocele

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    Purpose To determine the incidence and presenting features of congenital dacryocystocele in the United Kingdom. To report on those cases complicated by dacryocystitis, respiratory compromise, and the treatment undertaken. Methods A prospective observational study of cases of congenital dacryocystocele presenting in the United Kingdom between September 2014 and October 2015. Infants <3 months of age presenting with a cystic swelling in the medial canthal area were included. Cases were identified via the British Ophthalmology Surveillance Unit (BOSU) reporting system. Results A total of 49 cases were reported during the study period. This gives an incidence of 1 in 18 597 live births. There was a 71% response rate to the questionnaire. The average age at presentation was 16.94 days. Dacryocystoceles were unilateral in 91% of cases. Dacryocystitis was a complicating factor in 49% of patients and 17% had respiratory distress. Uncomplicated dacryocystocele responded well to conservative measures in 86%. Surgical intervention was required in 23% of patients. Those cases complicated by dacryocystitis (29%) and nasal obstruction (17%) were more likely to require surgical intervention compared to those with dacryocystocele alone (14%). Digital massage appears to reduce the likelihood of requiring surgical intervention. The mean time to resolution was 19 days. Conclusions Congenital dacryocystocele is a rare presentation in the United Kingdom. Dacryocystitis and respiratory compromise commonly complicate a dacryocystocele. The use of digital massage as an early intervention is advocated and conservative measures may be sufficient in cases of uncomplicated dacryocystocele

    The VASIMR[registered trademark] VF-200-1 ISS Experiment as a Laboratory for Astrophysics

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    The VASIMR[R] Flight Experiment (VF-200-1) will be tested in space aboard the International Space Station (ISS) in about four years. It will consist of two 100 kW parallel plasma engines with opposite magnetic dipoles, resulting in a near zero-torque magnetic system. Electrical energy will come from ISS at low power level, be stored in batteries and used to fire the engine at 200 kW. The VF-200-1 project will provide a unique opportunity on the ISS National Laboratory for astrophysicists and space physicists to study the dynamic evolution of an expanding and reconnecting plasma loop. Here, we review the status of the project and discuss our current plans for computational modeling and in situ observation of a dynamic plasma loop on an experimental platform in low-Earth orbit. The VF-200-1 project is still in the early stages of development and we welcome new collaborators

    Large scale genome-wide association and LDLA mapping study identifies QTLs for boar taint and related sex steroids

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Boar taint is observed in a high proportion of uncastrated male pigs and is characterized by an unpleasant odor/flavor in cooked meat, primarily caused by elevated levels of androstenone and skatole. Androstenone is a steroid produced in the testis in parallel with biosynthesis of other sex steroids like testosterone and estrogens. This represents a challenge when performing selection against androstenone in breeding programs, without simultaneously decreasing levels of other steroids. The aim of this study was to use high-density genome wide association (GWA) in combination with linkage disequilibrium-linkage analysis (LDLA) to identify quantitative trait loci (QTL) associated with boar taint compounds and related sex steroids in commercial Landrace (n = 1,251) and Duroc (n = 918) breeds.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Altogether, 14 genome wide significant (GWS) QTL regions for androstenone in subcutaneous fat were obtained from the LDLA study in Landrace and 14 GWS QTL regions in Duroc. LDLA analysis revealed that 7 of these QTL regions, located on SSC 1, 2, 3, 7 and 15, were obtained in both breeds. All 14 GWS androstenone QTLs in Landrace are also affecting the estrogens at chromosome wise significance (CWS) or GWS levels, while in Duroc, 3 of the 14 QTLs affect androstenone without affecting any of the estrogens. For skatole, 10 and 4 QTLs were GWS in the LDLA analysis for Landrace and Duroc respectively, with 4 of these detected in both breeds. The GWS QTLs for skatole obtained by LDLA are located at SSC 1, 5, 6, 7, 10, 11, 13 and 14.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>This is the first report applying the Porcine 60 K SNP array for simultaneous analysis of boar taint compounds and related sex hormones, using both GWA and LDLA approaches. Several QTLs are involved in regulation of androstenone and skatole, and most of the QTLs for androstenone are also affecting the levels of estrogens. Seven QTLs for androstenone were detected in one breed and confirmed in the other, i.e. in an independent sample, although the majority of QTLs are breed specific. Most QTLs for skatole do not negatively affect other sex hormones and should be easier to implement into the breeding scheme.</p