422 research outputs found

    Genetic modification of lignin concentration affects fitness of perennial herbaceous plants

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    Populations of four perennial herbaceous species that were genetically modified for altered lignin content (or associated forage digestibility) by conventional plant breeding were evaluated for two agricultural fitness traits, plant survival and plant biomass, in three Northcentral USA environments for more than 4 years. Reduced lignin concentration or increased digestibility resulted in increased winter mortality in two of four species and reduced biomass in one species. Results from other experiment indicate that these apparent genetic correlations may be ephemeral, suggesting that selection for fitness can be successful within high-digestibility or low-lignin germplasm. Results indicate that perennial plants genetically engineered with altered lignin concentration or composition for use in livestock, pulp and paper, or bioenergy production should be evaluated for fitness in field environments prior to use in agriculture

    Registration of ‘Liberty’ Switchgrass

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    ‘Liberty’ (Reg. No. CV-271, PI 669371) switchgrass (Panicum virgatum L.) is a lowland-type cultivar that is adapted to USDA plant hardiness zones (HZ) 4, 5, and 6 in the U.S. Great Plains and Midwest, east of 100° W. longitude. It was developed for use as a perennial biomass energy crop and is the first high-yielding biomass-type lowland cultivar adapted to this region. It can produce greater biomass yields than upland- or forage-type switchgrass cultivars developed previously for use in the region, and it has equivalent winter survival. Liberty has significantly greater winter survival in its adaptation region than previously released lowland switchgrass cultivars such as ‘Kanlow’ and ‘Alamo’ that frequently have substantial winter damage and stand loss north of 40° N latitude in the U.S. Great Plains and Midwest

    Population genetic structure of N. American and European \u3ci\u3ePhalaris arundinacea\u3c/i\u3e L. as inferred from inter-simple sequence repeat markers

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    Phalaris arundinacea L. (reed canarygrass) has become one of the most aggressive invaders of North American wetlands. P. arundinacea is native to temperate N. America, Europe, and Asia, but repeated introductions of European genotypes to N. America, recent range expansions, and the planting of forage and ornamental cultivars complicate the resolution of its demographic history. Molecular tools can help to unravel the demographic and invasion history of populations of invasive species. In this study, inter-simple sequence repeat markers were used to analyze the population genetic structure of European and N. American populations of reed canary grass as well as forage and ornamental cultivars. We found that P. arundinacea harbors a high amount of genetic diversity with most of the diversity located within, as opposed to among, populations. Cluster analyses suggested that current populations are admixtures of two formerly distinct genetic groups

    Latitudinal Adaptation of Switchgrass Populations

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    Switchgrass (Panicum virgatum L.) is a widely adapted warm-season perennial that has considerable potential as a biofuel crop. Evolutionary processes and environmental factors have combined to create considerable ecotypic differentiation in switchgrass. The objective of this study was to determine the nature of population x location interaction for switchgrass, quantifying potential differences in latitudinal adaptation of switchgrass populations. Twenty populations were evaluated for biofuel and agronomic traits for 2 yr at five locations ranging from 36 to 46° N lat. Biomass yield, survival, and plant height had considerable population x location interaction, much of which (53-65%) could be attributed to the linear effect of latitude and to germplasm groups (Northern Upland, Southern Upland, Northern Lowland, and Southern Lowland). Differences among populations were consistent across locations for maturity, dry matter, and lodging. Increasingly later maturity and the more rapid stem elongation rate of more southern-origin ecotypes (mainly lowland cytotypes) resulted in high biomass yield potential, reduced dry matter concentration, and longer retention of photosynthetically active tissue at more southern locations. Conversely, increasing cold tolerance of more northern-origin ecotypes (mainly upland cytotypes) resulted in higher survival, stand longevity, and sustained biomass yields at more northern locations, allowing switchgrass to thrive at cold, northern latitudes. Although cytotype explained much of the variation among populations and the population x location interaction, ecotypic differentiation within cytotypes accounted for considerable variation in adaption of switchgrass populations

    Noncyclic covers of knot complements

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    Hempel has shown that the fundamental groups of knot complements are residually finite. This implies that every nontrivial knot must have a finite-sheeted, noncyclic cover. We give an explicit bound, Φ(c)\Phi (c), such that if KK is a nontrivial knot in the three-sphere with a diagram with cc crossings and a particularly simple JSJ decomposition then the complement of KK has a finite-sheeted, noncyclic cover with at most Φ(c)\Phi (c) sheets.Comment: 29 pages, 8 figures, from Ph.D. thesis at Columbia University; Acknowledgments added; Content correcte

    Identification of Quantitative Trait Loci for Plant Height, Crown Diameter, and Plant Biomass in a Pseudo-F2 Population of Switchgrass

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    Switchgrass (Panicum virgatum) is a perennial warm-season grass that produces high biomass yield. Identification of mechanisms for genetic regulation of biomass traits has potential to facilitate genetic manipulation of switchgrass for enhancing biomass yield. The objective of this study was to identify quantitative trait loci for biomass-related traits in a pseudo-F2 population of switchgrass derived from an upland cross with a lowland switchgrass cultivar. Plant height (HT), crown diameter (CD), and plant biomass (PB) were assessed in field studies in 2015 and 2016. Plant height was positively correlated with PB in both years but only correlated with CD in 2016. Positive correlations between CD and PB were found in both years. Six quantitative trait loci (QTLs) were detected, including three QTLs on chromosome 2b for HT (2015) or CD (2016), two 2 QTLs on chromosome 2a for CD and PB in 2016, and one QTL on chromosome 5b for CD in 2016. The logarithm of the odds scores for these QTLs ranged from 4.9 to 8.2, and percentage variance explained ranged from 7.1 to 12.9%. One QTL on chromosome 2b appeared to simultaneously control HT in 2015 and CD in 2016. Homologs of candidate genes related to cell wall development and biosynthesis, hormone regulation, and metabolism were identified within the confidence interval of these QTLs. The findings from this study indicate that these QTLs can be important signals for genetic control of switchgrass growth

    Temporal and Spatial Variation in Switchgrass Biomass Composition and Theoretical Ethanol Yield

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    Information on temporal and spatial variation in switchgrass (Panicum virgatum L.) biomass composition as it affects ethanol yield (L Mg–1) at a biorefinery and ethanol production (L ha–1) at the field-scale has previously not been available. Switchgrass biomass samples were collected from a regional, on-farm trial and biomass composition was determined using newly developed near-infrared reflectance spectroscopy (NIRS) prediction equations and theoretical ethanol yield (100% conversion efficiency) was calculated. Total hexose (cell wall polysaccharides and soluble sugars) concentration ranged from 342 to 398 g kg–1 while pentose (arabinose and xylose) concentration ranged from 216 to 245 g kg–1 across fields. Theoretical ethanol yield varied significantly by year and field, with 5 yr means ranging from 381 to 430 L Mg–1. Total theoretical ethanol production ranged from 1749 to 3691 L ha–1 across fields. Variability (coefficient of variation) within established switchgrass fields ranged from 1 to 4% for theoretical ethanol yield (L Mg–1) and 14 to 38% for theoretical ethanol production (L ha–1). Most fields showed a lack of spatial consistency across harvest years for theoretical ethanol yield or total theoretical ethanol production. Switchgrass biomass composition from farmer fields can be expected to have significant annual and field-to-field variation in a production region, and this variation will significantly affect ethanol or other liquid fuel yields per ton or hectare. Cellulosic biorefineries will need to consider this potential variation in biofuel yields when developing their business plans

    Biomass Yield of Switchgrass Cultivars under High- versus Low-Input Conditions

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    Switchgrass (Panicum virgatum L.) is undergoing development as a biomass crop to support conversion of cellulosic biomass to energy. To avoid the competition of biomass with food or feed crops, most commercialization proposals suggest that switchgrass should be grown exclusively on marginal lands that are not fit for food or feed production. The objective of this study was to investigate the potential for cultivar x environment interactions that would affect the methods and approaches for breeding and evaluating switchgrass cultivars, including both upland and lowland types, for high-input versus low-input types of environments. Biomass yield was measured on 14 cultivars that were present in 28 replicated field experiments representing seven regions, ranging from 75 to 100° W and spanning USDA Hardiness Zones 4 through 7. Region was the most important environmental factor interacting with cultivars, supporting the idea that the north-central and northeastern United States should have independent switchgrass breeding programs. Cultivars interacted with soil phosphorus concentration in New Jersey and with depth of the A and B horizons in New York and showed mild interactions with rate of nitrogen fertilizer at several locations. Cultivar rank correlation coefficients between the two rates of nitrogen fertilization (100 vs. 0 kg N ha−1) ranged from 0.23 to 0.88, suggesting a possible benefit to breeding and selection without applied nitrogen fertilizer

    Switchgrass Biomass Composition Altered by Six Generations of Divergent Breeding for Digestibility

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    Biomass composition of switchgrass (Panicum virgatum L.) can affect its utilization by ruminants and its conversion to liquid fuels in a biorefinery. The objective of this study was to evaluate the effects of six generations of divergent breeding for forage in vitro dry matter digestibility (IVDMD) on switchgrass biomass composition, forage quality traits, and ethanol yield. Initially there was one cycle of selection for both low (C-1) and high IVDMD (C1 = cv. Trailblazer), followed by four additional breeding cycles for high IVDMD. In cycles 4 and 5, winter survival was included as a selection criterion because of decreased winter survival of the C3 population. The experimental populations that were produced by these breeding generations and nine half-sib families from cycle 5 were evaluated for two post-establishment years at the research station in eastern Nebraska, where all the breeding work was conducted. The six breeding generations resulted in significant differences among the populations for all the 28 cell wall and non-cell-wall composition variables measured, forage quality, and ethanol yield traits measured except for total biomass C, cell wall concentration, soluble glucose, and etherified ferulates. These traits included all cell wall and nonstructural carbohydrates. Breeding for the heritable complex trait IVDMD affected a large number of plant biomass characteristics and also adversely affected plant biomass yield and winter survival
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