7 research outputs found

    Knowledge-Attitudes-Practices About Malaria Among Communities in Southern Benin

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    Malaria still remains the main public health problem in Benin. We explored the determinants that influenced malaria treatment as well as protective behaviors, to generate a framework of useful ideas as alternative strategies against malaria. A cross-sectional survey of the knowledge, attitudes and practices (KAP) was conducted at Hozin, Vakon and Agblangandan districts in southern region of Benin. Descriptive statistics were computed and mixed logistic regression helped evaluating the relationship between frequency of each category of severity of malaria and sex group, educational level, treatment, means of self-protection against mosquitoes and identification of the cause of malaria. A significant proportion 750 (81.3%) (p<0.001) of participants stated that malaria was caused by mosquitoes. The respondents who mentioned sun as the cause of malaria, have trivialized more malaria in a proportion of about 59.30% (OR=2.67 [95% CI 1.61-4.44]) followed by those who have reported the cause of body weakness (43.68%) (OR=2.97 [95% CI 1.68-5.28]). Poor knowledge justifies the trivialization of the disease and poor management of malaria control means. National Malaria Control Programs should improve access to education, especially for women and could help improving prevention and control behaviours against malaria in communities

    Efficacy of Pyrethroid-Pyriproxyfen and Pyrethroid-Chlorfenapyr Long-Lasting Insecticidal Nets (LLINs) for the Control of Non-Anopheles Mosquitoes: Secondary Analysis from a Cluster Randomised Controlled Trial (cRCT)

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    The efficacy of a vector control tool in reducing mosquito biting is crucial for its acceptability. The present study compared the vector density of Culex spp. And Mansonia spp. across clusters, which received two dual-active ingredient (a.i.) long-lasting insecticidal nets (LLINs) and a standard pyrethroid-only LLIN, and assessed the seasonality of these mosquito genera. A total of 85,723 Culex spp. and 144,025 Mansonia spp. were caught over the study period. The density of Culex and Mansonia was reduced in all three arms over the study period. There was no evidence of a significant reduction in the indoor or outdoor density of Culex spp. in either dual-a.i. LLIN arm as compared to the standard pyrethroid-only net arm. A similar trend was observed with Mansonia spp. A high density of Culex spp. was found both in rainy and dry seasons, while for Mansonia spp., this was mainly observed during the rainy season. These results suggest that the novel insecticides in the dual-a.i. LLINs did not have an additional impact on these species and that pyrethroids might still be effective on them. Further work is required to determine whether these species of mosquitoes have resistance to the insecticides tested in this trial

    Baseline entomologic data on malaria transmission in prelude to an indoor residual spraying intervention in the regions of Alibori and Donga, Northern Benin, West Africa.

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    BACKGROUND: Despite the success of indoor residual insecticide spraying (IRS) in Africa, particularly in Benin, some gaps of information need to be filled to optimize the effectiveness of this intervention in the perspective of the country's effort to eliminate malaria. In anticipation to the 2018 IRS campaign in two targeted regions of northern Benin, this study aimed, to collect baseline information on vector composition, spatio-temporal variation and peak malaria transmission in the Alibori and Donga, two targeted regions of northern Benin. Information collected will help to better plan the implementation and later on the impact assessment of this IRS campaign. METHODS: The study was carried out in four districts of the two IRS targeted regions of northern Benin. Human landing catches and pyrethrum spray catches protocols were used to assess the biting rate (HBR) and, biting/resting behaviour of malaria vector populations. After morphological identification of collected Anopheles, the heads and thoraxes of Anopheles gambiae sensu lato (s.l.) were analysed by the ELISA CSP tests to estimate the sporozoite index (SI). The entomological inoculation rate was calculated as the product of mosquito biting rate (HBR) and the SI. RESULTS: The biting rates of An. gambiae s.l., the major vector in this study sites, varied significantly from region to region. It was higher: in rural than in urban areas, in rainy season than in dry season, indoors than outdoors. Overall, SI was comparable between sites. The highest EIRs were observed in the Donga region (16.84 infectious bites/man/month in Djougou district and 17.64 infectious bites/man/month in Copargo district) and the lowest in the Alibori region (10.74 infectious bites/man/month at Kandi district and 11.04 infectious bites/man/month at Gogounou district). CONCLUSION: This study showed the heterogeneous and various nature of malaria epidemiology in Northern Benin. Indeed, the epidemiological profile of malaria transmission in the Alibori and Donga regions is made of a single season of transmission interrupted by a dry season. This period of transmission is relatively longer in Donga region than in Alibori. This information can be used to guide the extension of IRS in the Alibori and in the Donga, by primarily targeting areas with short periods of transmission, and easy to cover

    Entomological assessment of the risk of dengue outbreak in Abomey-Calavi Commune, Benin.

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    BACKGROUND: In May 2019, a confirmed dengue fever case was detected at the local hospital of Abomey-Calavi Commune in southern Benin. In Benin, there remains a dearth of literature concerning the distribution and biology of Aedes aegypti, the principal vector of dengue fever. This study was initiated by the Ministry of Health to partially fill this gap. The findings allowed us to assess the arboviral transmission risk incurred by the population of Abomey-Calavi to support programmatic decision-making. METHODS: Entomological assessments were conducted in 5% of the houses, meaning 314 houses selected from 11 boroughs in Abomey-Calavi Centre district and 9 villages in Hêvié district. The surveyed breeding sites were water containers located in (domestic) and around (peri-domestic) the dwellings. When a container was positive (housing larvae), a portion of the immature population was sampled with a larval dipper and poured into labeled jars. Immatures were then reared to adulthood at the Centre de Recheche Entomologique de Cotonou (CREC) insectary. Adult mosquitoes were morphologically identified to species level by site and, a subsample of the collected Ae. aegypti mosquitoes were used for WHO susceptibility tube tests. RESULTS: Of the 1372 adult Aedes specimens which emerged from the collected larvae and pupae, 1356 Ae. aegypti (98.83%), 10 Ae. luteocephalus, and 4 Ae. vittatus were identified. The Breteau indices were 160.2 in Abomey-Calavi Centre and 150 in Hêvié, whereas the House indices were 58.5% and 61.6% in the respective districts. WHO insecticide susceptibility tube tests showed that the mortality rates were 38.71% in Abomey-Calavi Centre and 85.71% in Hêvié for permethrin, and 72.22% in Abomey-Calavi Centre and 100% in Hêvié for deltamethrin. CONCLUSION: The two districts were highly infested by Ae. aegypti whose breeding sites were mostly man-made. Considering this, human behavioral change to substantially reduce the number of larval habitats is necessary to control the vector populations. As Aedes mosquitoes are day biters, the use of repellents such as ointments and smoke coils can also be useful

    What can be learned from the residual efficacy of three formulations of insecticides (pirimiphos-methyl, clothianidin and deltamethrin mixture, and clothianidin alone) in large-scale in community trial in North Benin, West Africa?

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    Abstract Background In Alibori and Donga, two departments of high malaria incidence of Northern Benin, pirimiphos-methyl, mixture deltamethrin + clothianidin, as well as clothianidin were used at large scale for IRS. The present study aimed to assess the residual efficacy of these products. Methods Immatures of Anopheles gambiae sensu lato (s.l.) collected in the communes of Kandi and Gogounou (Department of Alibori), Djougou and Copargo (Department of Donga) were reared until adulthood. Females aged 2–5 days were used for susceptibility tube tests following the WHO protocol. The tests were conducted with deltamethrin (0.05%), bendiocarb (0.1%), pirimiphos-methyl (0.25%) and clothianidin (2% weight per volume). For cone tests performed on cement and mud walls, the An. gambiae Kisumu susceptible strain was used. After the quality control of the IRS performed 1-week post-campaign, the evaluation of the residual activity of the different tested insecticides/mixture of insecticides was conducted on a monthly basis. Results Over the three study years, deltamethrin resistance was observed in all the communes. With bendiocarb, resistance or possible resistance was observed. In 2019 and 2020, full susceptibility to pirimiphos-methyl was observed, while possible resistance to the same product was detected in 2021 in Djougou, Gogounou and Kandi. With clothianidin, full susceptibility was observed 4–6 days post-exposure. The residual activity lasted 4–5 months for pirimiphos-methyl, and 8–10 months for clothianidin and the mixture deltamethrin + clothianidin. A slightly better efficacy of the different tested products was observed on cement walls compared to the mud walls. Conclusion Overall, An. gambiae s.l. was fully susceptible to clothianidin, while resistance/possible resistance was observed the other tested insecticides. In addition, clothianidin-based insecticides showed a better residual activity compared to pirimiphos-methyl, showing thus their ability to provide an improved and prolonged control of pyrethroid resistant vectors