196 research outputs found

    Sexaje molecular a partir de heces en osos de anteojos (Tremarctos ornatus)

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    El oso de anteojos (Tremarctos ornatus) es una de las ocho especies de osos que existen en el mundo y gran parte de su población se encuentra en la región andino amazónica del Perú. Actualmente se encuentra vulnerable debido a la caza y destrucción de su medio ambiente. A esta vulnerabilidad se le suma su difícil avistamiento en vida libre lo que obstaculiza su manejo e investigación. Por lo que la utilización de muestras no invasivas como heces se vuelven en una gran herramienta. El objetivo del presente estudio fue desarrollar una técnica de sexado mediante la reacción en cadena de la polimerasa (PCR) de ADN extraído de células exfoliadas del colon presentes en muestras de heces. Para ello se utilizaron 17 muestras (10 de hembras y 7 de machos) obtenidas de osos de sexo conocido provenientes de 4 instituciones: (1) Patronato del parque de las leyendas (PATPAL), (2) parque zoológico Huachipa, (3) zoológico de Huancayo y (4) el zoocriadero del colegio La Inmaculada. Para la extracción de ADN se utilizó el kit comercial QIAamp® DNA Stool Mini Kit de QIAGEN, extrayéndose de todas las muestras ADN a concentraciones de 20 - 30 ŋg. Mediante PCR se evaluó dos secuencias de genes: amelogenina con los primer SE47-SE48 y la región determinante del sexo en el cromosoma Y (SRY) con los primer SRYB3- SRYB5. Con el gen de amelogenina se logró sexar a 17/17 osos (100%), mientras que con el gen SRY no se logró el sexado (0/17; 0%). Se concluye que con el gen amelogenina hay una coincidencia de 100% entre el sexo conocido y el sexo hallado mediante PCR de ADN extraído de heces y puede ser usado en futuros estudios como marcador genético en la determinación del sexo. Palabras claves: oso de anteojos, sexado, gen de amelogenina, SRY, PCR, hecesTesi

    Modulation of microRNome by Human Cytomegalovirus and Human Herpesvirus 6 Infection in Human Dermal Fibroblasts: Possible Significance in the Induction of Fibrosis in Systemic Sclerosis

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    Human cytomegalovirus (HCMV) and Human herpesvirus 6 (HHV-6) have been reportedly suggested as triggers of the onset and/or progression of systemic sclerosis (SSc), a severe autoimmune disorder characterized by multi-organ fibrosis. The etiology and pathogenesis of SSc are still largely unknown but virological and immunological observations support a role for these beta-herpesviruses, and we recently observed a direct impact of HCMV and HHV-6 infection on the expression of cell factors associated with fibrosis at the cell level. Since miRNA expression has been found profoundly deregulated at the tissue level, here we aimed to investigate the impact on cell microRNome (miRNome) of HCMV and HHV-6 infection in in vitro infected primary human dermal fibroblasts, which represent one of the main SSc target cells. The analysis, performed by Taqman arrays detecting and quantifying 754 microRNAs (miRNAs), showed that both herpesviruses significantly modulated miRNA expression in infected cells, with evident early and late effects and deep modulation (>10 fold) of >40 miRNAs at each time post infection, including those previously recognized for their key function in fibrosis. The correlation between these in vitro results with in vivo observations is strongly suggestive of a role of HCMV and/or HHV-6 in the multistep pathogenesis of fibrosis in SSc and in the induction of fibrosis-signaling pathways finally leading to tissue fibrosis. The identification of specific miRNAs may open the way to their use as biomarkers for SSc diagnosis, assessment of disease progression and possible antifibrotic therapies

    Describing communication profiles of low-risk preterm and full-term late talkers

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    Introduction: Late talkers represent a heterogeneous population. We aimed to describe communication profiles of low-risk preterm and full-term late talkers according to their receptive and expressive vocabulary size, considering communicative, linguistic, cognitive, and motor skills, as well as biological and environmental risk factors. Methods: Sixty-eight late talkers (33 born low-risk preterm and 35 full-term) were identified through a language screening at 30 months. Parents filled out the Italian Short Forms of the MacArthur Bates Communicative Development Inventories and the Socio Conversational Skills Rating Scales. Children were assessed with the Picture Naming Game test and the Bayley Scales of Infant and Toddler Development. Results: A two-step cluster analysis identified three distinct profiles among late talkers according to their receptive and expressive vocabulary size. Severe late talkers (25%) showed less frequent use of pointing, limited verbal imitation, receptive vocabulary size, lexical and sentence production, responsiveness and assertiveness, and lower cognitive scores than mild late talkers (40%). Moderate late talkers (35%) showed less frequent verbal imitation, limited lexical and sentence production and lower cognitive scores than mild late talkers. Male gender was significantly more represented in the severe late profile, whereas other biological and environmental factors did not differ among the three profiles. Conclusions: Findings highlighted the relevance of assessing communicative, lexical, grammar, pragmatic, and cognitive skills to describe late talkers’ profiles. A deeper investigation of phonological skills might also contribute to a further understanding of interindividual variability in this population

    Climate change as a vulnerability factor in precarious settlement: the case of São Paulo

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    Nas últimas décadas, com o crescimento expressivo da população urbana mundial, a pobreza vem aumentando. Diversos fatores exógenos às condições socioeconômicas da população mundial, como por exemplo os efeitos da mudança climática contribuem para o agravamento da situação. Estudiosos apontam que eventos climáticos tem relação direta com o empobrecimento. Certas combinações entre eventos do clima e aspectos construtivos podem elevar a vulnerabilidade dos moradores, aumentando a exposição a perigos, como por exemplo enchentes, ondas de calor e secas, portanto, é importante entender quais os pontos da autoconstrução mais suscetíveis a extremos climáticos regionais. O artigo visa contribuir com o tema, relacionando um conjunto de variáveis relativas à envoltória de casas autoconstruídas em áreas urbanas, que sejam passiveis a interferência climática. Este conhecimento pode contribuir para preparar as moradias para resistir ou se adaptar a esses perigos, reduzindo a possibilidade de um agravamento da pobreza.In the last decades, with the world urban populational growth, the poverty is increasing. Several factors exogenous to the world population socioeconomic conditions, such as the climate change effects, contribute to the worsening of the situation. Researchers point out that climate events are directly related to impoverishment. Certain combinations of climate events and constructive aspects can lead to a growth of residents' vulnerability by increasing exposure to hazards, such as floods, heatwaves and droughts. Therefore, it is important to understand which aspects of self-construction are more vulnerable to regional climatic extremes. The article aims to contribute to the theme, relating a set of variables to the facade and roof of self-construction houses in urban areas, that are susceptible to climatic interference. This knowledge can aid households to withstand and/or adapt against those risks, reducing the likelyhood of worsening poverty.Peer Reviewe