10,409 research outputs found

    Observations of HONO by laser-induced fluorescence at the South Pole during ANTCI 2003

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    Observations of nitrous acid (HONO) by laser-induced fluorescence (LIF) at the South Pole taken during the Antarctic Troposphere Chemistry Investigation (ANTCI), which took place over the time period of Nov. 15, 2003 to Jan. 4, 2004, are presented here. The median observed mixing ratio of HONO 10 m above the snow was 5.8 pptv (mean value 6.3 pptv) with a maximum of 18.2 pptv on Nov 30th, Dec 1st, 3rd, 15th, 17th, 21st, 22nd, 25th, 27th and 28th. The measurement uncertainty is ±35%. The LIF HONO observations are compared to concurrent HONO observations performed by mist chamber/ion chromatography (MC/IC). The HONO levels reported by MC/IC are about 7.2 ± 2.3 times higher than those reported by LIF. Citation: Liao, W., A. T. Case, J. Mastromarino, D. Tan, and J. E. Dibb (2006), Observations of HONO by laser-induced fluorescence at the South Pole during ANTCI 2003, Geophys. Res. Lett., 33, L09810, doi:10.1029/2005GL025470

    Coalescence in low-viscosity liquids

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    The expected universal dynamics associated with the initial stage of droplet coalescence are difficult to study visually due to the rapid motion of the liquid and the awkward viewing geometry. Here we employ an electrical method to study the coalescence of two inviscid droplets at early times. We measure the growth dynamics of the bridge connecting the two droplets and observe a new asymptotic regime inconsistent with previous theoretical predictions. The measurements are consistent with a model in which the two liquids coalesce with a slightly deformed interface.Comment: 4 pages and 4 figure

    Induction, Philosophical Conceptions of

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    How induction was understood took a substantial turn during the Renaissance. At the beginning, induction was understood as it had been throughout the medieval period, as a kind of propositional inference that is stronger the more it approximates deduction. During the Renaissance, an older understanding, one prevalent in antiquity, was rediscovered and adopted. By this understanding, induction identifies defining characteristics using a process of comparing and contrasting. Important participants in the change were Jean Buridan, humanists such as Lorenzo Valla and Rudolph Agricola, Paduan Aristotelians such as Agostino Nifo, Jacopo Zabarella, and members of the medical faculty, writers on philosophy of mind such as the Englishman John Case, writers of reasoning handbooks, and Francis Bacon

    An Inverse Scattering Transform for the Lattice Potential KdV Equation

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    The lattice potential Korteweg-de Vries equation (LKdV) is a partial difference equation in two independent variables, which possesses many properties that are analogous to those of the celebrated Korteweg-de Vries equation. These include discrete soliton solutions, Backlund transformations and an associated linear problem, called a Lax pair, for which it provides the compatibility condition. In this paper, we solve the initial value problem for the LKdV equation through a discrete implementation of the inverse scattering transform method applied to the Lax pair. The initial value used for the LKdV equation is assumed to be real and decaying to zero as the absolute value of the discrete spatial variable approaches large values. An interesting feature of our approach is the solution of a discrete Gel'fand-Levitan equation. Moreover, we provide a complete characterization of reflectionless potentials and show that this leads to the Cauchy matrix form of N-soliton solutions

    The radiation environment near the lunar surface: CRaTER observations and Geant4 simulations

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    [1] At the start of the Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter mission in 2009, its Cosmic Ray Telescope for the Effects of Radiation instrument measured the radiation environment near the Moon during the recent deep solar minimum, when galactic cosmic rays (GCRs) were at the highest level observed during the space age. We present observations that show the combined effects of GCR primaries, secondary particles (“albedo”) created by the interaction of GCRs with the lunar surface, and the interactions of these particles in the shielding material overlying the silicon solid-state detectors of the Cosmic Ray Telescope for the Effects of Radiation. We use Geant4 to model the energy and angular distribution of the albedo particles, and to model the response of the sensor to the various particle species reaching the 50 kilometer altitude of the Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter. Using simulations to gain insight into the observations, we are able to present preliminary energy-deposit spectra for evaluation of the radiation environment\u27s effects on other sensitive materials, whether biological or electronic, that would be exposed to a similar near-lunar environment

    GCR access to the Moon as measured by the CRaTER instrument on LRO

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    [1] Recent modeling efforts have yielded varying and conflicting results regarding the possibility that Earth\u27s magnetosphere is able to shield energetic particles of \u3e10 MeV at lunar distances. This population of particles consists of galactic cosmic rays as well as energetic particles that are accelerated by solar flares and coronal mass ejections. The Cosmic Ray Telescope for the Effects of Radiation (CRaTER) onboard the Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter is in orbit about the Moon and is thus able to directly test these modeling results. Over the course of a month, CRaTER samples the upstream solar wind as well as various regions of Earth\u27s magnetotail. CRaTER data from multiple lunations demonstrate that Earth\u27s magnetosphere at lunar distances produces no measurable influence on energetic particle flux, even at the lowest energies (\u3e14 MeV protons) where any effect should be maximized. For particles with energies of 14–30 MeV, we calculate an upper limit (determined by counting statistics) on the amount of shielding caused by the magnetosphere of 1.7%. The high energy channel (\u3e500 MeV) provides an upper limit of 3.2%

    Comparative analysis of rigidity across protein families

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    We present a comparative study in which 'pebble game' rigidity analysis is applied to multiple protein crystal structures, for each of six different protein families. We find that the main-chain rigidity of a protein structure at a given hydrogen bond energy cutoff is quite sensitive to small structural variations, and conclude that the hydrogen bond constraints in rigidity analysis should be chosen so as to form and test specific hypotheses about the rigidity of a particular protein. Our comparative approach highlights two different characteristic patterns ('sudden' or 'gradual') for protein rigidity loss as constraints are removed, in line with recent results on the rigidity transitions of glassy networks

    Picosecond electrical spectroscopy using monolithic GaAs circuits

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    This article describes an experimental apparatus for free-space mm-wave transmission measurements (spectroscopy). GaAs nonlinear transmission lines and sampling circuits are used as picosecond pulse generators and detectors, with planar monolithic bowtie antennas with associated substrate lenses used as the radiating and receiving elements. The received pulse is 270 mV amplitude and 2.4 ps rise time. Through Fourier transformation of the received pulse, 30–250 GHz measurements are demonstrated with <=0.3 dB (rms) accuracy