5 research outputs found
Diabetic education in nursing: A Rodgers' evolutionary concept analysis
Aim: This concept analysis aims to clarify the concept of diabetic education in nursing to provide guidance for the further conceptualization and clarification of diabetic education in nursing.Background: Patient education is a fundamental component of diabetes care. Nurses have taken up a major role in educating people with diabetes to manage their conditions. However, the exact meaning of diabetic education in nursing remains challenging.Design: Rodgers' evolutionary method of concept analysis was performed to explore the concept of diabetic education in nursing.Data Source: We conducted a literature search on Cumulative Index to Nursing and Allied Health Literature (CINAHL). MedLine, and Psyclnfo for works published until October 2020 using "patient education," "diabetes," and "nursing" as key terms.Results: The concept analysis revealed that key attributes of diabetic education in nursing include patient-centered and interactive approaches, planning, and problem solving. Antecedents related to individuals with diabetes are their backgrounds. needs, and motivations, while the antecedents related to nurses are experience and attitude. Finally, three different consequences of the concept emerged: an increase in knowledge and skills, a behavioral change, and the improvement of clinical outcomes
The Effectiveness of Coping Strategies in the Latent First Stage of Labour: A Systematic Review
The latent phase of labour is defined as a period of time marked by painful uterine contractions and variable changes of the cervix, including some degree of cervical effacement and a slow dilatation up to 5 cm [1]..
Robotic Technology in Pediatric Neurorehabilitation. A Pilot Study of Human Factors in an Italian Pediatric Hospital
The introduction of robotic neurorehabilitation among the most recent technologies in pediatrics represents a new opportunity to treat pediatric patients. This study aims at evaluating the response of physiotherapists, patients and their parents to this new technology. The study considered the outcomes of technological innovation in physiotherapists (perception of the workload, satisfaction), as well as that in patients and their parents (quality of life, expectations, satisfaction) by comparing the answers to subjective questionnaires of those who made use of the new technology with those who used the traditional therapy. A total of 12 workers, 46 patients and 47 parents were enrolled in the study. Significant differences were recorded in the total workload score of physiotherapists who use the robotic technology compared with the traditional therapy (p < 0.001). Patients reported a higher quality of life and satisfaction after the use of the robotic neurorehabilitation therapy. The parents of patients undergoing the robotic therapy have moderately higher expectations and satisfaction than those undergoing the traditional therapy. In this pilot study, the robotic neurorehabilitation technique involved a significant increase in the patients’ and parents’ expectations. As it frequently happens in the introduction of new technologies, physiotherapists perceived a greater workload. Further studies are needed to verify the results achieved
Effectiveness of Psychological Support to Healthcare Workers by the Occupational Health Service: A Pilot Experience
Work-related stress is a significant risk for healthcare workers (HCWs). This study aims at evaluating the effectiveness of an individual psychological support programme for hospital workers. In all, 35 workers participated (n). A control group of 245 workers (7n) was set. Occupational distress was measured by the General Health Questionnaire, (GHQ-12), the quality of life by the Short Form-36 health survey, (SF-36), and sickness absence was recorded. Costs and benefits of the service were evaluated and the return on investment (ROI) was calculated. The level of distress was significantly reduced in the treated group at the end of the follow-up (p < 0.001). Quality of life had significantly improved (p < 0.003). A 60% reduction of sickness absence days (SADs) following the intervention was recorded. After the treatment, absenteeism in cases was significantly lower than in controls (p < 0.02). The individual improvement of mental health and quality of life was significantly correlated with the number of meetings with the psychologist (p < 0.01 and p < 0.03, respectively). The recovery of direct costs due to reduced sick leave absence was significantly higher than the costs of the programme; ROI was 2.73. The results must be examined with caution, given the very limited number of workers treated; this first study, however, encouraged us to continue the experience
Politiche professionali: studio qualitativo sulle percezioni e le opinioni dei professionisti infermieri/ostetriche e degli studenti della Laurea magistrale in Scienze infermieristiche e ostetriche.
Introduzione. La politica, ovvero la scienza e l'arte di amministrare la cosa pubblica, è un ambito di grande importanza e occuparsi di politica professionale significa dedicarsi al bene della professione. Le politiche professionali sono parte integrante del prendersi cura e la famiglia professionale ha bisogno di punti chiari di riferimento: formazione, tutela, promozione, rappresentanza istituzionale.Obiettivo. Esplorare percezioni, idealití , immaginario condiviso e desideri circa le politiche professionali di infermieri/ostetriche e studenti della laurea magistrale per riuscire ad avere una rappresentazione della realtí e avviare una riflessione critica sul tema. Metodo. È stato effettuato uno studio qualitativo su un campione propositivo di 22 professionisti infermieri/ostetriche quali testimoni qualificati della situazione nazionale. I dati sono stati raccolti attraverso un questionario costruito ad hoc.Risultati. Dall'analisi delle risposte sono emersi 10 temi principali, tra i quali spiccano: per la formazione l'importanza delle nuove conoscenze ma anche la scarsa differenziazione dei ruoli; per l'ambito lavorativo l'assenza di meritocrazia e di nuove opportunití ; per la ricerca il divario tra teoria e pratica. In sintesi, i risultati evidenziano come la partecipazione ai processi di formazione delle politiche sia saltuaria e di poca intensití e come pochi infermieri/ostetriche siano coinvolti attivamente per la promozione e sviluppo di progetti nel settore delle politiche per i sistemi sanitari e per la salute.Conclusioni. L'indagine rileva che vi è una coscienza forte delle problematicití esistenti, ma questa coscienza non sembra relazionarsi adeguatamente ai contesti lavorativi, istituzionali e culturali. Di conseguenza non si verifica quella necessaria crescita delle politiche professionali, la sola capace di generare percorsi politici atti a risolvere le questioni di fondo. Parole chiave: politica sanitaria, partecipazione politica, infermieri/ostetriche, leadership politica.Professional policies: a qualitative study of perceptions and opinions of professionals nurses/midwives and students attending the Master of Science in NursingABSTRACTIntroduction. Politics, the science and the art of administering public affairs, is a very important field. Dealing with professional policy means to dedicate ourselves to the good of the profession. Professional policies are an integral part of taking care; the professional family needs clear reference points: training, tutoring, promotion and institutional representation.Aim. Exploring perceptions, ideals, shared imagination and desires about the professional policies of nurses/midwives and of master's students in order to be able to have a representation of the reality and to start a critical reflection on the subject. Method. A qualitative study was conducted on a proactive sample of 22 nurses / midwives as qualified witnesses of the national situation. The data was collected through a questionnaire built ad hoc.Results. From the analysis of the answers given to the questionnaire, we identified 10 main themes. In the training sector two of the themes that were selected are the importance of the new knowledges and inadequate differentiation of the positions; Regarding the working sector two of the themes that came out are the lack of meritocracy and of new opportunities; meanwhile, in the research field one of the main theme identified is the gap between the theory and the practice.Conclusions. The present study finds out that participation in policy-making processes is occasional and of little intensity: just few nurses/midwives are actively involved in the promotion and development of projects in the health sector and of healthcare policies. Keywords: health policy, political participation, nurses/midwiferies, political leadership