285 research outputs found


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    El objetivo del presente estudio fue estimar la prevalencia de Fasciola hepatica y de un Paramfistómido en el ganado lechero de los distritos de Huancabamba, Chontabamba y Oxapampa de la provincia de Oxapampa, Pasco. Se colectaron 408 muestras de heces entre mayo y noviembre de 2006. Las muestras se procesaron por el método de sedimentación rápida, y los huevos se diferenciaron por las características morfológicas de cada especie. Se consideró las variables lugar de procedencia y edad (2-4, 5-6 y >6 años). Los resultados mostraron prevalencias de 10.0 ± 2.9% para F. hepatica y 28.4 ± 4.4% para un digeneo de la Familia Paramphistomidae sin encontrarse diferencias estadísticas por lugar de procedencia o grupo etario, con excepción de los paramfistómidos donde el grupo etario mayor de 6 años mostró mayor probabilidad de encontrarse infectado que los animales más jóvenes (p<0.025).The aim of the present study was to estimate the prevalence of Fasciola hepatica and a Paramphistomide in dairy cattle from the districts of Huancabamba, Chontabamba and Oxapampa, province of Oxapampa, Pasco. A total of 408 fecal samples cattle were collected during May and November 2006 and processed by the Rapid Sedimentation test. Eggs were differentiated by the morphologic characteristics of each species. The district and age group (2-4, 5-6 y >6 years) were considered in the statistical analysis. The results showed prevalences of 10.0 ± 2.9% for F. hepatica and 28.4 ± 4.4% for a fluke of the Paramphistomidae family, without statistical difference due to district and age group, with the exception of Paramphistomide where animals older than 6 years of age had more possibilities of getting infected than younger animals (p<0.025)


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    El objetivo del estudio fue evaluar la efectividad terapéutica en dosis única, de la combinación fenbendazol-praziquantel contra nemátodes y céstodes en perros. Se emplearon 10 cachorros machos y hembras, de 12 a 14 semanas de edad, infectados naturalmente con Toxocara canis y Dipylidium caninum, divididos en dos grupos: control no tratado y tratado. Los fármacos se administraron por via oral en cantidades de 100 mg de fenbendazol y 5 mg de praziquantel por kilogramo de peso vivo. En la necropsia realizada al 4º día post tratamiento se encontró una efectividad del 92.5 y 100% contra T. canis y D. caninum, respectivamente, y sin efectos secundarios para el animal. Este resultado demuestra que la combinación fenbendazolpraziquantel a la dosis descrita, es altamente efectiva contra los parásitos en mención y segura para el animal tratado.The objective of the study was to evaluate the therapeutic effectiveness of thefenbendazole-praziquantel combination against nematode and cestode parasitismin dogs. A single dose of 100 mg of fenbendazole and 5 mg of praziquantel perkilogram of body weight was orally administered. Ten female/male 12-14 weeks oldpupies were naturally infected with Toxocara canis and Dipylidium caninum, anddivided in a control and treated groups. Adult forms of the parasites were searchedin the necropsy at day 4 after treatment. The effectiveness was 92.5 and 100%against T. canis and D. caninum, respectively, and without side effects in treatedanimals. The results showed that the fenbendazole-praziquantel combination at thespecified dose was highly effective against these parasites


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    La neosporosis es una parasitosis que afecta el rendimiento económico del sector ganadero al ocasionar abortos ymortalidad neonatal. El objetivo del presente trabajo fue determinar la prevalencia de Neospora caninum en vacas de la empresa de Sociedad Agrícola de Interés Social (SAIS) Pachacutec, ubicada en el departamento de Junín, en el año 2003. Se evaluaron 347 muestras de suero, recolectadas de vacas Brown Swiss adultas, mediante la prueba de inmunofluorescencia indirecta (IFI). El 12.4 ± 3.5% (45/ 347) de los animales presentaron anticuerpos contra el parásito (prevalencia corregida: 13.2 ± 3.5%). Se observó una frecuencia mínima de 2.5%y una máxima de 19.6% en los siete hatos evaluados, sin encontrar diferencia estadística significativa. En todos los hatos se encontró, por lo menos, un animal positivo a este parásito. Estos resultados confirman la existencia de una prevalenciamoderada de N. caninum en la zona estudiada.Neosporosis has become a parasitosis of economic importance for dairy cattle due to abortions and neonatal mortality. The study was conducted in 2003 to determine the prevalence of Neospora caninum in cattle of the SAIS Pachacutec farm, located in the highlands of Peru. In total, 347 sera sampleswere collected fromBrown Swiss adult cows. Samples were evaluated through the indirect fluorescent antibody test (IFAT). Results indicated that 12.4 ± 3.5%(45/347) of the animals presented antibodies against N. caninum (corrected prevalence: 13.2 ± 3.5%). Theminimumandmaximumseroprevalence was 2.5 and 19.6% in the 7 sampled herds, without statistical differences. All herds had at least one positive animal. The results confirmed the existence of a moderate prevalence of N. caninum in the studied area

    Frequency of Toxoplasma gondii in technologically advanced pig farms and sex as a risk factor

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    El objetivo del presente estudio fue estimar la frecuencia de cerdos provenientes de crianza tecnificada reactores a toxoplasmosis y la posible asociación del sexo con la positividad a la toxoplasmosis. Se tomaron 240 muestras de sangre de cerdos provenientes de granjas tecnificadas en un camal ubicado en la ciudad de Lima, Perú. Las muestras fueron analizadas mediante el método de inmunofluorescencia indirecta (IFI). La frecuencia de cerdos positivos a toxoplasmosis fue de 21.7%. La evaluación del sexo como posible factor de riesgo arrojó un Odds Ratio (OR) de 1.24 con intervalo de confianza de 0.88-3.06. Se concluye que hay una frecuencia importante de cerdos provenientes de granjas tecnificadas positivos a toxoplasmosis y que el sexo no influye en la presencia de esta enfermedad.The aim of the current study was to estimate the frequency of pigs from technologically advanced farms positive to toxoplasmosis and to evaluate the association between positive reaction and sex of the animal. Blood samples were collected in 240 animals in a slaughterhouse in Lima, Peru. Samples were analyzed by the indirect immunofluorescence assay (IFA). The frequency of pigs positive to toxoplasmosis was 21.7%. Sex as possible risk factor showed an Odds Ratio (OR) of 1.24 with confidence intervals of 0.88-3.06. It was concluded that there is an important frequency of positive pigs to toxoplasmosis and that sex has no influence in the presentation of this disease

    Factors associated with the seroprevalence of Toxoplasma gondii in pigs from technologically advanced and nontechnical farms in Lima, Peru

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    El objetivo del presente estudio fue determinar la seroprevalencia de Toxoplasma gondii en cerdos procedentes de siete granjas tecnificadas y 10 granjas no tecnificadas de Lima, Perú, e identificar los factores asociados a su transmisión. Se aplicaron encuestas epidemiológicas en las granjas para identificar los factores potenciales asociados a la transmisión de T. gondii. Las muestras de sangre fueron colectadas en la fase de acabado en el camal, donde 264 eran procedentes de granjas tecnificadas y 143 de crianzas no tecnificadas. Las muestras de suero fueron analizadas para el diagnóstico de toxoplasmosis mediante la técnica de ELISA indirecta considerando como positivos porcentajes de positividad cocientes mayores o iguales a 20%. La asociación entre la seroprevalencia a T. gondii y las variables sexo, procedencia, densidad animal, fuente de agua, tipo de alojamiento, presencia de felinos y control de roedores fueron analizadas mediantes múltiples modelos de regresión logística. La seroprevalencia de T. gondii en cerdos de granjas tecnificadas y no tecnificadas fue de 4.5 y 33.6%, respectivamente. Los factores asociados a la transmision de T. gondii en porcinos fueron la procedencia (OR: 10.61), fuente de agua de cisterna (OR: 6.44), tipo de alojamiento [mixto (OR: 6.14) y no estabulado (OR: 13.59)], presencia de felinos [1-3 (OR: 5.29) y >3 (OR: 16.02)] y el control de roedores (OR: 7.81).The aim of this study was to determine the seroprevalence of Toxoplasma gondii in pigs from technologically advanced and nontechnical farms in Lima, Peru and to identify factors associated with the transmission. Epidemiological surveys were applied on farms to identify potential factors associated with the transmission of T. gondii in pigs. Blood samples were collected in the slaughterhouse from pigs in the finishing phase: 264 from technologically advanced farms and 143 from nontechnical farms. Serum samples were analyzed for the diagnosis of swine toxoplasmosis by the indirect ELISA technique. The association between seroprevalence of T. gondii and variables sex, origin, animal density, water source, housing, presence of cats and rodent control were analyzed using multiple models of logistic regression. The seroprevalence of T. gondii in pigs from technologically advanced and nontechnical farms was 4.5 and 33.6% respectively. Factors associated with the transmission of T. gondii in pigs were the origin (OR: 10.61), water source (OR: 6.44), type of housing [mixed (OR: 6.14) and free range (OR: 13.59)], presence of felines [1- 3 (OR: 5.29) and >3 (OR: 16.02)], and rodent control (OR: 7.81)

    Frequency in a slaughterhouse of seropositive pigs to Toxoplasma gondii from non-technical pig farms

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    El objetivo del presente trabajo fue determinar la frecuencia en camal de cerdos con anticuerpos anti-Toxoplasma gondii procedentes de crianzas no tecnificadas y evaluar la variable sexo como factor de riesgo. Se tomaron 240 muestras de sangre de cerdos de un camal de Lima (120 muestras por sexo) y los sueros se evaluaron mediante inmunofluoresencia indirecta (IFI). La frecuencia de cerdos con anticuerpos anti-T. gondii obtenida fue de 26.3%, con intervalo de confianza de 95% entre 20.7 y 31.8%. En el análisis por sexo, el 21.7 de hembras y el 30.8% de machos fueron reactores a T. gondii. En la prueba del Odds Ratio, la posible asociación del sexo como factor de riesgo obtuvo un valor 1.61, sin significancia estadística.The aim of this study was to determine the frequency of pigs in a slaughterhouse with antibodies anti-Toxoplasma gondii from non-technical pig farms in Lima, Peru, and to assess the sex as a risk factor. Blood samples (n=240) were collected in a slaughterhouse in Lima (120 samples per sex) and the sera were analyzed by indirect immunofluorescence test (IIFT). The frequency of pigs with antibodies anti-T. gondii was 26.3%, with a confidence interval of 95% from 20.7 to 31.8%. In the analysis by sex, 26.3% of females and 30.8% of males were reactors to T. gondii. In the odds ratio test, the possible association of sex as a risk factor showed a non-significant value of 1.61


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    Se determinó la presencia de dirofiliarosis (D. immitis) en distritos de Lima ribereños al Río Chillón (Puente Piedra, Comas, Carabayllo, Los Olivos y Ventanilla). Se tomaron muestras de sangre en vacuotainers con anticoagulante de 200 perros al azar, sin distinción de raza ni sexo y con edades comprendidas entre 1-10 años. El diagnóstico se realizó mediante las pruebas del método del microcapilar, el Knott modificado para microfilarias, y la prueba de ELISA que detecta antígenos de secreción y excreción del parásito adulto. Los resultados mostraron una prevalencia en la zona estudiada de 3 + 2.4% mediante la prueba enzimática ELISA, mientras que por las pruebas de microcapilar y Knott modificado se encontró un total de 1.5 + 1.7%. La prevalencia de dirofilariosis en los distritos fue: Puente Piedra con 4.4% de animales positivos en las tres pruebas; Ventanilla con 5% donde sólo se detectó presencia de Dirofilaria immitis mediante la prueba de ELISA; Comas con 2.5% de animales positivos mediante las tres pruebas diagnósticas; Los Olivos 2.5% de perros positivos mediante la prueba de ELISA; y Carabayllo con 0%. Se concluye que la dirofilariosis canina en la zona de estudio no constituye un grave problema parasitario; sin embargo no debe descuidarse las medidas de prevención y control a fin de evitar su aumento y propagación.The main objective of the study was to determine the presence of dirofilariosis (D. immitis) in districts of Lima located along the Chillon river (Puente Piedra, Comas, Carabayllo, Los Olivos and Ventanilla). Blood samples were collected in vacuotainer tubes containing anticoagulant from 200 dogs of 1-10 years of age that were selected at random, without distinction among breeds and sex. Samples were processed using three diagnostic tests: the method of microcapillary, Knott modified for microfilarias, and the ELISA test that detects antigens of secretion and excretion of the adult parasite. The overall results indicated 3.2 ± 2.4% of infection when using the enzymatic ELISA test, whereas 1.5 ± 1.7% when using the Knott modified and the mircocapillary tests. The prevalence of dirofilariosis in the monitored districts was: 4.4% in all three tests in Puente Piedra, 5% using the ELISA test in Ventanilla; 2.5% in all three tests in Comas, 2.5% using the ELISA test en Los Olivos; and 0% in Carabayllo. It was concluded that dog dirofilariosis does not represent a mayor parasitic problem; however preventive and control measures should not be left aside in order to keep the current level under control


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    Heartworm is a parasitic disease caused by Dirofilaria immitis. The adult form of the parasite can be found in the right heart and pulmonary arteries, especially in canines. The objective of the study was to quantify the presence of D. immitis in districts located along the Lurín river (Cieneguilla, Pachacamac and Lurín). Blood samples were collected from 177 dogs (males and females) from January till July 2000. The age of the animals varied from 1 to 10 years. Three methods were conducted for diagnosing Dirofilaria: the microhaematocrit and the modified Knott techniques were used for the identification of microfilarias, and ELISA for the determination of secretion / excretion antigens of mature forms. Cieneguilla was the district with the highest frequency of heartworms. 6.4% of positive samples were obtained by the microhaematocrit and modified Knott techniques whereas 12.8% were obtained by ELISA. In Lurín was observed 2.5% using the microhaematocrit and modified Knott techniques whereas 7.5% by ELISA. In Pachacamac was only observed 2% of positive samples by the ELISA technique. In conclusion, the estimated prevalence in the studied area was 7.3% ± 3.8 CI when ELISA was used and 2.8 % ± 2.4 CI when microhaematocrit or the modified Knott techniques were used. The relative low prevalence of the disease in the area does not constitute a serious parasitic problem, however, proper monitoring should be considered.Heartworm is a parasitic disease caused by Dirofilaria immitis. The adult form of the parasite can be found in the right heart and pulmonary arteries, especially in canines. The objective of the study was to quantify the presence of D. immitis in districts located along the Lurín river (Cieneguilla, Pachacamac and Lurín). Blood samples were collected from 177 dogs (males and females) from January till July 2000. The age of the animals varied from 1 to 10 years. Three methods were conducted for diagnosing Dirofilaria: the microhaematocrit and the modified Knott techniques were used for the identification of microfilarias, and ELISA for the determination of secretion / excretion antigens of mature forms. Cieneguilla was the district with the highest frequency of heartworms. 6.4% of positive samples were obtained by the microhaematocrit and modified Knott techniques whereas 12.8% were obtained by ELISA. In Lurín was observed 2.5% using the microhaematocrit and modified Knott techniques whereas 7.5% by ELISA. In Pachacamac was only observed 2% of positive samples by the ELISA technique. In conclusion, the estimated prevalence in the studied area was 7.3% ± 3.8 CI when ELISA was used and 2.8 % ± 2.4 CI when microhaematocrit or the modified Knott techniques were used. The relative low prevalence of the disease in the area does not constitute a serious parasitic problem, however, proper monitoring should be considered


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    The aim of this study was to determine the seroprevalence of Toxoplasma gondii in buffalos in the Jenaro Herrera district, Loreto, Peru. A total of 70 blood samples were collected in female buffalos for the detection of antibodies against T. gondii by the Indirect Hemaglutination Test (IHA) and the Indirect Immunofluorescence Test (IFI). The results showed that 35.7 ± 11.2% of the samples were positive by IHA and 17.1 ± 8.8% were positive by IFI.El objetivo del estudio fue determinar la seroprevalencia de Toxoplasma gondii en búfalos del distrito de Jenaro Herrera, región Loreto, Perú. Se recolectaron 70 muestras de sangre de búfalos hembras en agosto de 2008 para la detección de anticuerpos contra T. gondii mediante las técnicas diagnósticas de hemaglutinación indirecta (HAI) e inmunofluorescencia indirecta (IFI). Los resultados indicaron que el 35.7 ± 11.2% de las muestras fueron positivas a HAI y el 17.1 ± 8.8% a IFI


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    El objetivo del presente estudio fue establecer la seroprevalencia de Neospora caninum en vacunos lecheros criados al pastoreo de la provincia de Melgar, Puno, mediante la detección de anticuerpos séricos por la técnica de inmunofluorescencia indirecta (IFI). Se evaluaron 419 sueros obtenidos en forma aleatoria de siete fundos ganaderos donde las prevalencias obtenidas variaron desde 4.0 ± 7.7% hasta 37.5 ± 11.9%. La prevalencia general fue considerada moderada (18.1 ± 3.7%). Todos los fundos presentaron, al menos, un animal seropositivo. La edad y el lugar de procedencia representaron factores de riesgo en la prevalencia de la infección.The aim of the current study was to assess the seroprevalence of Neospora caninum in grazing dairy cattle in the province of Melgar, Puno, through serum antibody detection using the immunofluorescence indirect technique (IFI). A total of 419 sera was obtained from seven herds. The seroprevalence varied from 4.0 ± 7.7% to 37.5 ± 11.9%, while the overall prevalence was 18.1 ± 3.7%, which was considered moderate. All herds showed at least one positive animal. Age and location showed to be a risk factor in the prevalence of the infection