322 research outputs found

    Morphosyntactic Skills Influence the Written Decoding Accuracy of Italian Children With and Without Developmental Dyslexia

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    Some types of developmental dyslexia (DD) are associated with morphology. Deep DD leads to morphological and semantic errors, and possible comorbidity with syntactic deficits; phonological-output-buffer DD causes problems in decoding longer morphologically complex words. In addition, cross-linguistic studies highlight the effects of morphological awareness on reading accuracy and fluency. The role of morphosyntactic abilities in reading is, however, not clear. This study explores the influence of morphosyntactic competence on reading in Italian children with and without DD. A total of 14 children with DD and 28 with Typical Development (TD) attending the Italian primary school were tested on written decoding, syntactic comprehension of different grammatical structures, and syntactic production of direct object clitic pronouns. DD children were significantly less accurate and slower in reading than TD children. Syntactic skills of the two groups did not differ significantly, but some differences in their acquisitional pace emerged. Syntactic comprehension and production of direct-object-clitic pronouns predicted reading accuracy standard scores, thus suggesting that morphosyntactic abilities, beyond clitics’ weak phonological status, affect decoding accuracy. Decoding accuracy was influenced by reading errors related to morphology (morphological, semantic, and phonological-output-buffer errors). Decoding speed was a specific weakness of DD children and was rather affected by multi-letter combinations. Consistent with a dual-route approach to orthographic processing, we argue that accuracy depends on fine-grained decoding strategies maximizing the precise ordering of letters, thus it is more sensitive to morphosyntactic skills. Morphological reading errors were associated with phonologically weak (determiners, clitic pronouns, and prepositions) and salient words (verbs). This suggests that the decoding of function words and morphologically complex words is particularly demanding and related to both phonological and morphosyntactic skills. Age had a negative predictive effect on semantic errors, compatible with the gradual acquisition of lexical decoding strategies, which seemed to be slowed down by DD. We conclude that oral morphosyntactic skills play a role in reading accuracy in the Italian shallow orthography for both DD and TD children. It is then advisable to assess children’s linguistic profile during DD diagnoses to establish whether some reading errors are related to morphosyntactic weakness. In this case, ad hoc morphosyntactic training might support reading accuracy

    Italian survey on benign paroxysmal positional vertigo

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    Benign paroxysmal positional vertigo (BPPV) is the most common type of peripheral vertigo. BPPV often relapses after the first episode, with a recurrence rate between 15% and 50%. To date both the aetiopathogenetic processes that lead to otoconia detachment and the factors that make BPPV a relapsing disease are still unclear, but recent epidemiological studies have shown a possible association with cardiovascular risk factors. The aim of the present study (Sesto Senso Survey) was to evaluate in the Italian population through an observational survey, the main demographic and clinical characteristics of patients with BPPV (first episode or recurrent) with particular focus on the potential cardiovascular risk factors. The survey was conducted in 158 vestibology centres across Italy on 2,682 patients (mean age 59.3 ± 15.0 years; 39.1% males and 60.9% females) suffering from BPPV, from January 2013 to December 2014. The results showed a high prevalence of cardiovascular risk factors such as high blood pressure (55.8%), hypercholesterolaemia (38.6%) and diabetes (17.7%), as well as a family history of cardiovascular disease (49.4%). A high percentage of patients also had hearing loss (42.9%), tinnitus (41.2%), or both (26.8%). The presence of hypertension, dyslipidaemia and pre-existing cardiovascular comorbidities were significantly related to recurrent BPPV episodes (OR range between 1.84 and 2.31). In addition, the association with diabetes and thyroid/autoimmune disease (OR range between 1.73 and 1.89) was relevant. The survey results confirm the significant association between cardiovascular comorbidities and recurrent BPPV and identify them as a potential important risk factor for recurrence of BPPV in the Italian population, paving the way for the evaluation of new therapeutic strategies in the treatment of this disease

    International Recognition Meets Areas of Limited Statehood: Practices and Effects on Hybrid Actors in Post-2011 Libya

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    This is the final version. Available on open access from Routledge via the DOI in this recordThis article examines the impact of international recognition on intrastate conflict contexts and areas of limited statehood. We conceptualise international recognition-through-interaction in social-relational, process-oriented, non-dualistic and performative (practice) terms. We theorise plural effects beyond the government vs. rebels and conflict causation vs. transformation binaries. Based on two case studies on post-2011 Libya’s security/armed and migration governance actors, including original interviews, we show that the most distinctive power of international recognition-through-interaction lies in drawing (sovereignty) lines. Material empowerment effects are prominent, though only contextually subject to formal international recognition. Identity transformation remains partial and political legitimacy is influenced in complex wayBritish AcademyLeverhulme Trus

    Italian survey on benign paroxysmal positional vertigo

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    La vertigine parossistica posizionale benigna (VPPB) è il tipo più comune di vertigine periferica. Frequentemente dopo il primo episodio la VPPB presenta recidive, con un tasso di ricorrenza tra il 15% ed il 50%. Ad oggi non vi è chiarezza sui processi eziopatogenetici che portano al distacco degli otoconi né su quali siano i fattori che rendono la VPPB una patologia recidivante, ma recenti studi epidemiologici hanno evidenziato una possibile associazione con fattori di rischio cardiovascolari. Lo scopo del presente studio (Sesto Senso Survey) è stato quello di valutare nella popolazione italiana, attraverso unindagine osservazionale, le principali caratteristiche demografiche e cliniche dei pazienti con VPPB (primo episodio o ricorrente), con particolare attenzione ai potenziali fattori di rischio cardiovascolare. Lindagine è stata condotta in 158 centri di Vestibologia in tutta Italia su 2.682 pazienti (età media 59,3 ± 15,0 anni; 39,1 maschi e 60,9% femmine) affetti da VPPB, da gennaio 2013 a dicembre 2014. I risultati hanno mostrato in questi pazienti lalta prevalenza di fattori di rischio cardiovascolari come ipertensione arteriosa (55,8%), ipercolesterolemia (38,6%) e diabete (17,7%), oltre ad una elevata familiarità per malattie cardiovascolari (49,4%). In unelevata percentuale di pazienti si è inoltre registrata la presenza di ipoacusia (42,9%), acufeni (41,2%) o entrambi (26,8%). Significativamente correlata agli episodi di recidiva di VPPB è risultata la presenza di ipertensione arteriosa, dislipidemia e comorbidità cardiovascolare accertata (range OR tra 1,84 e 2,31). Rilevanti anche le associazioni con diabete e patologie tiroidee e autoimmuni (range OR tra 1,73 e 1,89). I risultati dellindagine confermano la significativa associazione tra comorbidità cardiovascolari e VPPB recidivanti e le identificano come importante potenziale fattore di rischio per le recidive di VPPB nella popolazione italiana, aprendo la strada alla valutazione di nuove strategie terapeutiche nel trattamento di questa patologia

    Tuning the reduction of graphene oxide nanoflakes differently affects neuronal networks in the zebrafish

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    The increasing engineering of biomedical devices and the design of drug-delivery platforms enriched by graphene-based components demand careful investigations of the impact of graphene-related materials (GRMs) on the nervous system. In addition, the enhanced diffusion of GRM-based products and technologies that might favor the dispersion in the environment of GRMs nanoparticles urgently requires the potential neurotoxicity of these compounds to be addressed. One of the challenges in providing definite evidence supporting the harmful or safe use of GRMs is addressing the variety of this family of materials, with GRMs differing for size and chemistry. Such a diversity impairs reaching a unique and predictive picture of the effects of GRMs on the nervous system. Here, by exploiting the thermal reduction of graphene oxide nanoflakes (GO) to generate materials with different oxygen/carbon ratios, we used a high-throughput analysis of early-stage zebrafish locomotor behavior to investigate if modifications of a specific GRM chemical property influenced how these nanomaterials affect vertebrate sensory-motor neurophysiology—exposing zebrafish to GO downregulated their swimming performance. Conversely, reduced GO (rGO) treatments boosted locomotor activity. We concluded that the tuning of single GRM chemical properties is sufficient to produce differential effects on nervous system physiology, likely interfering with different signaling pathways

    Graphene oxide prevents lateral amygdala dysfunctional synaptic plasticity and reverts long lasting anxiety behavior in rats

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    Engineered small graphene oxide (s-GO) sheets were previously shown to reversibly down-regulate glutamatergic synapses in the hippocampus of juvenile rats, disclosing an unexpected translational potential of these nanomaterials to target selective synapses in vivo. Synapses are anatomical specializations acting in the Central Nervous System (CNS) as functional interfaces among neurons. Dynamic changes in synaptic function, named synaptic plasticity, are crucial to learning and memory. More recently, pathological mechanisms involving dysfunctional synaptic plasticity were implicated in several brain diseases, from dementia to anxiety disorders. Hyper-excitability of glutamatergic neurons in the lateral nucleus of the amygdala complex (LA) is substantially involved in the storage of aversive memory induced by stressful events enabling post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). Here we translated in PTSD animal model the ability of s-GO, when stereotaxically administered to hamper LA glutamatergic transmission and to prevent the behavioral response featured in long-term aversive memory. We propose that s-GO, by interference with glutamatergic plasticity, impair LA-dependent memory retrieval related to PTSD

    Oxidative stress in cerebral small vessel disease dizziness patients, basally and after polyphenol compound supplementation

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    Leukoaraiosis (LA) is a common radiological finding in elderly, frequently associated with several clinical disorders, including unexplained dizziness. The pathogenesis of LA is multifactorial, with a dysfunction of cerebral microcirculation resulting in chronic hypoperfusion and tissue loss, with oxidative stress involved in this cascade. The aim of this study was to analyse some oxidative stress biomarkers in a cohort of LA patients. In a subgroup of 33 patients with LA and unexplained dizziness, we have then performed an open study to evaluate if 60-day supplementation with a poliphenol compound may modify these biomarkers and influence quality of life, analysed with the Dizziness handicap Inventory (DHI) scale. At baseline, blood oxidative stress parameters values were outside normal ranges and compared to matched healthy controls. After the two months supplementation, we observed a significant decrement of advanced oxidation protein products values and a significant improvement of DHI. Oxidative stress biomarkers may be useful to detect redox imbalance in LA and to provide non-invasive tools to monitor disease status and response to therapy
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