2,468 research outputs found

    Computing Matveev's complexity via crystallization theory: the boundary case

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    The notion of Gem-Matveev complexity has been introduced within crystallization theory, as a combinatorial method to estimate Matveev's complexity of closed 3-manifolds; it yielded upper bounds for interesting classes of such manifolds. In this paper we extend the definition to the case of non-empty boundary and prove that for each compact irreducible and boundary-irreducible 3-manifold it coincides with the modified Heegaard complexity introduced by Cattabriga, Mulazzani and Vesnin. Moreover, via Gem-Matveev complexity, we obtain an estimation of Matveev's complexity for all Seifert 3-manifolds with base D2\mathbb D^2 and two exceptional fibers and, therefore, for all torus knot complements.Comment: 27 pages, 14 figure

    High Resolution Near-Infrared Spectra of Protostars

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    We present new high resolution (R = 21,000) near-infrared (2 microns) spectroscopic observations of a sample of Class I and flat-spectrum protostellar objects in the rho Ophiuchi dark cloud. None of the five Class I spectra show CO v = 0 -- 2 absorption features, consistent with high K-band continuum veilings, 4 <= r_k <= 20 and fast stellar rotation, assuming that the underlying protostellar photospheres are of late spectral type, as is suggested by the low luminosities of most of these objects. Two of the flat-spectrum protostellar objects also show no absorption features and are likely to be highly veiled. The remaining two flat-spectrum sources show weak, broad absorptions which are consistent with an origin in quickly rotating (v sin i ~ 50 km / s) late-type stellar photospheres which are also strongly veiled, r_k = 3 - 4. These observations provide further evidence that: 1)-Class I sources are highly veiled at near-infrared wavelengths, confirming previous findings of lower resolution spectroscopic studies; and 2)- flat-spectrum protostars rotate more rapidly than classical T Tauri stars (Class II sources), supporting findings from a recent high resolution spectroscopic study of other flat-spectrum sources in this cloud. In addition our observations are consistent with the high rotation rates derived for two of the Class I protostellar objects in our sample from observations of variable hard X-ray emission obtained with the ASCA satellite. These observations suggest that certain Class I sources can rotate even more rapidly than flat-spectrum protostars, near breakup velocity.Comment: 16 pages including 2 tables and 2 figures (AASTeX 5.x) to be published in The Astronomical Journal July 200

    Proteinase inhibitor candidates for therapy of enzyme-inhibitor imbalances

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    Uncovering Spiral Structure in Flocculent Galaxies

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    We present K'(2.1 micron) observations of four nearby flocculent spirals, which clearly show low-level spiral structure and suggest that kiloparsec-scale spiral structure is more prevalent in flocculent spirals than previously supposed. In particular, the prototypical flocculent spiral NGC 5055 is shown to have regular, two-arm spiral structure to a radius of 4 kpc in the near infrared, with an arm-interarm contrast of 1.3. The spiral structure in all four galaxies is weaker than that in grand design galaxies. Taken in unbarred galaxies with no large, nearby companions, these data are consistent with the modal theory of spiral density waves, which maintains that density waves are intrinsic to the disk. As an alternative, mechanisms for driving spiral structure with non-axisymmetric perturbers are also discussed. These observations highlight the importance of near infrared imaging for exploring the range of physical environments in which large-scale dynamical processes, such as density waves, are important.Comment: 12 pages AASTeX; 3 compressed PS figures can be retrieved from ftp://ftp.astro.umd.edu/pub/michele as file thornley.tar (1.6Mbytes). Accepted to Ap.J. Letters.(Figures now also available here, and from ftp://ftp.astro.umd.edu/pub/michele , in GIF format.

    Low-Mass Star Formation and the Initial Mass Function in the Rho Ophiuchi Cloud Core

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    We have obtained moderate-resolution (R=800-1200) K-band spectra for ~100 stars within and surrounding the cloud core of rho Oph. We have measured spectral types and continuum veilings and have combined this information with results from new deep imaging. The IMF peaks at about 0.4 M_sun and slowly declines to the hydrogen burning limit with a slope of ~-0.5 in logarithmic units (Salpeter is +1.35). Our lower limits on the numbers of substellar objects demonstrate that the IMF probably does not fall more steeply below the hydrogen burning limit, at least down to ~0.02 M_sun. We then make the first comparison of mass functions of stars and pre-stellar clumps (Motte, Andre, & Neri) measured in the same region. The similar behavior of the two mass functions in rho Oph supports the suggestion of Motte et al. and Testi & Sargent that the stellar mass function in young clusters is a direct product of the process of cloud fragmentation. After considering the effect of extinction on the SED classifications of the sample, we find that ~17% of the rho Oph stars are Class I, implying ~0.1 Myr for the lifetime of this stage. In spectra separated by two years, we observe simultaneous variability in the Br gamma emission and K-band continuum veiling for two stars, where the hydrogen emission is brighter in the more heavily veiled data. This behavior indicates that the disk may contribute significantly to continuous K-band emission, in contrast to the proposal that the infalling envelope always dominates. Our detection of strong 2 micron veiling (r_K=1-4) in several Class II and III stars, which should have disks but little envelope material, further supports this proposition.Comment: 35 pages, 14 figures, accepted to Ap

    A Companion Galaxy to the Post-Starburst Quasar UN J1025-0040

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    UN J1025-0040 is a quasar at z = 0.6344 that shows an extremely bright post starburst population of age ~ 400 Myr (Brotherton et al. 1999). Images of UN J1025-0040 show a nearly stellar object 4.2 arcseconds SSW of the quasar. We present imaging and spectroscopy that confirm that this object is a companion galaxy at redshift z = 0.6341. We estimate an age of ~ 800 Myr for the dominant stellar population in the companion. The companion appears to be interacting with the quasar host galaxy, and this interaction may have triggered both the starburst and the quasar activity in UN J1025-0040.Comment: 8 pages plus 4 figures (2 postscript, 2 jpg). Postscript version available at http://www.ifa.hawaii.edu/~canaguby/preprints.html To appear in the January 2000 issue of A

    A Contracting, Turbulent, Starless Core in the Serpens Cluster

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    We present combined single-dish and interferometric CS(2--1) and N2H+(1--0) observations of a compact core in the NW region of the Serpens molecular cloud. The core is starless according to observations from optical to millimeter wavelengths and its lines have turbulent widths and ``infall asymmetry''. Line profile modeling indicates supersonic inward motions v_in>0.34 km/s over an extended region L>12000AU. The high infall speed and large extent exceeds the predictions of most thermal ambipolar diffusion models and points to a more dynamical process for core formation. A short (dynamic) timescale, ~1e5 yr=L/v_in, is also suggested by the low N2H+ abundance ~1e-10.Comment: 11 pages including 2 figures. Accepted for publication in the Astrophysical Journal Letter

    High Angular Resolution JHK Imaging of the Centers of the Metal-Poor Globular Clusters NGC5272 (M3), NGC6205 (M13), NGC6287, and NGC6341 (M92)

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    The Canada-France-Hawaii Telescope (CFHT) Adaptive Optics Bonnette (AOB) has been used to obtain high angular resolution JHK images of the centers of the metal-poor globular clusters NGC5272 (M3), NGC6205 (M13), NGC6287, and NGC6341 (M92). The color-magnitude diagrams (CMDs) derived from these data include the upper main sequence and most of the red giant branch (RGB), and the cluster sequences agree with published photometric measurements of bright stars in these clusters. The photometric accuracy is limited by PSF variations, which introduce systematic errors of a few hundredths of a magnitude near the AO reference star. The clusters are paired according to metallicity, and the near-infrared CMDs and luminosity functions are used to investigate the relative ages within each pair. The near-infrared CMDs provide the tightest constraints on the relative ages of the classical second parameter pair NGC5272 and NGC6205, and indicate that these clusters have ages that differ by no more than +/- 1 Gyr. These results thus support the notion that age is not the second parameter. We tentatively conclude that NGC6287 and NGC6341 have ages that differ by no more than +/- 2 Gyr. However, the near-infrared spectral energy distributions of stars in NGC6287 appear to differ from those of stars in outer halo clusters, bringing into question the validity of this age estimate.Comment: 22 pages, 17 figures. To be published in the Astronomical Journa

    VLA 3.5 cm continuum sources in the Serpens cloud core

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    We present VLA 3.5 cm continuum observations of the Serpens cloud core. 22 radio continuum sources are detected. 16 out of the 22 cm sources are suggested to be associated with young stellar objects (Class 0, Class I, flat-spectrum, and Class II) of the young Serpens cluster. The rest of the VLA sources plausibly are background objects. Most of the Serpens cm sources likely represent thermal radio jets; on the other hand, the radio continuum emission of some sources could be due to a gyrosynchroton mechanism arising from coronally active young stars. The Serpens VLA sources are spatially distributed into two groups; one of them located towards the NW clump of the Serpens core, where only Class 0 and Class I protostars are found to present cm emission, and a second group located towards the SE clump, where radio continuum sources are associated with objects in evolutionary classes from Class 0 to Class II. This subgrouping is similar to that found in the near IR, mid-IR and mm wavelength regimes.Comment: 2 figures, accepted by Astronomical journa
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