39 research outputs found

    Interference Phenomena in Medium Induced Radiation

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    We consider the interference pattern for the medium-induced gluon radiation produced by a color singlet quark-antiquark antenna embedded in a QCD medium with size LL and `jet quenching' parameter q^\hat q. Within the BDMPS-Z regime, we demonstrate that, for a dipole opening angle Ξqqˉ≫Ξc≡2/q^L3\theta_{q\bar q} \gg\theta_c\equiv {2}/{\sqrt{\hat q L^3}}, the interference between the medium--induced gluon emissions by the quark and the antiquark is suppressed with respect to the direct emissions. This is so since direct emissions are delocalized throughout the medium and thus yield contributions proportional to LL while interference occurs only between emissions at early times, when both sources remain coherent. Thus, for \tqq \gg\theta_c, the medium-induced radiation is the sum of the two spectra individually produced by the quark and the antiquark, without coherence effects like angular ordering. For \tqq \ll\theta_c, the medium--induced radiation vanishes.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figures; Proceedings of the "Quark Matter 2011" conferenc

    Stochastic trailing string and Langevin dynamics from AdS/CFT

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    Using the gauge/string duality, we derive a set of Langevin equations describing the dynamics of a relativistic heavy quark moving with constant average speed through the strongly-coupled N=4 SYM plasma at finite temperature. We show that the stochasticity arises at the string world-sheet horizon, and thus is causally disconnected from the black hole horizon in the space-time metric. This hints at the non-thermal nature of the fluctuations, as further supported by the fact that the noise term and the drag force in the Langevin equations do not obey the Einstein relation. We propose a physical picture for the dynamics of the heavy quark in which dissipation and fluctuations are interpreted as medium-induced radiation and the associated quantum-mechanical fluctuations. This picture provides the right parametric estimates for the drag force and the (longitudinal and transverse) momentum broadening coefficients.Comment: 25 pages, 4 figure

    Mass effect and coherence in medium-induced QCD radiation off a qqˉq {\bar q} antenna

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    The medium-induced one-gluon radiation spectrum off a massive quark-antiquark (qqˉq {\bar q}) antenna traversing a colored QCD medium is calculated in this contribution. The gluon spectrum off the antenna computed at first order in the opacity expansion is collinear finite but infrared divergent, which is different from the result obtained from an independent emitter which is both infrared and collinear finite. The interference between emitters dominates the soft gluon radiation when the antenna opening angle is small and the emitted gluon is soft, whereas the antenna behaves like a superposition of independent emitters when the opening angle is large and the radiated gluon is hard. As a phenomenological consequence, we investigate the energy lost by the projectiles due to the radiation. In general, the size of the mass effects is similar in both cases.Comment: 4 pages, 1 figure, Proceedings of Quark Matter 2011, Annecy, Franc

    Deep inelastic scattering off a N=4 SYM plasma at strong coupling

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    By using the AdS/CFT correspondence we study the deep inelastic scattering of an R-current off a N=4 supersymmetric Yang-Mills (SYM) plasma at finite temperature and strong coupling. Within the supergravity approximation valid when the number of colors is large, we compute the structure functions by solving Maxwell equations in the space-time geometry of the AdS_5 black three-brane. We find a rather sharp transition between a low energy regime where the scattering is weak and quasi-elastic, and a high-energy regime where the current is completely absorbed. The critical energy for this transition determines the plasma saturation momentum in terms of its temperature T and the Bjorken x variable: Q_s=T/x. These results suggest a partonic picture for the plasma where all the partons have transverse momenta below the saturation momentum and occupation numbers of order one.Comment: Version accepted for publication in JHEP: more references added; some technical points were displaced from Sect. 4 to the new Appendix

    Parton picture for the strongly coupled SYM plasma

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    Deep inelastic scattering off the strongly coupled N=4 supersymmetric Yang-Mills plasma at finite temperature can be computed within the AdS/CFT correspondence, with results which are suggestive of a parton picture for the plasma. Via successive branchings, essentially all partons cascade down to very small values of the longitudinal momentum fraction x and to transverse momenta smaller than the saturation momentum Q_s\sim T/x. This scale Q_s controls the plasma interactions with a hard probe, in particular, the jet energy loss and its transverse momentum broadening.Comment: 4 pages, Talk given at Quark Matter 2008: 20th International Conference on Ultra-Relativistic Nucleus Nucleus Collisions (QM 2008), Jaipur, India, 4-10 Feb 200

    Dressed spectral densities for heavy quark diffusion in holographic plasmas

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    We analyze the large frequency behavior of the spectral densities that govern the generalized Langevin diffusion process for a heavy quark in the context of the gauge/gravity duality. The bare Langevin correlators obtained from the trailing string solution have a singular short-distance behavior. We argue that the proper dressed spectral functions are obtained by subtracting the zero-temperature correlators. The dressed spectral functions have a sufficiently fast fall-off at large frequency so that the Langevin process is well defined and the dispersion relations are satisfied. We identify the cases in which the subtraction does not modify the associated low-frequency transport coefficients. These include conformal theories and the non-conformal, non-confining models. We provide several analytic and numerical examples in conformal and non-conformal holographic backgrounds.Comment: 51 pages, 2 figure

    Holographic current correlators at finite coupling and scattering off a supersymmetric plasma

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    By studying the effect of the order(\alpha'^3) string theory corrections to type IIB supergravity, including those corrections involving the Ramond-Ramond five-form field strength, we obtain the corrected equations of motion of an Abelian perturbation of the AdS_5-Schwarzschild black hole. We then use the gauge theory/string theory duality to examine the coupling-constant dependence of vector current correlators associated to a gauged U(1) sub-group of the global R-symmetry group of strongly-coupled N=4 supersymmetric Yang-Mills theory at finite temperature. The corrections induce a set of higher-derivative operators for the U(1) gauge field, but their effect is highly suppressed. We thus find that the order(\alpha'^3) corrections affect the vector correlators only indirectly, through the corrected metric. We apply our results to investigate scattering off a supersymmetric Yang-Mills plasma at low and high energy. In the latter regime, where Deep Inelastic Scattering is expected to occur, we find an enhancement of the plasma structure functions in comparison with the infinite 't Hooft coupling result.Comment: 38 pages, 6 figures, minor clarifications added, typos corrected, references adde