4,610 research outputs found

    Bronchial-pulmonary adenocarcinoma subtyping relates with different molecular pathways

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    Lung cancer is one of the most common cancers in the world with a high mortality rate. We analyzed 45 surgical samples of the adenocarcinoma, 13 with lymph node metastasis. APC, BCL2, chromogranin A, CK 5/6/18 (LP34), CK20, CK7, cyclin D1, EGFR, ERCC1, HER2, Ki67, LRP, MRP, P53, RB and TTF1 expressions were evaluated by immunohistochemistry (IHC). Higher Ki67, APC, ERCC1 expressions and lower TTF1 expression were identified in advanced stages (IIA and IIIA) of adenocarcinomas, which reflect a more aggressive, less differentiated, possibly a non-TRU adenocarcinoma. Acinar, micropapillary and BA/lepidic adenocarcinoma patterns were the most similar patterns and papillary was the most different pattern followed by solid pattern, according to expression of these markers. Different adenocarcinoma patterns are engaged with different molecular pathways for carcinogenesis, based on the differences of expression. Acinar, BA/lepidic and micropapillary showed higher TTF1 expression (type TRU), and papillary and solid patterns revealed less TTF1 expression, exhibiting a non-TRU/bronchial phenotype. Solid pattern revealed lower HER2 and higher EGFR and ERCC1 (this compared to papillary) expression; papillary higher HER2 and lower ERCC1 expressions; micropapillary higher RB expression; and acinar lower ERCC1 and higher EGFR expressions. Ciclin D1 seems to have more importance in acinar and BA/lepidic patterns than in micropapillary. ERCC1 protein expression in micropapillary, solid and BA/lepidic patterns may indicate DNA repair activation. Inhibition of apoptosis could be explained by BCL2 overexpression, present in all adenocarcinoma patterns. MRP-1 and LRP were overexpressed in all patterns, which may have implications for drug resistance. Further studies are needed to interpret these data regarding to therapy response in advanced staged bronchial-pulmonary carcinomas.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Computational evaluation of hydraulic system behaviour with entrapped air under rapid pressurization

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    The pressurization of hydraulic systems containing entrapped air is considered a critical condition for the infrastructure's security due to transient pressure variations often occurred. The objective of the present study is the computational evaluation of trends observed in variation of maximum surge pressure resulting from rapid pressurizations. The comparison of the results with those obtained in previous studies is also undertaken. A brief state of art in this domain is presented. This research work is applied to an experimental system having entrapped air in the top of a vertical pipe section. The evaluation is developed through the elastic model based on the method of characteristics, considering a moving liquid boundary, with the results being compared with those achieved with the rigid liquid column model

    Mathematical modeling of pressurized system behaviour with entrapped air

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    The presence of entrapped air in pressurized hydraulic systems is considered a critical condition for the infrastructure security, due to the transient pressure enhancement related with its dynamic behaviour, similar to non-linear spring action. A mathematical model for the assessment of hydraulic transients resulting from rapid pressurizations, under referred condition is presented. Water movement was modeled through the elastic column theory considering a moving liquid boundary and the entrapped air pocket as lumped gas mass, where the acoustic effects are negligible. The method of characteristics was used to obtain the numerical solution of the liquid flow. The resulting model is applied to an experimental set-up having entrapped air in the top of a vertical pipe section and the numerical results are analyzed

    Testículos no palpables: experiencia del Hospital Central Especializado de Crianças Maria Pia

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    La incidencia de criptorquidia es del 1% en niños de 1 año de edad, siendo en el 20% de los casos el testículo no palpable. El objetivo de este trabajo fue estudiar la contribución de la cirugía mínimamente invasiva en el diagnóstico y tratamiento de estos pacientes. Los autores realizaron un estudio prospectivo, analítico y longitudinal durante el período de enero de 2001 a diciembre de 2004, englobando 89 niños portadores de 98 testículos no palpables sometidos a laparoscopia. Los autores analizaron los siguientes parámetros: localización del testículo no palpable, examen objetivo bajo anestesia general ecografía inguinoescrotal, edad de la intervención, hallazgos laparoscópicos, tratamiento efectuado, resultados anatomopatológicos de las piezas extirpadas y seguimiento después de la cirugía

    Distributed/virtual manufacturing system cell: an experimental installation

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    The main objectives of the “Distributed/Virtual Manufacturing System (D/V MS) Cell” project are: (1) The development of Tele-services technologies and organisation for the production planning and control functions; (2) The development of permanent high performance laboratory facilities that enable development and demonstration of D/V MS design and control, i.e., global distribution of production planning and control functions; (3) The development of an abstract environment, i.e., a virtual environment for design and real time control of manufacturing systems, or one of its elements, independent of the physical implementations. The D/V MS Cell satisfies the defined hierarchical distributed control model The Hardware System of the D/V MS Cell is composed by: (1) Machine tool cell: CNC milling machine, external sensors and actuators, interface computer with communications links, (2) Machine cell: Two machine simulators, PLC, sensors and actuators, computer based local controller, (3) Robot cell: Robot SCORBOT ER-VII, artificial vision system, conveyor system, computer based local controller, (4) Control centre: Video projector, computer based remote controller, computer based real time video and audio system. The Software System of the D/V MS Cell is composed by: (1) Applications for Human-Computer Interface (HMI): Interfaces for machine tool and robot programming and control, interface for production planning and control, (2) Computer-Machine Interface, via RS-232C, (3) Computer-Computer Interface, for communications via Internet. The hardware structure of the (D/V MS) Cell is already implemented and interfaces for machine tool programming and control are developed (software system). The operation of the complete system is planned for the year 1999

    Updating Fragility Curves for Portuguese Pre-Seismic Code Reinforced Concrete Buildings

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    This paper is part of a broader study under development at LNEC with the main aim of defining general policies for the cost-effective seismic retrofitting of the existing Portuguese building stock. The paper will summarise the methodology implemented for determining accurate capacity and fragility curves of existing pre-seismic design code reinforced concrete (RC) buildings when subjected to seismic action. The methodology involved the definition of probabilistic models of relevant input variables (geometry and materials), performing advanced numerical models of RC buildings under seismic action, setting of appropriate limit states and finally analysis of the results in order to derive the updated curves for Portuguese building stock. This paper will also present a comparison between curves obtained from the current study and the corresponding curves currently being used in LNEC’s seismic risk assessment platform (LNECloss).info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio