22,566 research outputs found

    Alguns marcos da Matemática na Universidade de Coimbra no período 1772-1936

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    Neste texto são apresentadas algumas propostas de marcos significativos cujo objectivo é provar, sem margem para dúvidas, que a actividade matemática na Universidade de Coimbra no período que medeia entre a Reforma Pombalina de 1772 e a chegada a Portugal de António Aniceto Monteiro em 1936 após o doutoramento em França foi significativa, no contexto da História da Matemática portuguesa, merece ser considerada e precisa de ser ainda mais aprofundada.In this text some expressive landmarks are proposed whose goal is to prove, without any doubt, that the mathematics activity at the University of Coimbra in the period that goes from Pombal's Reform of the university in 1772 to the arrival to Portugal of António Aniceto Monteiro in 1936 after getting his PhD in France, was meaningful in the framework of Portuguese mathematics, is worth considering and needs further more detailed study.CMU

    Cross-cultural Adaptation of the Instrument Readiness for Hospital Discharge Scale - Adult Form

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    Objective: to perform the cross-cultural adaptation of the Readiness for Hospital Discharge Scale - (RHDS) Adult Form for use in Brazil. Method: a methodological study was conducted in 2015, in Brazil’s federal capital, following the eight stages scientifically established. Results: analysis proved the maintenance of semantic, idiomatic, cultural, and conceptual equivalences and kept both the face and content validity of the original version. The judging committee and the pre-test participants declared they understood the RHDS items and answer scale. Conclusion: the instrument is culturally adapted for Brazil and can be used as one of the stages for planning hospital discharge. Descriptors: Nursing Methodology Research; Transitional Care; Continuity of Patient Care; Patient-Centered Care; Patient Discharg

    Judicialização da saúde pública

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    A influência das culturas individuais num ambiente empresarial multucultural

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    Relatório de estágio de mestrado em Estudos Interculturais Português/Chinês - Formação, Tradução e Comunicação EmpresarialDurante o segundo semestre do ano letivo de 2011/2012, em sede do mestrado Estudos Interculturais Português/Chinês: Formação, Tradução e Comunicação Empresarial, efetuei um estágio com o objetivo de praticar os conhecimentos adquiridos ao longo do mestrado. O presente relatório apresenta o trabalho efetuado assim como a sua relevância para o meu percurso académico. O estágio foi realizado num restaurante ocidental localizado na cidade chinesa de Tianjin. O restaurante é gerido por uma empresa ocidental e, estando localizado numa cidade chinesa com um staff que inclui tanto empregados locais como estrangeiros e servindo clientes das mais diversas proveniências, é um local ideal para praticar os conhecimentos relacionados com comunicação internacional adquiridos ao longo do mestrado. O presente relatório pode ser divido em três partes principais: Na primeira parte começo por fazer o enquadramento deste estágio no âmbito académico e por explicitar as razões e os objetivos para o realizar. De seguida apresento a instituição de acolhimento do estágio, apresento a sua situação, localização e relevância para a área em estudo. Na segunda parte apresento a fundamentação teórica para a minha atuação nesta empresa e para a situação encontrada. Começo por introduzir a definição do complexo termo “cultura”, de seguida demonstro a sua importância num contexto empresarial multicultural, e acabo por especificar as suas implicações no caso chinês, focando-me no sistema de gestão chinês e nas suas diferenças em relação aos sistemas ocidentais. Na última parte, apresento a experiência que adquiri com este estágio. Apresento as minhas responsabilidades, as minhas descobertas, os problemas com que me deparei e as soluções encontradas. Dedico grande parte desta secção à apresentação de casos concretos que experienciei, procurando sempre relacionar a minha aprendizagem prática aos conhecimentos teóricos já adquiridos. No final do relatório, apresento ainda os resultados da minha experiência, o que aprendi através da prática e a sua relevância para o meu percurso.During the second semester of the 2011/2012 school year, as part of the master's degree in Intercultural Studies in Portuguese and Chinese: Translation, Education and Communication, I took part in an internship with the objective of practising the knowledge gained throughout the master's degree. This report presents the work performed as well as its relevance to my the academic course. The internship was carried out in a western restaurant on the Chinese city of Tianjin. The restaurant is managed by a western company and, being located in a Chinese city with a staff of local as well as foreign employees and serving customers from the most different geographic origins, it is an ideal location to practice all the knowledge related to international communication I have gained throughout the master's degree. This report can be divided into three main parts: In the first part I start by presenting this internship and by showing the reasons and objectives of taking part in it. Then, I present the company in which I carried out my internship, its situation, location and relevance to the subject being studied. In the second part I present the theoretic base for my performance in this company and for the situation I found there. I start by giving an introduction about the complex term “culture”, I then demonstrate its importance in a multicultural business setting, and conclude by specifying its implications in the Chinese case, focussing on the Chinese management system and in its difference when compared to the western systems. In the last part, I present the experience I acquired with this internship. I present my responsibilities, my discoveries, the problems I met and the solutions found. A great part of this section is dedicated to the presentation of particular cases I experienced, always trying to relate my practical learning experience to the theoretical knowledge I had already gained. In the ending of this report, I present the results of my experience, what I learned through practice and its relevance to my academic and professional path

    Leveraging Application Development for the Internet of Mobile Things

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    So far, most of research and development for the Internet of Things has been focused at systems where the smart objects, WPAN beacons, sensors, and actuators are mainly stationary and associated with a fixed location (such as appliances in a home or office, an energy meter for a building), and are not capable of handling unrestricted/arbitrary forms of mobility. However, our current lifestyle and economy are increasingly mobile, as people, vehicles, and goods move independently in public and private areas (e.g., automated logistics, retail). Therefore, we are witnessing an increasing need to support Machine to Machine (M2M) communication, data collection, and processing and actuation control for mobile smart things, establishing what is called the Internet of Mobile Things (IoMT). Examples of mobile smart things that fit in the definition of IoMT include Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs), all sorts of human-crewed vehicles (e.g., cars, buses), and even people with wearable devices such as smart watches or fitness and health monitoring devices. Among these mobile IoT applications, there are several that only require occasional data probes from a mobile sensor, or need to control a smart device only in some specific conditions, or context, such as only when any user is in the ambient. While IoT systems still lack some general programming concepts and abstractions, this is even more so for IoMT. This paper discusses the definition and implementation of suitable programming concepts for mobile smart things - given several examples and scenarios of mobility-specific sensoring and actuation control, both regarding smart things individually, or in terms of collective smart things behaviors. We then show a proposal of programming constructs and language, and show how we will implement an IoMT application programming model, namely OBSACT, on the top of our current middleware ContextNet