1,343 research outputs found

    Hybrid integral transform analysis of supercooled droplets solidification

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    The freezing phenomena in supercooled liquid droplets are important for many engineering applications. For instance, a theoretical model of this phenomenon can offer insights for tailoring surface coatings and for achieving icephobicity to reduce ice adhesion and accretion. In this work, a mathematical model and hybrid numerical–analytical solutions are developed for the freezing of a supercooled droplet immersed in a cold air stream, subjected to the three main transport phenomena at the interface between the droplet and the surroundings: convective heat transfer, convective mass transfer and thermal radiation. Error-controlled hybrid solutions are obtained through the extension of the generalized integral transform technique to the transient partial differential formulation of this moving boundary heat transfer problem. The nonlinear boundary condition for the interface temperature is directly accounted for by the choice of a nonlinear eigenfunction expansion base. Also, the nonlinear equation of motion for the freezing front is solved together with the ordinary differential system for the integral transformed temperatures. After comparisons of the solution with previously reported numerical and experimental results, the influence of the related physical parameters on the droplet temperatures and freezing time is critically analysed

    An improved lumped model for freezing of a freely suspended supercooled water droplet in air stream

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    This work deals with the mathematical modeling of the transient freezing process of a supercooled water droplet in a cold air stream. The aim is to develop a simple yet accurate lumped-differential model for the energy balance for a freely suspended water droplet undergoing solidification, that allows for cost effective computations of the temperatures and freezing front evolution along the whole process. The complete freezing process was described by four distinct stages, namely, supercooling, recalescence, solidification, and cooling. At each stage, the Coupled Integral Equations Approach (CIEA) is employed, which reduces the partial differential equation for the temperature distribution within the spherical droplet into coupled ordinary differential equations for dimensionless boundary temperatures and the moving interface position. The resulting lumped-differential model is expected to offer improved accuracy with respect to the classical lumped system analysis, since boundary conditions are accounted for in the averaging process through Hermite approximations for integrals. The results of the CIEA were verified using a recently advanced accurate hybrid numerical-analytical solution through the Generalized Integral Transform Technique (GITT), for the full partial differential formulation, and comparisons with numerical and experimental results from the literature. After verification and validation of the proposed model, a parametric analysis is implemented, for different conditions of airflow velocity and droplet radius, which lead to variations in the Biot numbers that allow to inspect for their influence on the accuracy of the improved lumped-differential formulation

    Dupla inoculação (rizóbio e fungos micorrízicos arbusculares) mitigam efeitos nocivos da salinidade no crescimento do feijão-caupi

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    A salinidade em áreas áridas e semiáridas do mundo está a expandir rapidamente devido às alterações climáticas e atividades humanas. O uso de inóculos contendo microrganismos benéficos, como fungos micorrízicos arbusculares (FMA) e bactérias simbióticas fixadoras de azoto, aliado ao manejo adequado do solo e das culturas, é uma alternativa promissora para melhorar a produção vegetal nessas regiões. Aqui, investigámos o efeito de práticas agrícolas comuns, nomeadamente a utilização de microrganismos benéficos como inóculo e a perturbação do solo entre a rotação de culturas, no crescimento do feijão-caupi e na sua associação com micróbios do solo sob condições salinas e não salinas. A estirpe Bradyrhizobium yuanmingense BR 3267, e uma mistura comercial de FMA (Endoplant Riego) foram utilizados como inóculos. Paralelamente, avaliámos o crescimento do feijão-caupi, após sucessão ao capim-buffel com ou sem perturbação prévia do solo. Ensaios de plantas em solo não-esterilizado (suplementado ou não com NaCl) foram realizados em dois ciclos de 75 dias em estufa. Parâmetros vegetais e simbióticos e o teor de nutrientes nas folhas foram determinados, bem como a diversidade bacteriana e de FMA em raízes e nódulos de feijão-caupi por meio de sequenciamento DNA metabarcode. Os nossos dados revelaram que os parâmetros simbióticos (número de nódulos e/ou taxa de colonização) foram melhorados no feijão-caupi inoculado com Bradyrhizobium e/ou FMA comercial, o que consequentemente resultou em maior teor de N ou P nas folhas. A salinidade imposta afetou negativamente o crescimento do feijão, porém sem afetar significativamente os parâmetros simbióticos analisados. O aumento de propágulos de FMA disponíveis no solo através da inoculação de FMA comercial foi um fator determinante para mitigar os efeitos do manejo do solo no crescimento do feijão. A perturbação do solo mostrou impacto negativo nos parâmetros vegetais e simbióticos, exceto para o número de nódulos. Além disso, os efeitos positivos do uso de FMA comercial no crescimento do feijão-caupi, em condições controlo ou de salinidade podem ser explicados pelas mudanças na funcionalidade das comunidades de FMA associadas ao feijão-caupi. Por outro lado, as comunidades bacterianas em nódulos ou raízes do feijão não foram afetadas pela inoculação de FMA ou de rizóbios. Este estudo revela que a dupla inoculação (mistura de rizóbio e FMA) e a rotação de culturas, sem a perturbação do solo, são práticas eficazes para melhorar o crescimento do feijão-caupi e mitigar os efeitos nocivos do sal no seu crescimento. Mais, estes resultados também sugerem que os efeitos sinérgicos entre rizóbios e FMA dependem principalmente de um estabelecimento bem-sucedido da simbiose entre FMA e a planta hospedeira e não da comunidade de FMA em si

    Consequences of replacing native savannahs with acacia plantations for the taxonomic, functional and phylogenetic α- and β-diversity of bats in the northern Brazilian Amazon

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    Across the globe, millions of hectares of native vegetation have been replaced by commercial plantations, with negative consequences for biodiversity. The effects of the replacement of native vegetation with commercial plantations on the functional and phylogenetic diversity of bat assemblages remain understudied, and most studies have focused exclusively on the taxonomic component of diversity. Here, we investigate how the replacement of natural savannahs by acacia plantations affects the α- and β-diversity of bat assemblages. We sampled bats, using mist-nets at ground level, in natural forest, savannah areas and acacia plantations, in the Lavrados de Roraima in the northern Brazilian Amazon. Our results show that, in general, acacia is less diverse than native forests in terms of taxonomic and functional diversity, and is also less taxonomically diverse than the savannah matrix which it substitutes. The observed patterns of α- and β-diversity found in the present study are in large part driven by the superabundance of one generalist and opportunistic species, Carollia perspicillata, in the acacia plantations. Taken together, our results show that the replacement of areas of natural savannah by acacia plantations causes a regional loss in diversity across all diversity dimensions: taxonomic, functional and phylogenetic. However, further studies are required to fully understand the ecological and conservation implications of this landscape change

    Serologically defined variations in malaria endemicity in Pará state, Brazil

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    BACKGROUND: Measurement of malaria endemicity is typically based on vector or parasite measures. A complementary approach is the detection of parasite specific IgG antibodies. We determined the antibody levels and seroconversion rates to both P. vivax and P. falciparum merozoite antigens in individuals living in areas of varying P. vivax endemicity in Pará state, Brazilian Amazon region. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: The prevalence of antibodies to recombinant antigens from P. vivax and P. falciparum was determined in 1,330 individuals. Cross sectional surveys were conducted in the north of Brazil in Anajás, Belém, Goianésia do Pará, Jacareacanga, Itaituba, Trairão, all in the Pará state, and Sucuriju, a free-malaria site in the neighboring state Amapá. Seroprevalence to any P. vivax antigens (MSP1 or AMA-1) was 52.5%, whereas 24.7% of the individuals were seropositive to any P. falciparum antigens (MSP1 or AMA-1). For P. vivax antigens, the seroconversion rates (SCR) ranged from 0.005 (Sucuriju) to 0.201 (Goianésia do Pará), and are strongly correlated to the corresponding Annual Parasite Index (API). We detected two sites with distinct characteristics: Goianésia do Pará where seroprevalence curve does not change with age, and Sucuriju where seroprevalence curve is better described by a model with two SCRs compatible with a decrease in force of infection occurred 14 years ago (from 0.069 to 0.005). For P. falciparum antigens, current SCR estimates varied from 0.002 (Belém) to 0.018 (Goianésia do Pará). We also detected a putative decrease in disease transmission occurred ∼29 years ago in Anajás, Goianésia do Pará, Itaituba, Jacareacanga, and Trairão. CONCLUSIONS: We observed heterogeneity of serological indices across study sites with different endemicity levels and temporal changes in the force of infection in some of the sites. Our study provides further evidence that serology can be used to measure and monitor transmission of both major species of malaria parasite

    Cost of the Diet: a method and software to calculate the lowest cost of meeting recommended intakes of energy and nutrients from local foods

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    Background When food is available, the main obstacle to access is usually economic: people may not be able to afford a nutritious diet, even if they know what foods to eat. The Cost of the Diet method and software was developed to apply linear programming to better understand the extent to which poverty may affect people’s ability to meet their nutritional specifications. This paper describes the principles of the method; the mathematics underlying the linear programming; the parameters and assumptions on which the calculations are based; and then illustrates the output of the software using examples taken from assessments. Results The software contains five databases: the energy and nutrient content of foods; the energy and nutrient specifications of individuals; predefined groups of individuals in typical households; the portion sizes of foods; and currency conversion factors. Data are collected during a market survey to calculate the average cost of foods per 100 g while focus group discussions are used to assess local dietary habits and preferences. These data are presented to a linear programming solver within the software which selects the least expensive combination of local foods for four standard diets that meet specifications for: energy only; energy and macronutrients; energy, macronutrients and micronutrients; and energy, macronutrients and micronutrients but with constraints on the amounts per meal that are consistent with typical dietary habits. Most parameters in the software can be modified by users to examine the potential impact of a wide range of theoretical interventions. The output summarises for each diet the costs, quantity and proportion of energy and nutrient specifications provided by all the foods selected for a given individual or household by day, week, season and year. When the cost is expressed as a percentage of income, the affordability of the diet can be estimated. Conclusions The Cost of the Diet method and software could be used to inform programme design and behaviour change communication in the fields of nutrition, food security, livelihoods and social protection as well as to influence policies and advocacy debates on the financial cost of meeting energy and nutrient specifications

    A Complete Skull of an Early Cretaceous Sauropod and the Evolution of Advanced Titanosaurians

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    Advanced titanosaurian sauropods, such as nemegtosaurids and saltasaurids, were diverse and one of the most important groups of herbivores in the terrestrial biotas of the Late Cretaceous. However, little is known about their rise and diversification prior to the Late Cretaceous. Furthermore, the evolution of their highly-modified skull anatomy has been largely hindered by the scarcity of well-preserved cranial remains. A new sauropod dinosaur from the Early Cretaceous of Brazil represents the earliest advanced titanosaurian known to date, demonstrating that the initial diversification of advanced titanosaurians was well under way at least 30 million years before their known radiation in the latest Cretaceous. The new taxon also preserves the most complete skull among titanosaurians, further revealing that their low and elongated diplodocid-like skull morphology appeared much earlier than previously thought
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