3,227 research outputs found

    Broadening Risk Factor or Disease Definition as a Driver for Overdiagnosis: A Narrative Review

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    Medical overuse-defined as the provision of health services for which potential harms exceed potential benefits-constitutes a paradigm of low-value care and is seen as a threat to the quality of care. Value in healthcare implies a precise definition of disease. However, defining a disease may not be straightforward since clinical data do not show discrete boundaries, calling for some clinical judgment. And, if in time a redefinition of disease is needed, it is important to recognize that it can induce overdiagnosis, the identification of medical conditions that would, otherwise, never cause any significant symptoms or lead to clinical harm. A classic example is the impact of recommendations from professional societies in the late 1990s, lowering the threshold for abnormal total cholesterol from 240 mg/dl to 200 mg/dl. Due to these changes in risk factor definition, literally overnight there were 42 million new cases eligible for treatment in the United States. The same happened with hypertension-using either the 2019 NICE guidelines or the 2018 ESC/ECC guidelines criteria for arterial hypertension, the proportion of people overdiagnosed with hypertension was calculated to be between 14% and 33%. In this review, we will start by discussing resource overuse. We then present the basis for disease definition and its conceptual problems. Finally, we will discuss the impact of changing risk factor/disease definitions in the prevalence of disease and its consequences in overdiagnosis and overtreatment (a problem particularly relevant when definitions are widened to include earlier or milder disease).info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Broadening Risk Factor or Disease Definition as a Driver for Overdiagnosis: A Narrative Review

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    Medical overuse-defined as the provision of health services for which potential harms exceed potential benefits-constitutes a paradigm of low-value care and is seen as a threat to the quality of care. Value in healthcare implies a precise definition of disease. However, defining a disease may not be straightforward since clinical data do not show discrete boundaries, calling for some clinical judgment. And, if in time a redefinition of disease is needed, it is important to recognize that it can induce overdiagnosis, the identification of medical conditions that would, otherwise, never cause any significant symptoms or lead to clinical harm. A classic example is the impact of recommendations from professional societies in the late 1990s, lowering the threshold for abnormal total cholesterol from 240 mg/dl to 200 mg/dl. Due to these changes in risk factor definition, literally overnight there were 42 million new cases eligible for treatment in the United States. The same happened with hypertension-using either the 2019 NICE guidelines or the 2018 ESC/ECC guidelines criteria for arterial hypertension, the proportion of people overdiagnosed with hypertension was calculated to be between 14% and 33%. In this review, we will start by discussing resource overuse. We then present the basis for disease definition and its conceptual problems. Finally, we will discuss the impact of changing risk factor/disease definitions in the prevalence of disease and its consequences in overdiagnosis and overtreatment (a problem particularly relevant when definitions are widened to include earlier or milder disease).info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Hidden Diversity Hampers Conservation Efforts in a Highly Impacted Neotropical River System.

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    Neotropical Rivers host a highly diverse ichthyofauna, but taxonomic uncertainty prevents appropriate conservation measures. The Doce River Basin (DRB), lying within two Brazilian threatened hotspots (Atlantic Forest and Brazilian Savanna) in south-east Brazil, faced the worst ever environmental accident reported for South American catchments, due to a dam collapse that spread toxic mining tailings along the course of its main river. Its ichthyofauna was known to comprise 71 native freshwater fish species, of which 13 endemic. Here, we build a DNA barcode library for the DRB ichthyofauna, using samples obtained before the 2015 mining disaster, in order to provide a more robust biodiversity record for this basin, as a baseline for future management actions. Throughout the whole DRB, we obtained a total of 306 barcodes, assigned to 69 putative species (with a mean of 4.54 barcodes per species), belonging to 45 genera, 18 families, and 5 orders. Average genetic distances within species, genus, and families were 2.59, 11.4, and 20.5%, respectively. The 69 species identified represent over 76% of the known DRB ichthyofauna, comprising 43 native (five endemic, of which three threatened by extinction), 13 already known introduced species, and 13 unknown species (such as Characidium sp., Neoplecostomus sp., and specimens identified only at the sub-family level Neoplecostominae, according to morphological identification provided by the museum collections). Over one fifth of all analyzed species (N = 16) had a mean intraspecific genetic divergence higher than 2%. An integrative approach, combining NND (nearest neighbor distance), BIN (barcode index number), ABGD (automatic barcode gap discovery), and bPTP (Bayesian Poisson Tree Processes model) analyses, suggested the occurrence of potential cryptic species, species complex, or historical errors in morphological identification. The evidence presented calls for a more robust, DNA-assisted cataloging of biodiversity-rich ecosystems, in order to enable effective monitoring and informed actions to preserve and restore these delicate habitats

    Inequalities in self-rated health: an analysis of the Brazilian and Portuguese populations

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    Objetivou-se analisar a prevalência de saúde autoavaliada como ruim, segundo variáveis sociodemográficas e presença de doença crônica, em populações do Brasil e de Portugal. Foram estudados 13.894 indivíduos (≥ 30 anos) das capitais do Nordeste do Brasil (VIGITEL 2011) e 20.579 de Portugal (4o INS 2005/2006). Utilizou-se a Regressão de Poisson para as análises de associação ajustadas por covariáveis. As prevalências brutas de saúde percebida como ruim, para o Nordeste do Brasil e para Portugal, em homens, foram de 4,3% e de 15,5%. A razão de prevalência (RP) foi de 2,72 (IC95%: 2,70-2,74) após a padronização por faixa etária. Para mulheres, as prevalências foram 8,1%, para o Brasil, e 25,1%, para Portugal (RP: 2,40; IC95%: 2,39-2,42). A variável que revelou desigualdades na saúde autoavaliada como ruim, em maior intensidade, foi a escolaridade, em ambas as populações. A presença de doença teve efeito maior nos brasileiros do que nos portugueses, em ambos os sexos. As prevalências de saúde autoavaliada como ruim foram significativamente mais elevadas para Portugal, em todos os agrupamentos estudados

    New 12S metabarcoding primers for enhanced Neotropical freshwater fish biodiversity assessment

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    The megadiverse Neotropical fish fauna lacks a comprehensive and reliable DNA reference database, which hampers precise species identification and DNA based biodiversity assessment in the region. Here, we developed a mitochondrial 12S ribosomal DNA reference database for 67 fish species, representing 54 genera, 25 families, and six major Neotropical orders. We aimed to develop mini-barcode markers (i.e. amplicons with less than 200 bp) suitable for DNA metabarcoding by evaluating the taxonomic resolution of full-length and mini-barcodes and to determine a threshold value for fish species delimitation using 12S. Evaluation of the target amplicons demonstrated that both full-length library (565 bp) and mini-barcodes (193 bp) contain enough taxonomic resolution to differentiate all 67 fish species. For species delimitation, interspecific genetic distance threshold values of 0.4% and 0.55% were defined using full-length and mini-barcodes, respectively. A custom reference database and specific mini-barcode markers are important assets for ecoregion scale DNA based biodiversity assessments (such as environmental DNA) that can help with the complex task of conserving the megadiverse Neotropical ichthyofauna