47 research outputs found

    Modelação estatística dos índices de sinistralidade, aplicados ao setor da construção

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    Face ao quadro problemático das estatísticas de sinistralidade e considerando a Segurança na construção uma missão vital e de primordial significado para a sociedade, pretendeu-se com o presente estudo desenvolver modelos matemáticos, com capacidade explicativa do comportamento dos índices de sinistralidade em função de variáveis setoriais e globais como a taxa de desemprego e a taxa de crescimento do PIB de Portugal. Foram utilizados dados oficiais relativos a uma amostra de conveniência composta por 58 empresas do setor da construção, referente ao período de 6 anos. Foi efetuado o tratamento estatístico dos dados e desenhados modelos com base em regressões lineares. No final, dois dos modelos desenvolvidos apresentaram capacidade explicativa. Sendo que nestes aparecem como variáveis relevantes, a taxa de desemprego e os custos de formação por trabalhador. Apesar da capacidade explicativa dos modelos e da possibilidade da sua utilização pelas empresas do setor, como ferramenta potenciadora da Prevenção dos acidentes ocupacionais, é ainda questionada a eventual falta de consistência dos dados e a qualidade da formação ministrada nas empresas

    Autonomous platform for distributed sensing and actuation over bluetooth

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    This paper presents a short range wireless network platform based on Bluetooth technology and on a Round Robin scheduling algotithm. The main goal is to provide an application independent platform in order to support a distributed data acquisition and control system used to control a model of a greenhouse. This platform enables the advantages of wireless communications while assuring low weight, small energy consumption and reliable communications

    A bluetooth-based wireless distributed data acquisition and control system

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    This paper presents an application independent embedded platform for a wireless distributed data acquisition and control system, and describes its application in the scenario of controlling the information processing and communications between sensors and actuators onboard of an autonomous flying robot, in a “fly-by-wireless” approach. The system, which was designed and implemented, comprises a set of nodes composed by microcontrollers, wireless communication modules based on Bluetooth technology, and sensing/actuation devices. This paper also presents several experimental results which denote encouraging performance characteristics for the developed system, not only in the context of the proposed application, but for other wireless applications as well

    A flexible framework for data exchange and presentation between wireless sensor networks and personal devices

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    This paper presents the framework of an interface between wireless sensor networks and personal devices like PDAs, cellular phones and laptops. It possesses a flexible architecture that can be adapted easily to display any kind of data received from the network sensors using content description. The most relevant properties of this system are: portability (it can be used on any device with a standard browser), expandability (it can act as a gateway for higher systems), adaptability (the information can be presented in many different ways) and scalability (several sensor networks can be controlled at the same time). This system is currently being used display information retrieved from a Bluetooth based wireless sensor network platform which operates onboard of an unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV)

    The AIVA fly-by-wireless UAV platform

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    The AIVA project concerns to an UAV aimed to perform aerial surveillance, forest fire detection and also to monitor high voltage cables for stress or failures. The global project involves the design and development of the required aerial platform, as well as the electronics, communications hardware and software, flight control, artificial vision and systems integration, in order to provide an autonomous takeoff, flight mission and landing manoeuvres. Relevant goals, regarding the design and development of the AIVA platform, initiated in September 2004, have already been achieved, and they will be described over next topics. [...

    Distributed sensing and actuation over bluetooth for unmanned air vehicles

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    A short range wireless network platform, based on Bluetooth technology and on a Round Robin scheduling is presented. The objective is to build an application independent platform, to support a distributed sensing and actuation control system, which will be used in an Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV). This platform provides the advantages of wireless communications while assuring low weight, small energy consumption and reliable communications

    A fly-by-wireless UAV platform based on a flexible and distributed system architecture

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    This paper reports and describes the diverse stages concerning the development of an unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) named “Aeronave Inteligente com Visão Artificial”, better known by its acronym as AIVA. The design and development of the first aerial platform, the onboard ommunications, the instrumentation system, the bidirectional communications platform to/from ground station, the flight control system, the navigation strategies, as well as the vision systems to help navigation and to carry out the planned surveillance missions, are addressed in this paper. One of the main innovative issues of this platform is the distributed onboard wireless network, based on Bluetooth technology and on a multiprocessor architecture system. These features increase the platform flexibility. The goals already accomplished so far reveal interesting developments to be used successfully in commercial UAV platforms