164 research outputs found

    Lo sviluppo e la crescita delle PMI in Italia: apertura del capitale di rischio e servizi di corporate banking

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    L’obiettivo principale del presente lavoro è studiare le determinanti della domanda dei servizi di corporate banking da parte delle imprese italiane di piccole e medie dimensioni (PMI), analizzando in particolare la loro propensione all’utilizzo degli strumenti di finanziamento alternativi al debito bancario. La letteratura finanziaria si è spesso concentrata sul lato dell’offerta dei servizi di corporate banking, mentre scarsa attenzione è stata rivolta al lato della domanda di tali servizi da parte delle PMI, soprattutto per quanto riguarda i servizi più innovativi di corporate banking. Il presente lavoro si propone pertanto l’obiettivo di colmare il suddetto gap, valutando all’interno dei servizi per le imprese offerti dagli intermediari finanziari (bancari e non) quali sono le principali fonti di finanziamento generalmente utilizzate dalle imprese italiane, con particolare riferimento alle imprese di piccole-medie dimensioni

    Detecting dynamic domains and local fluctuations in complex molecular systems via timelapse neighbors shuffling

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    Many complex molecular systems owe their properties to local dynamic rearrangements or fluctuations that, despite the rise of machine learning (ML) and sophisticated structural descriptors, remain often difficult to detect. Here we show an ML framework based on a new descriptor, named Local Environments and Neighbors Shuffling (LENS), which allows identifying dynamic domains and detecting local fluctuations in a variety of systems via tracking how much the surrounding of each molecular unit changes over time in terms of neighbor individuals. Statistical analysis of the LENS time-series data allows to blindly detect different dynamic domains within various types of molecular systems with, e.g., liquid-like, solid-like, or diverse dynamics, and to track local fluctuations emerging within them in an efficient way. The approach is found robust, versatile, and, given the abstract definition of the LENS descriptor, capable of shedding light on the dynamic complexity of a variety of (not necessarily molecular) systems

    TimeSOAP: Tracking high-dimensional fluctuations in complex molecular systems via time variations of SOAP spectra

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    Many molecular systems and physical phenomena are controlled by local fluctuations and microscopic dynamical rearrangements of the constitutive interacting units that are often difficult to detect. This is the case, for example, of phase transitions, phase equilibria, nucleation events, and defect propagation, to mention a few. A detailed comprehension of local atomic environments and of their dynamic rearrangements is essential to understand such phenomena and also to draw structure-property relationships useful to unveil how to control complex molecular systems. Considerable progress in the development of advanced structural descriptors [e.g., Smooth Overlap of Atomic Position (SOAP), etc.] has certainly enhanced the representation of atomic-scale simulations data. However, despite such efforts, local dynamic environment rearrangements still remain difficult to elucidate. Here, exploiting the structurally rich description of atomic environments of SOAP and building on the concept of time-dependent local variations, we developed a SOAP-based descriptor, TimeSOAP (Ď„SOAP), which essentially tracks time variations in local SOAP environments surrounding each molecule (i.e., each SOAP center) along ensemble trajectories. We demonstrate how analysis of the time-series Ď„SOAP data and of their time derivatives allows us to detect dynamic domains and track instantaneous changes of local atomic arrangements (i.e., local fluctuations) in a variety of molecular systems. The approach is simple and general, and we expect that it will help shed light on a variety of complex dynamical phenomena

    Mediterranean Diet and Healthy Ageing: A Sicilian Perspective

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    Traditional Mediterranean diet (MedDiet) is a common dietary pattern characterizing a lifestyle and culture proven to contribute to better health and quality of life in Mediterranean countries. By analyzing the diet of centenarians from the Sicani Mountains and eating habits of inhabitants of Palermo, it is reported that a close adherence to MedDiet is observed in the countryside, whereas in big towns this adherence is not so close. This has an effect on the rates of mortality at old age (and reciprocally longevity) that are lower in the countryside than in big towns. Concerning the health effects of the diet, the low content of animal protein and the low glycaemic index of the Sicilian MedDiet might directly modulate the insulin/IGF-1 and the mTOR pathways, known to be involved in ageing and longevity. In particular, the reduction of animal protein intake may significantly reduce serum IGF-1 concentrations and inhibit mTOR activity with a down-regulation of the signal that leads to the activation of FOXO3A and, consequently, to the transcription of homeostatic genes that favour longevity. The down-regulation of both IGF-1 and mTORC1 also induces an anti-inflammatory effect. In addition to the effects on sensing pathways, many single components of MedDiet are known to have positive effects on health, reducing inflammation, optimizing cholesterol and other important risk factors of age-related diseases. However, a key role is played by polyphenols represented in high amount in the Sicilian MedDiet (in particular in extra virgin olive oil) that can work as hormetins that provide an environmental chemical signature regulating stress resistance pathways such as nuclear factor erythroid 2-related factor 2

    An investigation of the self- and inter-incompatibility of the olive cultivars 'Arbequina' and 'Koroneiki' in the Mediterranean climate of Sicily

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    In this investigation, the self-(in)compatibility of the Spanish cultivar Arbequina and the Greek cultivar Koroneiki was studied for the first time in Sicily, where these low vigour cultivars were recently introduced in super-intensive olive groves. Self- (S.P.) and openpollination (O.P.) tests, observation of fruit set and paternity test of seeds with microsatellite (SSR) markers, were performed to ascertain whether these cultivars were self-fertile and/or inter-compatible. For S.P. tests, branches with flowers at the balloon stage were bagged. For the O.P. tests, flowers were left to pollinate under natural conditions. Fruits from S.P. and O.P. were collected in November and fruit set was calculated. Genomic DNA was extracted from seeds. None of the 'Arbequina' seeds studied in either the S.P. or O.P. tests originated from self-fertilization. In addition, none of these seeds had 'Koroneiki' as the pollen parent. In contrast, 'Koroneiki' was found to be predominantly self-compatible in self-bagged branches, with 70% of the seeds originating from selffertilization. However, the incidence of self-fertilization was low (11%) in seeds from the O.P. test. Low levels of inter-compatibility were found between 'Arbequina' and 'Koroneiki', while many local cultivars were found to be good pollinators. The information presented here will be useful to growers for planning their orchards with suitable pollinators and for our breeding program aiming at obtaining new low vigour olive genotypes. In addition, our results suggested that the recent model of attribution of S-alleles and the prediction of suitable pollinizers for a given variety should be more cautious and always based on controlled crosses and paternity testing of seed from those crosses

    β-glucans: Ex vivo inflammatory and oxidative stress results after pasta intake

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    Background: It is well known that Mediterranean Diet can positively influence the health of each individual, in particular it is know that fibers have an important role. However, in Mediterranean cities most people do not have a close adherence to Mediterranean diet. Thus, in our study, we considered fibers like β-glucans that have been added to pasta with a percentage of 6 %. Our study aimed to evaluate the capacity of β-glucans intake on oxidative stress and inflammation in a cohort of middle aged slightly overweight subjects. Methods: We used a longitudinal study design. The study lasted 30 days during which time, each participant acted with no food restriction. Participants underwent morning fasting blood venous sample for blood chemistry and other biological parameters at the beginning of the study and after 30 days of pasta supplemented with 6 % of β-glucan intake 4 times a week. We performed anthropometric, biochemical, oxidative stress and cytokine analysis at the beginning and the end of study. Results: After the 30 days of pasta intake we obtained a significant decrease of LDL-cholesterol, IL-6 and AGEs levels. Conclusion: The results confirmed a capacity of β-glucans intake to lower oxidative stress. Additional longitudinal observation on community-based cohorts are needed to confirm these data and investigate the biological mechanisms through which effects are induced, and to fully explore the therapeutic potential of β-glucans

    The first high-density sequence characterized SNP-based linkage map of olive (Olea europaea L. subsp. europaea) developed using genotyping by sequencing

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    A number of linkage maps have been previously developed in olive; however, these are mostly composed of markers that have not been characterized at the sequence level, supplemented with smaller numbers of microsatellite markers. In this investigation, we sought to develop a saturated linkage mapping resource for olive composed entirely of sequence characterized markers. We employed genotyping by sequencing to develop a map of a F2 population derived from the selfing of the cultivar Koroneiki. The linkage map contained a total of 23 linkage groups comprised of 1,597 tagged SNP markers in 636 mapping bins spanning a genetic distance of 1189.7 cM. An additional 6,658 segregating SNPs were associated with the 23 linkage groups identified but their marker order was not determined in this investigation. The SNP markers sequences were submitted to NCBI database. The linkage map produced will be an invaluable resource for the study of tree habit and vigour traits segregating in the progeny, and will assist to anchor and orientate sequencing scaffolds from future genome sequencing efforts

    A rare diaphragmatic hernia with a delayed presentation of intestinal symptoms following spleno-distal pancreatectomy: a case report

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    Acquired diaphragmatic hernia, non-related to trauma, is a very rare condition. It can constitute a therapeutic problem and the surgical solution is not always immediately clear. We report the case of a 73-year-old woman with a history of spleno-distal pancreatectomy for a neuroendocrine tumour performed in 2009, who came back to Emergency Room 2 years later, complaining of abdominal pain. Chest radiography and computed tomography were performed; they showed a diaphragmatic hernia with visceral migration into the thorax. The diaphragmatic defect was surgically repaired and the patient had an uneventful post-operative recovery

    Polypoid lesions of the gallbladder in a consecutive series of 2631 patients. A single-center experience

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    INTRODUZIONE: La diagnosi ultrasonografica (US) delle lesioni polipoidi della colecisti (PLG) è difficile per la bassa sensibilità (SE) della metodica. Non sono stati ancora completamenti definiti i criteri di selezione dei pazienti con PLG da indirizzare al trattamento chirurgico o al follow-up. L’indagine istopatologica (EI) rappresenta il gold standard per la diagnosi di polipi non-neoplastici (colesterolotici, infiammatori, fibroepiteliali, adenomiomatosici), di polipi neoplastici (carcinomi, carcinoidi), di lesioni precancerose non polipoidi (displasia dibasso ed alto grado, metaplasia intestinale di tipo muciparo, metaplasia gastrica di tipo pilorico) e di irregolarità nodulari parietali della colecistite xanto-granulomatosa. Gli scopi dello studio sono stati quelli di valutare in un campione di pazienti sottoposti a colecistectomia, la prevalenza dei polipi non neoplastici e neoplastici e la sensibilità dell’US tradizionale trans-addominale rispetto all’EI nell’identificazione delle PLG. MATERIALI E METODI: Studio osservazionale retrospettivo, condotto su un campione di 2631 pazienti, sottoposti a colecistectomia laparoscopica e open, in elezione e in urgenza, identificati mediante il codice ICD-9-CM 51.2, nel periodo Aprile 2005 - Marzo 2018, presso l’ospedale universitario “A. Fiorini” di Terracina - Polo Pontino, “Sapienza” Università di Roma. Tutti i pazienti erano stati sottoposti a US. RISULTATI: Il campione esaminato era costituito da 1175(44.6%) M, età media 56 anni, range 25-95 anni, 1456(55.4%) F, età media 46anni, range 17-90 anni. La diagnosi US di PLG veniva posta in 38/2631(1.4%) pazienti. All’esame istologico i polipi erano identificati in 68/2631(2.6%) pazienti, associati a litiasi biliare in 28/2631 (1.1%) casi. Dal confronto US e EI la diagnosi ecografica risultava gravata da falsi positivi (FP) (8/38; 21%) e falsi negativi (FN) (38/2631; 1.45%), con SE 44% (95% c.i.:32.2-55.7). L’incidenza istologica di PLG neoplastiche è stata dello 0.38% (10/2631), 3M e 7F, età media 64 anni, (range 49-80 anni). In 3 casi le neoplasie erano state identificate all’US (3/10; 30 % VP); nei restanti 7 casi costituivano reperto istologico incidentale (7/10; 70 % FN), di cui 5 con diametro >1cm nel contesto di un quadro clinico di colecistite acuta litiasica e 2 con diametro <1cm in un quadro di litiasi non complicata. DISCUSSIONE: L’US tradizionale trans-addominale sottostimava l’incidenza delle PLG rispetto all’EI (p=0.021) e i FP per PLG isolate sono stati causa di errata indicazione al trattamento chirurgico. Il confronto fra diagnosi US ed EI conferma la bassa SE della metodica ecografica nell’identificazione delle PLG, sia in presenza che in assenza di litiasi biliare. Il sesso femminile si è dimostrato specifico fattore di rischio per PLG benigne e maligne e lesioni mucosali non polipoidi (p=0.041). Nel nostro studio, probabilmente, le cause della mancata identificazione US delle irregolarità parietali maligne erano l’oscuramento della lesione dall’esordio clinico della neoplasia in colecistite acuta litiasica (in 5 pazienti) e le dimensioni <1cm in presenza di litiasi non complicata (in 2 pazienti). La dimensione della lesione parietale <0.5cm non escludeva la loro natura neoplastica. Attualmente la prevenzione e la diagnosi di GBC è basata sul precoce riscontro e trattamento delle lesioni polipoidi potenzialmente evolutive nell’arco di circa 15 anni. CONCLUSIONI: Probabilmente la colecistectomia precoce in tutti i pz con PLG di diametro <1cm, isolate o associate a calcoli, sintomatici e asintomatici, può contribuire alla riduzione dell’incidenza del GBC.BACKGROUND: Challenges in the diagnosis of polypoid gallbladder lesion (PLG) is due to the low sensibility (SE) of ultrasound scan (US), and the selection criteria of patients with PLG to be addressed to surgical treatment or followup are not yet fully defined. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Retrospective observational study was conducted on 2631 patients, 1175(44.6%) M, mean age 56 years, 1456(55.4%) F, mean age 46 years, who underwent laparoscopic and open cholecystectomy. RESULTS: The US diagnosis for PLG was placed in 38/2631(1.4%) patients. On histological examination (HE) the polyps were identified in 68/2631(2.6%) patients and it was associated with biliary lithiasis in 28/2631 (1.1%) cases. From the US and HE comparison, the ultrasound diagnosis was burdened by false positives (8/38; 21%) and false negatives (38/2631;1.45%), with SE 44% (95% c.i.:32.2-55.7). The histological incidence of gall bladder cancer (GBC) was 0.38%(10/2631). DISCUSSION: US survey underestimated the incidence of PLG compared to the histological finding (p=0.021). Female gender has been shown to be a specific risk factor for benign and malignant PLG and non-polypoid mucosal lesions (p=0.041). The parietal lesion size <0.5cm does not exclude the neoplastic nature. Currently the prevention and diagnosis of GBC is based on the early detection and treatment of potentially evolutionary polypoid lesions over a period of about 15 years. CONCLUSIONS: It is probably that early cholecystectomy in all the patients with PLG of diameter <1cm, isolated or associated with lithiasis, symptomatic and asymptomatic, can contribute to the reduction of the incidence of GBC
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