5 research outputs found
Perfis de tensão residual do aço duplex UNS S32304 submetido a diferentes processos de soldagem TIG e condições de tratamento térmico
Visando a aplicação do aço UNS S32304 em embalados para transporte de material radioativo, amostras soldadas por processo TIG, com diferentes gases de proteção, foram submetidas a tratamentos térmicos nas temperaturas de 475°C, 600°C e 750°C por 8 horas, seguidas de resfriamento ao ar, a fim de
analisar o efeito de temperaturas críticas no perfil de tensões residuais e microestrutura. A difratometria de raios X foi utilizada para determinação das tensões residuais, em diferentes condições (amostras como recebidas e apenas tratadas termicamente) e o perfil de tensões residuais total das amostras soldadas é apresentado para cada fase (austenita e ferrita). As tensões residuais das fases foram determinadas pela técnica sen2ψ, utilizando um difratômetro com fonte de radiação CuKα ( = 0,1542 nm) para a fase
austenita e radiação CrKα ( = 0,2291 nm) para a fase ferrita. Avaliaram-se ainda o teor de ferrita, microdureza e microestrutura dos materiais, os quais foram relacionados aos perfis obtidos. Verificou-se que tanto a temperatura quanto a variação do gás de proteção influenciam no perfil de tensões para as
diferentes fases deste aço.Aiming the implementation of duplex UNS S32304 steel as a packed for radioactive material transport, TIG welded samples, with different shielding gas, were subjected to heat treatments at different temperatures, 475 °C, 600 °C and 750 °C, for 8 hours followed by air cooling, in order to examine the critical temperatures effect on the steel residual stress profile and microestruture. The X-ray diffraction was used as a non-destructive technique to determine the residual stresses at different conditions (samples received and only heat treated) and the profile of the total residuals stresses welded samples is analysed for each phase (austenite and ferrite). The residual stresses of the phases was determined by sen2ψ. For austenite phase it was used CuKα radiation source ( = 0.1542 nm) and for the ferrite phase it was used CrKα radiation ( = 0.2291 nm). It was also measured the ferrite contents, Vickers microhardness and microstructure of the materials was investigated. These results were related to the obtained profiles. It was found that both, the temperature and the variation of the shielding gas, influence on the stresses profile for the different phases in the steel.CAPE
Corrosion Resistance of Precipitation-Hardened Al Alloys: A Comparison between New Generation Al-Cu-Li and Conventional Alloys
The corrosion resistance of conventional (AA2024-T3, AA6082-T6 and AA7050-T7451) and the new generation (AA2050-T84, AA2098-T351, AA2198-T8, and AA2198-T851) precipitation-hardened alloys has been studied and compared using electrochemical and non-electrochemical approaches. The AA6082-T6 was the most resistant alloy followed by the new generation Al-Cu-Li alloys, except the AA2050-T84. All the alloys exhibited pseudo-passivity, except for the AA2024-T3 alloy which presented the highest number of pitting sites per cm2 and also exhibited the most insidious form of corrosion amongst the alloys tested. However, the alloy with the highest corrosion depth was the AA2050-T84 alloy followed by the AA2024-T3 and AA7050-T7451 alloys. Intergranular corrosion was associated with rapid rates of penetration. In addition to the microstructural features of the alloys before corrosion, the modes of localized corrosion in the alloys were also influenced by evolving microstructural features (such as re-deposited Cu) during corrosion
Study of localized corrosion on 2198-T8 aluminum alloy welded by friction stir welding
Neste estudo, a microestrutura e a resistência à corrosão da liga AA2198-T8 soldada pelo processo FSW foram investigadas por técnicas microscópicas, ensaios de imersão e eletroquímicos em soluções contendo íons cloreto. Diferentes tipos de corrosão localizada foram observados na liga, os quais foram correlacionados com a microestrutura, principalmente com a presença da fase T1 (Al2CuLi) e de precipitados micrométricos compostos de Al-Cu-Fe. A simulação do perfil térmico, medidas de microdureza, medidas de calorimetria exploratória diferencial e microscopia eletrônica de transmissão foram usadas para estudar a concentração e distribuição da fase T1 ao longo das zonas afetadas pela solda e vizinhanças. Uma correlação inversa entre a microdureza e a resistência à corrosão localizada severa (CLS) foi obtida e relacionada à concentração da fase T1 nas diferentes zonas da liga soldada. A CLS foi predominante na zona não afetada pela solda, ou metal base (MB), quando testada isoladamente ou acoplada galvanicamente às demais zonas. Quando acopladas galvanicamente, a zona de mistura (ZM) atuou como catodo em relação às zonas vizinhas. No entanto, quando esta zona foi testada isoladamente das demais, a CLS foi observada, entretanto, esta foi associada a fase T2/TB. Diferenças na morfologia e cinética de ataque foram observadas entre a ZM e o MB. As técnicas locais mostraram-se apropriadas para o estudo de corrosão dessas ligas, enquanto que as técnicas eletroquímicas convencionais não apresentaram resolução suficiente para diferenciar os tipos de ataque localizado típicos destas ligas.In this study, the microstructure, the microhardness and the corrosion resistance of the AA2198-T8 alloy welded by the FSW process were investigated by microscopic techniques, immersion tests and electrochemical, global or local, in chloride containing solutions. Different types of localized corrosion were observed in the alloy which were correlated with the microstructure, mainly with the presence of T1 phase (Al2CuLi) and Al-Cu-Fe micrometric precipitates. Thermal profile simulation, microhardness measurements, differential scanning calorimetry measurements and transmission electron microscopy were used to study the concentration and distribution of T1 phase along the zones affected by the weldment and surrounding. An inverse correlation between the microhardness and severe localized corrosion (SLC) resistance was obtained and related to the concentration of the T1 phase in the different zones of the welded alloy. SLC was predominant in the zone not affected by the weldment, or base metal (BM), when tested alone or galvanically coupled to the other zones. When galvanically coupled, the stir zone (SZ) behaves as a cathode in relation to neighboring zones. SLC was observed in the SZ only when this zone was tested in isolation from the others, however, it was associated with T2/TB phases. Differences in morphology and attack kinetics were observed between the SZ and BM. Local techniques proved to be appropriate for the study of corrosion of these alloys, while conventional electrochemical techniques did not present sufficient resolution to differentiate the typical localized attack types of these alloys