465 research outputs found

    How the Lone Star State Reached the Entire Nation: The Need to Limit the Nationwide Injunction Against DAPA and DACA in United States v. Texas

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    On June 23, 2016, the Supreme Court of the United States was ultimately deadlocked in the case United States v. Texas. In just one line, the Supreme Court shattered the dreams of millions of undocumented children and their parents who were residing in the United States; those like Anthony and Maria.The Supreme Court\u27s utterance of these nine words, [t]he judgment is affirmed by an equally divided Court, created instability and uncertainty amongst undocumented children, students, workers and parents. This divided decision upheld a nationwide injunction against President Obama\u27s executive action creating DAPA and expanding DACA. Although the stories of Anthony and Maria are hypotheticals, they are reminiscent of millions of actual stories of undocumented people who have been affected by the nationwide injunction. To address this meaningful issue, this article will argue that the injunction\u27s applicability needs to be limited to Texas; this can be achieved by challenging the nationwide injunction in the other states which were not a party to the lawsuit. First, this article will discuss the background of DAPA and Expanded DACA, along with the court case and subsequent appeals which created and upheld the nationwide injunction. Next, this article will discuss the arguments for and against the nationwide injunction and its legitimacy. Lastly, this article will argue that a nationwide injunction-based on an initial decision by one court in Texas-is inherently overbroad and should be challenged by those affected in forty-nine other states

    Check Mate : Australia\u27s Gun Law Reform Presents The United States With The Challenge To Safeguard Their Citizens From Mass Shootings

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    “My biggest frustration [as President] so far is the fact that this society has not been willing to take some basic steps to keep guns out of the hands of people who can do just unbelievable damage.”2 “We know that other countries, in response to one mass shooting, have . . . [managed] to craft laws that almost eliminate mass shootings. Friends of ours; allies of ours—Great Britain, Australia; countries like ours.”3 –President Barack Obam

    MicroRNA-mediated control of floral homeotic functions in Antirrhinum: characterization of the FISTULATA gene

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    The identity of Antirrhinum reproductive organs is controlled by two class C- MADS box genes, PLENA (PLE) and FARINELLI (FAR), which are expressed in the third and the fourth whorl of the flower. The fistulata mutant (fis) in Antirrhinum and blind (bl) in Petunia show partial homeotic conversion of petals to stamenoid structures, which is caused by ectopic expression of PLE/FAR and pMADS3/FBP6, the Petunia C-genes, respectively. FIS and BL thus control the C- expression domain in the wild type. FISTULATA was cloned by a map-based strategy combined with a candidate gene approach and show that both genes encode a microRNA corresponding to miR169. The miR169 target site is present in the 3´UTR of members of the NF-YA transcription factor family that bind a cis-acting CCAAT motif present in the second intron of the PLE/FAR and pMADS3 genes. This suggests a miRNA-mediated and NF-YA-dependent control of the C- function. We cloned six members of the Antirrhinum NF-YA gene family (AmYAs), four of which contain the miRNA recognition site. Data derived from in vitro infitration experiments indicate miRFIS-dependent post-transcriptional regulation of AmYAs. Expression studies in wild type and fis mutant flowers showed that miRFIS and the AmYAs are spatially co-expressed in the flower suggesting that by fine tuning expression of the NF-YAs, miRFIS indirectly regulates the level of C-gene expression. In addition, genetic evidence is presented demonstrating the functional relevance of the unexpected miRFIS function in the centre of the flower. Based on these results a dynamic model is proposed in which miRFIS maintains the boundaries of the C- domain by preventing formation of a radially extending molecular gradient from the centre of the flower (where C-products are activated) toward peripheral regions of the meristem. Experimental approaches are suggested to solve open questions

    Under the Umbrella: Redefining the Spectrum of Autism

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    This research examines the scope of how autism spectrum disorders (ASD) have changed over the history of special education. From Dr. Leo Kanner’s initial study in 1943 to the present-day DSM-5, the diagnostic criteria for an accurate identification of autism in children has been extremely varied, resulting in an increased prevalence rate and confusion as to what actually constitutes ASD. A major discovery by Wing and Gould in 1979 brought to the forefront the concept of a spectrum of disorders within the autism category. Leading to an over-diagnosis of children requiring related services and supports in schools and at home, also examined is the response to the American Psychological Association (APA) removal of the spectrum in the latest Diagnostic and Statistical Manual Fifth Edition (DSM-5) manual. This paper explores the field of autism study including the assessments used to determine a diagnosis, suggestions for evidence-based interventions and strategies with proven success, and how the changes in the DSM-5 have impacted the community of children and families with autism. An explanation for meeting the needs of the whole child, not just their label or stigmatized disability category under IDEA, is also investigated to assist teachers in making accurate and appropriate accommodations for children with autism spectrum disorders in their classrooms

    Indagine inerente l'appetibilita' dei fiori di kiwi (Actinidia deliciosa Chev.) per l'Apoideo Osmia rufa L. mediante analisi entomopalinologica delle scorte polliniche prelevate dai nidi artificiali.

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    Oggetto di questo lavoro è stato quello di indagare l’appetibilità dei fiori di kiwi (Actinidia deliciosa Chev.) per l’Apoideo Osmia rufa L. mediante l’analisi entomopalinologica delle scorte polliniche prelevate dai nidi artificiali in sette aziende ortofrutticole, situate sei nella provincia di Verona e una nella provincia di Pisa. L’esigenza di approfondire questo tema si collega al grande interesse scaturito negli imprenditori agricoli per l’impollinazione del kiwi da parte di questo Apoideo solitario. Nell’aprile 2007 è stata avviata una campagna di “Releasing and Rearing” del pronubo Osmia rufa L., in sei aziende veronesi appartenenti alla Cooperativa Ortofrutticola San Massimo (Bussolengo – Verona) e nell’Azienda Agricola Pacini di Rigoli (Pisa). In ciascuna azienda sono state predisposte speciali strutture, definite centraline, per indurre le osmie, rilasciate all’uopo, a nidificare in nidi artificiali, detti “nidi-canna”, costituiti da segmenti di Phragmites australis (Cav.) Trin ex Steud. Ai primi di settembre dello stesso anno i nidi colonizzati sono stati rimossi e il contenuto pollinico, ancora presente nelle celle, è stato sottoposto ad analisi entomopalinologica. Nelle due province indagate, l’Osmia rufa ha visitato con successo i fiori di Actinidia deliciosa, manifestando anche interesse per altre essenze vegetali, quali Ranunculus repens, Quercus robur e Papaver spp., i cui pollini, ritrovati nelle celle pedotrofiche dei diversi nidi, confermano il comportamento polilettico della specie (Ricciardelli D’Albore e Pinzauti, 1993). Alla luce delle informazioni che sono emerse da questa indagine sembra più che mai opportuno approfondire lo studio sull’attività trofica dell’Apoideo Osmia rufa, sia per rendere più proficuo il suo utilizzo nei diversi agro-ecosistemi, sia perché essa - avendo un ciclo biologico caratterizzato da una diapausa invernale allo stadio di imago - è allevabile in maniera meno impegnativa, rispetto agli altri Apoidei, da parte dell’uomo che riesce così a controllare lo sfarfallamento e la fuoriuscita dal bozzolo al momento della fioritura del kiwi

    Designing and Maintaining an EIS Database: Lessons Learned in Developing Library-based Digital Repositories

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    The Columbia University Libraries/Information Services (CUL/IS) have extensive experience building and maintaining systems for the discovery, access, and preservation of digital objects. This presentation discusses the lessons learned from Libraries projects and the current technologies in use for Libraries digital collections
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