7 research outputs found

    Voiles diaphanes : la photographie comme enfermement, enfouissement, disparition du sujet

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    Par le portrait photographique, nous tentons de questionner les notions de prĂ©sentation, reprĂ©sentation, d’enfermement, d’enfouissement et de perte d’identification du rĂ©fĂ©rent. Pour cela nous prenons en compte l’action de la lumiĂšre, le temps et le support, qui sont les principales notions que l’on retrouve en photographie. Ces notions peuvent ĂȘtre mises au regard des classes de quatriĂšme, de seconde et de premiĂšre concernant les processus de crĂ©ation. Au travers diffĂ©rents dispositifs de prise de vue et de prĂ©sentation, nous cherchons Ă  perdre l’identification du sujet allant jusqu’à son annulation. Le spectateur se trouve face Ă  des photographies, presque abstraites, lui prĂ©sentant plus un sujet devenu matiĂšre qu’un sujet rĂ©el. Cela Ă©tant dĂ» au travail des diffĂ©rentes strates de la photographie aussi bien argentique que numĂ©rique. Nous abordons cette perte d’identification selon trois axes : l’enfermement, l’enfouissement et l’altĂ©ration

    Adiponectin and risk of coronary heart disease in apparently healthy men and women (from the EPIC-Norfolk Prospective Population Study)

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    The objective of the present study was to evaluate the association between adiponectin levels and incidence of coronary heart disease (CHD). We performed a prospective case-control analysis nested in the EPIC-Norfolk cohort. Participants were apparently healthy men and women 45 to 79 years of age who developed fatal or nonfatal CHD during an average follow-up period of 7.7 ± 1.1 years. In total 1,035 participants with incident CHD were matched for age, gender, and enrollment time to 1,920 controls who remained free of CHD over the study follow-up. Baseline nonfasting plasma adiponectin concentrations were determined by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay. Adiponectin levels were lower in participants with CHD than in matched controls (men 8.74 vs 9.13 Όg/ml, p = 0.01; women 12.6 vs 13.4 Όg/ml, p = 0.03). A 1-Όg/ml increment in adiponectin was associated with decreased CHD risk (odds ratio 0.78, 95% confidence interval 0.63 to 0.96, p = 0.02, in men; odds ratio 0.73, 95% confidence interval 0.55 to 0.96, p = 0.03, in women). However, this association was no longer significant after adjustment for established cardiovascular risk factors. Stratification of participants according to metabolic syndrome status showed that men and women with metabolic syndrome had a higher CHD risk, irrespective of their adiponectin levels. In conclusion, although a low adiponectin concentration is associated with an increased CHD risk, findings of the present study do not suggest that its measurement is useful to refine CHD risk assessment once traditional risk factors and clinical features of the metabolic syndrome have been considere

    PrĂĄticas econĂŽmicas e formas ordinĂĄrias de cĂĄlculo

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    Este artigo parte da hipĂłtese da existĂȘncia de uma pluralidade de cenas sociais em que os indivĂ­duos interagem e as açÔes individuais adquirem sentido. A cada cena social correspondem racionalidades prĂĄticas diferentes. O exame das prĂĄticas de mensuração e contabilidade permite distinguir essas cenas e compreender como se articulam entre si. Para mostrar a diversidade de raciocĂ­nios nativos, utiliza-se primeiro a diversidade das unidades de medida usadas por horticultores amadores. Em seguida, examinam-se os quadros rituais de diversas transaçÔes e mostra-se que o consumidor racional &shy; no sentido da teoria utilitarista &shy; pode nĂŁo recorrer a nenhum cĂĄlculo explĂ­cito, pois o ethos ascĂ©tico encontra-se inscrito nas rotinas corporais. Para concluir, o artigo convida a um estudo sistemĂĄtico da socialização econĂŽmica e propĂ”e trĂȘs pistas para a pesquisa: a descrição da diversidade de cenas sociais, a anĂĄlise dos quadros rituais das transaçÔes, e o estudo das percepçÔes dos constrangimentos e das prĂĄticas de autocontrole nas diversas classes sociais. O artigo sugere que, dessa forma, se poderiam definir domĂ­nios de validade para as formalizaçÔes matemĂĄticas das condutas humanas elaboradas pelos economistas.<br>This article proceeds from the hypothesis that a plurality of social scenes exist in which individuals interact and individual actions acquire meaning. Each social scene corresponds to different practical rationalities. Examining the practices involved in measuring and counting allows us to distinguish these scenes and comprehend how they are mutually interconnected. As a demonstration of the diversity of native reasoning, the article first turns to the wide variety of units of measurement used by amateur horticulturists. Next, it examines the ritual settings of various transactions and shows that the rational consumer &shy; in the sense expounded by utilitarian theory &shy; need not rely on any explicit calculation, since the ascetic ethos can be found inscribed in body routines. In conclusion, the article calls for a systematic study of economic socialization and outlines three leads for such research: description of the diversity of social scenes, analysis of the ritual settings of transactions, and study of the perceptions of constraints and the practices of self-control among the various social classes. The author suggests such an approach may enable us to define domains of validity for the mathematical formalizations of human behaviours developed by economists

    L’ñge du Fer en Basse-Normandie. Gestes funĂ©raires en Gaule au Second-Âge du Fer. Volumes I et II

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    Cet ouvrage est la publication des actes du 33e colloque international de l’AFEAF, qui s’est tenu Ă  Caen, du 20 au 24 mai 2009. De mĂȘme que le colloque, il comprend deux parties. La premiĂšre, qui contient dix-sept contributions, traite de l’actualitĂ© des recherches sur l’Âge du fer en Basse-Normandie, une rĂ©gion qui a connu un renouvellement important de la documentation permettant d’apprĂ©hender les dynamiques d’occupation et les formes d’organisation territoriale durant la Protohistoire. Plusieurs bilans synthĂ©tiques concernant l’habitat rural, les sites fortifiĂ©s et la culture matĂ©rielle, sont, entre autres, proposĂ©s ici. La seconde partie de l’ouvrage traite du thĂšme de la mort et des pratiques funĂ©raires durant la pĂ©riode Ve-Ier siĂšcles avant J.-C. ; elle contient vingt-deux contributions. Ce sujet a Ă©tĂ© abordĂ© en privilĂ©giant quelques axes de rĂ©flexion, de façon Ă  faciliter les comparaisons entre rĂ©gions. À travers des bilans synthĂ©tiques, le thĂšme spĂ©cialisĂ© du colloque est traitĂ© Ă  l’échelle de la Gaule, avec les Ă©clairages de plusieurs rĂ©gions de l’Europe celtique.This is the publication of the proceedings of the 33rd AFEAF symposium held in Caen from the 20th to the 24th of May 2009. Like the symposium, this book is divided in two parts. The first part, with its 17 contributions, deals with the current knowledge about the Iron Age in Lower Normandy. An important renewal of the documentation concerning this region allows a better understanding of the occupational processes and territorial organization existing throughout Protohistory. This first part also includes several summary reports on rural settlements, fortified sites as well as finds. The second part of the book, with 22 contributions, deals with the subject of death and funerary practices during the 5th to 1st centuries BC. The subject was discussed focussing on a chosen number of thoughts as to make it easier to compare between different regions. Various summary reports allow an overview of this specialized topic throughout Gaul with perspectives from other regions of Celtic Europe