2,560 research outputs found

    Complexity As A Shock Absorder: The Belgian Social Cube

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    Throughout its history, Belgium has been a complex political and social entity. The King of the Belgians was told in an official report that \u27there are no Belgians.\u2

    Complejidad Como Un Amortiguador: El Cubo Social Belga

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    En toda su historia, B61gica ha sido una entidad compleja politicamente y socialmente

    Solution of space-time kinetic equations for coupled-core nuclear reactors

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    Cubismo Social: Seis Fuerzas Sociales Sobre Politicas En Irlanda Del Norte Y Quebec

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    Los estudios de poliftica ethnoterritorial tipicamente examinan estructuras polfticas y econ6micas para acentuar los intereses que compiten de grupos, o usar una aproximaci6n psicoanalftica de acentuar fuerzas psicol6gicas y culturales

    Social Cubism: Six Social Forces Of Ethnopolitical Conflict In Northern Ireland And Quebec

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    Studies of ethnoterritorial politics typically either examine political and economic structures to emphasize the competing interests of groups…

    Cubismo Social Y Conflicto Social: Analisis Y Resolucion

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    Con el colapso del comunismo y del orden geopolftico de la Guerra Frfa, surgieron tres tendencias ligadas a la perdida del poder de las ideologfas basadas en la racionalidad moderna;\u27 la formaci6n de un nuevo orden transnacional con un sistema financiero integral, patrones de producci6n y de consumo; la deca- dencia relativa de estados centralizados y una soberanfa territorial moderna

    Social Cubism And Social Conflict: Analysis And Resolution

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    With the collapse of Communism and the Cold War geopolitical order, three interrelated tendencies surfaced; the growing disempowerment of ideologies based on modem rationality,\u27 the formation of a new transnational order with an integrated financial system, standards of production and consumption; and, the relative decline of the centralized nation state, and modem territorial sovereignt

    Mediating Disputes In The Health Care Field

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    This paper will demonstrate how alternative dispute resolution (ADR) should be considered as a method of lessening the negative impact of litigation in the health care field.  Probably, an even more important goal is to build and maintain relationships between and amongst parties so that future dealings can be enhanced. The first part of the paper will consider the importance of lowering the rhetoric between disputing parties.  A second purpose of this paper is to demonstrate how student written scenarios can be role-played in the classroom so as to energize students in the learning process. Several mock mediations from these student developed cases will be discussed with video clips shown, as they were utilized in  the Health and Employment Law 2005 Fall Semester undergraduate courses at Winthrop University.  A final purpose is to consider the importance of student input into this learning method

    Universal health care and equity: evidence of maternal health based on an analysis of demographic and household survey data

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    INTRODUCTION: The drive toward universal health coverage (UHC) is central to the post 2015 agenda, and is incorporated as a target in the new Sustainable Development Goals. However, it is recognised that an equity dimension needs to be included when progress to this goal is monitored. WHO have developed a monitoring framework which proposes a target of 80 % coverage for all populations regardless of income and place of residence by 2030, and this paper examines the feasibility of this target in relation to antenatal care and skilled care at delivery.METHODOLOGY: We analyse the coverage gap between the poorest and richest groups within the population for antenatal care and presence of a skilled attendant at birth for countries grouped by overall coverage of each maternal health service. Average annual rates of improvement needed for each grouping (disaggregated by wealth quintile and urban/rural residence) to reach the goal are also calculated, alongside rates of progress over the past decades for comparative purposes.FINDINGS: Marked inequities are seen in all groups except in countries where overall coverage is high. As the monitoring framework has an absolute target countries with currently very low coverage are required to make rapid and sustained progress, in particular for the poorest and those living in rural areas. The rate of past progress will need to be accelerated markedly in most countries if the target is to be achieved, although several countries have demonstrated the rate of progress required is feasible both for the population as a whole and for the poorest.CONCLUSIONS: For countries with currently low coverage the target of 80 % essential coverage for all populations will be challenging. Lessons should be drawn from countries who have achieved rapid and equitable progress in the past.<br/
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