423 research outputs found

    Past experience in music education and its effect on the perception of general music classes among parents

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    This study examined parents’ of elementary students perceptions about music education and their past musical experiences. The sample size was 91 parents from the local school corporation. They answered a questionnaire asking about their preferences of musical education, past musical experiences, and demographic information. Data analysis showed little to no significant correlations between their perceptions and their past experiences. It is suggested that an open line of communication between music teachers and parents will help to keep parents informed and abreast of curriculum expectations and teaching practices in music classrooms.School of Musi


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    High School Student Athletes: If Stress Is The Lock Is Communication The Key?

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    The focus of this Capstone Project was meant to analyze the possible issues high school student-athletes may face academically as well as mentally while in school. This issue is important to note because there is an increase in students participating in sports and the offered school support should reflect the growing population. An argument that was found was the possible overlook of the mental well-being of the student-athletes if they are academically succeeding or are accomplished athletes. The primary stakeholder\u27s perspectives chosen were current high school student-athletes because they are able to provide insight into the current issues that student-athletes face. Three themes emerged from an analysis of the data: 1) Providing student-athletes with tutors, study programs, and other resources for academic support. 2) Seasonal mental health and time management training for teachers. 3) The creation of an online platform where teachers and coaches can keep track of the student\u27s grades, homework, tests, and schedules. Three action options have suggested the creation of an online platform for the streamlining of communication between teachers, coaches, and students. is argued to be the most effective way to achieve the goals of supporting high school student-athletes

    Are housing improvements an effective supplemental vector control strategy to reduce malaria transmission? A Systematic Review

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    Malaria, a preventable disease caused by a mosquito-transmitted parasitic infection, continues to be a prominent public health problem today. Progress has been made in the last decade demonstrated by malaria mortality reductions primarily attributed to current vector control strategies. However, the continuing threat of resistance, both resistance of mosquitoes to insecticides and parasites to antimalarial medicines, requires the development of new and improved strategies to supplement those already in place. Housing improvements such as screening doors and windows, closing eaves, patching cracks in walls, and installing ceilings are one such intervention that help stop contact between malaria vectors and humans, and therefore, help stop malaria transmission. Historically considered successful in helping fight malaria, housing improvements are being looked to again today

    The impact of hybridization on morphological variation on Xiphophorus fishes

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    Hybridization can produce novel phenotypic variation which may allow hybrid populations to evolve in novel directions relative to parentals. Hybridization can produce intermediate as well as extreme phenotypes with respect to the parent species. Furthermore, separate hybridization events may create phenotypically divergent populations compared to the parentals but also to other hybrid zones. The hybrid system of Xiphophorus birchmanni and X. malinche has been shown to be replicated independently in seven streams along an elevation gradient. The sword sexual ornament is an extension of the ventral portion of the caudal fin that has been secondarily lost in X. birchmanni but persists in X. malinche and is polymorphic in hybrids. Female X. birchmanni have lost a preference for the sword and female X. malinche and hybrids are indifferent to males with swords. To determine if these replicated hybrid zones have unique introgression of the sword, morphometric data of the parental species and hybrids were collected across the hybrid zones. Though there was a general trend for the increase of the sword as one moved towards a more X. malinche-like population, the hybrid zones displayed variation for the introgression of the sword

    Processes and Strategies for Collaboratively Purchasing Electronic Resources

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    Academic libraries collaborate to enhance and expand library services. However, libraries may not pursue collaborative electronic resource acquisitions due to complexity and the lengthy negotiation process. Two University of Minnesota campus libraries conducted a year-long pilot project to investigate intentional and proactive cooperative e-resource acquisitions. This article discusses the key strategies, processes, and lessons learned for collaboratively purchasing content, along with recommended best practices

    Early Engineering Experience (E3) Initiative

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    This Work in Progress paper details an initiative designed to broaden exposure and attract increased interest in the study of engineering of a minority-serving institution (MSI) with a plurality of races represented. The University\u27s student population where this initiative is being implemented consists of 26.2% African American and 6% that identify with two or more races. In contrast, the College of Engineering in this University is 20% African American; the freshmen class makes up 6.3% of this figure. By USDOE standards, this characterization is indicative of a predominantly white institution (PWI). According to the Bureau of Labor Statics, underrepresented minorities (URMs) are critical to not only fulfilling the growing need for STEM professionals but also to enhance diversity in the workforce; the National Academy of Science report states similar theories about the need of URMs to increase innovation. This paper focuses on reporting on an initiative seeking to close the gap of African American representation between the College and the University and foster the innovation of URMs in engineering. The initiative Early Engineering Experience targets African American high school juniors and seniors. Designing the program began with the Participatory Action Research Model that ultimately ends with continual program enhancement. The structure of the initiative is not only based on the details of the schedule but also on the feedback of the participants. The lack of URMs in the college provoked an idea from personal experiences at other minority events. With the use of a systematic online document review of current weekend outreach programs, a plan of action was developed, and effective program designs were synthesized. Based on the systematic review of similar programs, the current plan is to implement a program in February of 2020 that will target about 30 participants. Mentees will be able to connect with multiple organizations such as the VEX robotics club, the National Society of Black Engineers, the Society of Women Engineers, and etc. This weekend initiative is designed to allow participants to gain personal exposure and access to various engineering curriculums, lab collaboration and organizational and club introductions while mirroring the campus activities of four mentors. “Changing the Conversation: Messages for improving public understanding of Engineering” demonstrates student misconceptions about what the field of engineering entails. Therefore, students are often unaware of the technological contributions that have and can be made through the study of engineering. With the implementation of this program, the initiative will make a lasting impression on the participants. The Early Engineering Experience aims to foster interest in African American youth in a field that is in desperate need of new innovative minds

    Population Genetics of the Blue Crab (Callinectes sapidus) in the Gulf of Mexico, Chesapeake Bay, and Western South Atlantic

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    The blue crab, Callinectes sapidus, is an important species in estuarine habitats, serving as both predator and prey to other species, and plays a pivotal ecological and economic role throughout its range. In recent years, however, its populations have been declining. Declining blue crab populations will negatively affect critically endangered organisms that depend on the blue crab, like Kemp’s Ridley sea turtles and whooping cranes, as well as commercially important fish species, such as red drum, Sciaenops ocellatus. Despite its importance, little is known about its genetic population structure, which can be affected by population reductions. Previous research provides conflicting evidence of genetic variation in the blue crab across its range. Some studies have identified significant population structure in blue crabs in the Gulf of Mexico, attributed to seasonality, catastrophic events, and post-larval selection, while others have found genetic homogeneity in the Texas coast, possibly due to gene flow by larval dispersal. The results from previous studies are being used to implement management strategies, despite their limitations. In this study, population structure of the blue crab was assessed throughout the Gulf of Mexico, in the Chesapeake Bay, and southern Brazil using sixteen microsatellite markers. The results show high levels of gene flow for the blue crabs in the United States (GST = 0.005; DST = 0.015), with no genetic differentiation identified by any of the analyses. There is evidence of strong genetic differentiation between the U.S. and Brazil (GST = 0.067; DST = 0.056). No signs of a recent bottleneck were detected in any of the populations. Estimated NE was very high for all populations. This information will aid management decisions for the blue crab and help preserve this important species by improving stock delineations and providing a baseline of genetic diversity
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