214 research outputs found

    Nanooptics with surface plasmons and resonant nanoparticles

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    Photonic bandgap plasmonic waveguides

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    A novel type of a plasmonic waveguide has been proposed featuring an "open" design that is easy to manufacture, simple to excite and that offers a convenient access to a plasmonic mode. Optical properties of photonic bandgap (PBG) plasmonic waveguides are investigated experimentally by leakage radiation microscopy and numerically using the finite element method confirming photonic bandgap guidance in a broad spectral range. Propagation and localization characteristics of a PBG plasmonic waveguide have been discussed as a function of the wavelength of operation, waveguide core size and the number of ridges in the periodic reflector for fundamental and higher order plasmonic modes of the waveguide

    Feature size below 100 nm realized by UVLED- based microscope projection photolithography

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    The demand for miniaturization and integration of optical elements has fostered the development of various micro- and nanofabrication technologies. In this work, we developed a low-cost UV-LED-based microscope projection photolithography system for rapid and high-resolution fabrication. This system can be easily implemented using off-the-shelf components. It allows for micro- and nanostructuring within seconds. By optimizing the process, a minimum feature size down to approximately 85 nm was successfully realized. In addition, investigations on fabrication of the same structures using both costly and economic microscope objectives were performed. Feature sizes below 100 nm can be stably achieved. The demonstrated approach extends the technology capabilities and may find applications in fields such as nanophotonics, biophotonics sensing and material science

    Two-photon direct laser writing beyond the diffraction limit using the nanopositioning and nanomeasuring machine

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    Since the first realization of two-photon direct laser writing (DLW) in Maruo et al. (Opt Lett 22:132-134, 1997), the manufacturing using direct laser writing techniques spread out in many laboratories all over the world. Photosensitive materials with different material properties open a new field for micro- and nanofabrication. The achievable structuring resolution using this technique is reported to be sub-100 nm (Paz et al. in J. Laser Appl. 24:042004, 2012), while a smallest linewidth of 25 nm could be shown in Tan et al. (Appl Phys Lett 90:071106, 2007). In our approach, the combination of DLW with the nanopositioning and nanomeasuring machine NMM-1 offers an improvement of the technique from the engineering side regarding the ultra-precise positioning (Weidenfeller et al. in Adv Fabr Technol Micro/Nano Opt Photon XI 10544:105440E, 2018). One big benefit besides the high positioning resolution of 0.1 nm is offered by the positioning range of 25 mm × 25 mm × 5 mm (Jäger et al. in Technisches Messen 67:319-323, 2000; Manske et al. in Meas Sci Technol 18:520-527, 2007). Thus, a trans-scale fabrication without any stitching or combination of different positioning systems is necessary. The immense synergy between the highly precise positioning and the DLW is demonstrated by the realization of resist lines and trenches whose center-to-center distance undergoes the modified diffraction limit for two-photon processes. The precise positioning accuracy enables a defined distance between illuminated lines. Hence, with a comparable huge width of the trenches of 1.655 [my]m due to a low effective numerical aperture of 0.16, a resist line of 30 nm between two written trenches could be achieved. Although the interrelationships for achieving such narrow trenches have not yet been clarified, much smaller resist lines and trench widths are possible with this approach in the near future

    Effects of new roads on environmental resource use in the Central Himalaya

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    Construction of roads into remote rural areas can improve livelihoods by reducing transportation costs, but may also have negative environmental impacts, such as increased deforestation. However, evidence of the effect of rural roads on household environmental income and reliance, as well as local level forest stand conservation is limited. This study, conducted in Mustang District in Nepal, contributes to answering the following questions: (i) what are the impacts of the establishment of rural roads on household environmental income and reliance; (ii) what are the determinants of environmental income and reliance, and how are they affected by road establishment; and (iii) what are the short-term impacts of the construction of a rural road on local forest conservation? Following the Poverty Environment Network (PEN) methodology, income data from 176 randomly-sampled households were collected in 2006 from two similar Himalayan villages, Lete and Lulang, and again in 2012 after a new road was constructed in 2008 in Lete. Forest strata data were collected in Lete through permanent sample plots (n = 59) measured in 2005 and 2010 and used to estimate stock change (before and after road construction), annual increment and annual wood extraction. Results show that the new road had significant positive effects on absolute household environmental income, but negative effects on reliance as other income options became available. Wood product extraction levels remained below increment levels, indicating that the road did not (yet) have negative implications for local forest conservation

    Flexibilisierung von Arbeitszeiten und Arbeitsformen in Bibliotheken

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    Die vorliegende, von Studierenden der Fachhochschule für Bibliothekswesen in Frankfurt am Main erstellte Projektarbeit befaßt sich mit Fragen, Aspekten und Möglichkeiten der Flexibilisierung von Arbeitszeiten und Arbeitsformen in Bibliotheken. Im ersten Teil der Arbeit werden die wichtigsten Arbeitsteilzeitmodelle vorgestellt und deren Vorteile für Arbeitgeber und nehmer herausgearbeitet. Anschließend erfolgt eine durch Graphiken und Tabellen veranschaulichte Untersuchung von drei ausgewählte Universitätsbibliotheken (Gießen, Marburg, Mainz) in bezug auf bereits existierende Arbeitszeitflexibilisierung. Ein Ausblick geht der Frage nach, ob die dargestellten Teilzeitmodelle für Bibliotheken notwendig und ausreichend sind. Der zweite Themenkomplex befaßt sich mit der Telearbeit als einer innovativen Arbeitsform in Bibliotheken. Ausgehend von einer Begriffsbestimung werden verschiedene Formen der Telearbeit sowie deren Vor und Nachteile geschildert. Es wird erläutert, welche Bedingungen an den Telearbeiter und seinen Arbeitsplatz geknüpft sind, welche rechtlichen Voraussetzungen erfüllt werden müssen, welche finanziellen Aspekte eine Rolle spielen und welche Anwendungsmöglichkeiten für Telearbeit in Bibliotheken bestehen. An drei konkreten Beispielen wird dann geschildert, wie Telearbeit in Bibliotheken bereits verwirklicht wurde. Abschließend wird der Frage nachgegangen, welche Perspektiven der Einsatz von Telearbeit in Bibliotheken hat. Der dritte Abschnitt der Ausarbeitung stellt das bibliothekarische Call Center als neue Form einer benutzerorientierten Einrichtung vor. Zielsetzungen und Dienstleistungsformen des Call Centers werden ebenso abgehandelt wie Aspekte der Planung, Einrichtung und Arbeitsplatzergonomie sowie des Einsatzes von Telearbeit. Anhand des Beispiels der Zentral und Landesbibliothek Berlin wird schließlich dokumentiert, wie sich ein bibliothekarisches Call Center in der Praxis bereits bewährt hat