11,167 research outputs found

    Dissipative quantum mechanics beyond Bloch-Redfield: A consistent weak-coupling expansion of the ohmic spin boson model at arbitrary bias

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    We study the time dynamics of the ohmic spin boson model at arbitrary bias ϵ\epsilon and small coupling α\alpha to the bosonic bath. Using perturbation theory and the real-time renormalization group (RG) method we present a consistent zero-temperature weak-coupling expansion for the time evolution of the reduced density matrix one order beyond the Bloch-Redfield solution. We develop a renormalized perturbation theory and present an analytical solution covering the whole range from small to large times, including further results for exponentially small or large times. Resumming all secular terms in all orders of perturbation theory we find exponential decay for all terms of the time evolution. We determine the preexponential functions and find slowly varying logarithmic terms with the renormalized Rabi frequency Ω\Omega as energy scale together with strongly varying parts falling off asymptocially as 1/t1/t in leading order, in contrast to the unbiased case. Resumming all logarithmic terms in all orders of perturbation theory via real-time RG we find the correct renormalized tunneling and a power-law behaviour for the oscillating modes with exponent crossing over from 2α2\alpha for exponentially small times to a bias-dependent value 2αϵ2/Ω22\alpha \epsilon^2/\Omega^2 for exponentially large times. Furthermore, we present a degenerate perturbation theory to calculate consistently the purely decaying mode one order beyond Bloch-Redfield.Comment: 27 pages, 2 figure

    Hubs and Spokes, and Free Trade in the Americas

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    This paper compares two possible formats for free trade in the Americas: a system of spokes surrounding a U.S. hub, and a free trade area. The paper identifies the sources of welfare change, and it argues that a country's attitude towards a system depends on whether the arrangement is a complement or a substitute trading club. The paper argues also that rent-seeking activities, and costs of administration and transportation, are likely to be higher in a hub-and-spoke system than in a free trade area.

    Isotope effects in the harmonic response from hydrogenlike muonic atoms in strong laser fields

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    High-harmonic generation from hydrogenlike muonic atoms exposed to ultraintense high-frequency laser fields is calculated. Systems of low nuclear charge number Z are considered where a nonrelativistic description applies. By comparing the radiative response for different isotopes we demonstrate characteristic signatures of the finite nuclear mass and size in the harmonic spectra. In particular, for Z>1, an effective muon charge appears in the Schr\"odinger equation for the relative particle motion, which influences the position of the harmonic cutoff. Cutoff energies in the MeV domain can be achieved, offering prospects for the generation of ultrashort coherent gamma-ray pulses.Comment: 11 pages, 5 figure

    Airline Crew Scheduling with Potts Neurons

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    A Potts feedback neural network approach for finding good solutions to resource allocation problems with a non-fixed topology is presented. As a target application the airline crew scheduling problem is chosen. The topological complication is handled by means of a propagator defined in terms of Potts neurons. The approach is tested on artificial random problems tuned to resemble real-world conditions. Very good results are obtained for a variety of problem sizes. The computer time demand for the approach only grows like \mbox{(number of flights)}^3. A realistic problem typically is solved within minutes, partly due to a prior reduction of the problem size, based on an analysis of the local arrival/departure structure at the single airportsComment: 9 pages LaTeX, 3 postscript figures, uufiles forma

    Fractal Threshold Behavior in Vacuum Gravitational Collapse

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    We present the numerical evidence for fractal threshold behavior in the five dimensional vacuum Einstein equations satisfying the cohomogeneity-two triaxial Bianchi type-IX ansatz. In other words, we show that a flip of the wings of a butterfly may influence the process of the black hole formation.Comment: 4 pages, 6 figures, minor change

    Transport through anisotropic magnetic molecules with partially ferromagnetic leads: Spin-charge conversion and negative differential conductance

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    We theoretically investigate inelastic transport through anisotropic magnetic molecules weakly coupled to one ferromagnetic and one nonmagnetic lead. We find that the current is suppressed over wide voltage ranges due to spin blockade. In this system, spin blockade is associated with successive spin flips of the molecular spins and depends on the anisotropy energy barrier. This leads to the appearance of a window of bias voltages between the Coulomb blockade and spin blockade regimes where the current is large and to negative differential conductance at low temperatures. Remarkably, negative differential conductance is also present close to room temperature. Spin-blockade behavior is accompanied by super-Poissonian shot noise, like in nonmagnetic quantum dots. Finally, we show that the charge transmitted through the molecule between initial preparation in a certain spin state and infinite time very strongly depends on the initial spin state in certain parameter ranges. Thus the molecule can act as a spin-charge converter, an effect potentially useful as a read-out mechanism for molecular spintronics.Comment: 8 pages with 5 figures, version as publishe