518 research outputs found

    Intellectual Property and Public Health: An Overview of the Debate with a Focus on U.S. Policy

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    Over the past fifteen years, the United States and other developed countries have employed trade agreements to substantially strengthen the protection of intellectual property rights for pharmaceutical products in the developing world. The associated rules changes have already had an effect on pharmaceutical prices in developing countries, prompting conflicts between developing country governments seeking to promote drug access and Western pharmaceutical companies wishing to protect their exclusive rights. If anything, such conflicts are bound to intensify as more patent protected drugs enter pharmaceutical markets outside rich countries. This paper describes the global shift in intellectual property policies and employs economic analysis to evaluate its consequences for developing countries. It also puts forward several recommendations for policymakers in developing countries and in the United States, seeking to better reconcile innovation incentives and access needs.intellectual property, international health, public health

    Trade in health services in the ASEAN region

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    Promoting quality health services to large population segments is a key ingredient to human and economic development. At its core, healthcare policymaking involves complex tradeoffs between promoting equitable and affordable access to a basic set of health services, creating incentives for efficiencies in the healthcare system, and managing constraints in government budgets. International trade in health services influences these tradeoffs. It presents opportunities for cost savings and access to better quality care, but it also raises challenges in promoting equitable and affordable access. Drawing on a research project of the ASEAN Economic Forum, this paper offers a discussion of trade policy in health services for the ASEAN region. It reviews the state of healthcare in the region, existing patterns of trade, and remaining barriers to trade. The paper also identifies policy measures that could further harness the benefits from trade in health services and address potential pitfalls that deeper integration may bring about.Health Monitoring&Evaluation,Health Law,Population Policies,Health Economics&Finance,Disease Control&Prevention

    Regional agreements and trade services - policy issues

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    Every major regional trade agreement now has a services dimension. Is trade in services so different that there is need to modify the conclusions on preferential agreements pertaining to goods reached so far? The authors first examine the implications of unilateral policy choices in a particular services market. They then explore the economics of international cooperation and identify the circumstances in which a country is more likely to benefit from cooperation in a regional rather than multilateral forum.Health Economics&Finance,Environmental Economics&Policies,Decentralization,Economic Theory&Research,Payment Systems&Infrastructure,Economic Theory&Research,Environmental Economics&Policies,Trade and Services,TF054105-DONOR FUNDED OPERATION ADMINISTRATION FEE INCOME AND EXPENSE ACCOUNT,Trade and Regional Integration

    Rules of origin in services : a case study of five ASEAN countries

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    An important question in the design of bilateral and regional free trade agreements (FTAs) covering services is to what extent nonmembers benefit from the trade preferences that are negotiated among members. This question is resolved through services rules of origin. The restrictiveness of rules of origin determines the degree of preferences entailed in market opening commitments, shaping the bargaining incentives of FTAs and their eventual economic effects. Even though the number of FTAs in services has increased rapidly in recent years, hardly any research is available that can guide policymakers on the economic implications of different rules of origin. After outlining the key economic tradeoffs and options for rules of origin in services, the paper summarizes the main findings of a research project that has assessed the rules of origin question for five countries in the ASEAN region. For selected service subsectors and a number of criteria for rules or origin, simulation exercises evaluated which service providers would or would not be eligible for preferences negotiated under a FTA. Among other findings, the simulation results point to the binding nature of a domestic ownership or control requirement and, for the specific case of financial services, a requirement of incorporation.Free Trade,Trade Law,Trade and Services,Economic Theory&Research,Trade Policy

    The Relationship Between Intellectual Property Rights and Foreign Direct Investment

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    Byggbranschen befinner sig mitt i ett paradigmskifte – detta i samband med att BIM kommer att ersĂ€tta de traditionella arbetsmetoderna inom byggprocessen. BIM, Ă€ven kallat objektsbaserad informationshantering, anvĂ€nds idag till 3D-projektering, visualisering och samordning. Dock utnyttjas inte BIM till sin fulla potential. FörĂ€ndringar sker Ă€ven betrĂ€ffande miljöaspekter inom byggsektorn. Miljökrav Ă€r inte lĂ€ngre enbart lagstadgade, utan kommer Ă€ven frĂ„n fastighetsĂ€garna sjĂ€lva. En anledning Ă€r den ökade miljömedvetenheten, och att byggbranschen Ă€r en viktig aktör för en hĂ„llbar utveckling. Genom en byggnadsmiljöcertifiering styrs byggproduktioner mot att bli mer miljöanpassade. Miljöbyggnad Ă€r en av de vanligaste certifieringarna i Sverige dĂ„ den Ă€r anpassad efter svenska byggregler. Ett av bedömningskriterierna för Miljöbyggnad Ă€r att dokumentera byggprodukter som byggs in i byggnadsverket i en loggbok. Det Ă€r byggnadsentreprenören som uppför denna och bĂ€r ansvaret för Miljöbyggnadscertifieringen under produktionen. Detta examensarbete utreder hur loggbokshanteringen för miljöcertifieringen Miljöbyggnad kan effektiviseras och optimeras inom ramen för BIM. Det första skedet av examensarbetet Ă€gnades Ă„t identifikation av problem kring arbetet med loggboken genom enkĂ€tundersökningar och kompletterande muntliga samtal.  I det andra skedet intervjuades BIM-sakkunniga med syftet att söka praktiskt genomförbara tillĂ€mpningar av BIM inom loggbokshanteringsprocessen. KartlĂ€ggningen resulterade i ett flertal problematiska omrĂ„den inom den nuvarande loggbokshanteringen. Denna kan dock effektiviseras genom att byggföretag etablerar en konsekvent arbetsmetodik, definierar loggboksprocessen samt inför erfarenhetsĂ„terföring. Utförda intervjuer resulterade i förslag pĂ„ möjliga effektiviseringar av loggboken med hjĂ€lp av BIM – bĂ„de en lösning som Ă€r tillĂ€mpningsbar idag och tre framtida lösningar. Den lösning som fĂ„tt namnet ”Excellista med GUID” kan tillĂ€mpas idag, och effektiviserar loggboksprocessen genom att utnyttja den BIM-modell som tas fram under projekteringsskedet med hjĂ€lp av unika kodstrĂ€ngar. Automatiska mĂ€ngdavtagningar för byggprodukter Ă€r ett exempel pĂ„ en effektiviserad loggboksprocess. Tre lösningar Ă€r tĂ€nkbara för framtida materialdokumentation inom BIM: En applikation, integrerade systemplattformar eller företagsgemensam databas. Framtidslösningarna kan effektivisera avsevĂ€rt genom en automatiserad loggboksprocess. Loggboken inom BIM-modellen skapar möjlighet till spĂ„rbarhet och visualisering. Den eliminerar kostsamma och tidskrĂ€vande moment i jĂ€mförelse med dagens hantering. Slutsatsen Ă€r att byggföretaget ska satsa pĂ„ en företagsgemensam databas för företagets alla systemplattformar, men framtiden för materialdokumentation inom BIM ligger i en vĂ€l integrerad lösning mellan BIM-modellen och ett PLM-system.The AEC industry is in the midst of a paradigm shift - this in conjunction with BIM replacing traditional working methods within the construction process. BIM, also called object-oriented information management, is currently used for 3D modeling, visualization and coordination. However BIM is not being utilized to its full potential. There are also occurring changes regarding the environmental aspects of construction. Environmental requirements are not only legal, but are now requested by the clients themselves. One reason for these changes is increased environmental awareness and another is the fact that the construction industry has a vital role in sustainable development. Environmental certification of building projects promotes an environmentally friendly production. ‟Miljöbyggnad” is one of the most common certifications in Sweden because it is adapted to the Swedish building regulations. One of the assessment criteria for ‟Miljöbyggnad” is the logbook documentation of all the building materials used. It is the contractor who is responsible for the logbook and for the environmental building certification during the production.                   This thesis investigates how logbook management for environmental certification can be efficient and optimized in the context of BIM. The first stage of the thesis was devoted to the identification of problems related to logbook management. This was done with the use of surveys and complementary interviews. In the second phase BIM experts were interviewed in order to find practical applications for BIM in the log management process. The survey revealed several areas of concern within current logbook management. However these problems can be resolved if construction companies can establish a consistent work methodology, define the logbook procedures and implement experience feedback. Analysis of the interviews resulted in suggestions for possible streamlining of logbook procedures using BIM –one solution which is possible to implement today and three for future use. The solution which has been named "Excel list with GUID" can be applied today. Here, the BIM model generated during the design stage, is used to streamline the logbook process with the help of unique reference numbers. Automatic quantity take off for construction products is an example of a streamlined logbook process. Three solutions are possible for future material documentation in BIM: An application, integrated computing platforms or a company shared database. In the future results can be considerably improved with an automated logbook process. The logbook within the BIM model creates the opportunity for traceability and visualization. It eliminates costly and time-consuming steps in comparison with todays logbook management. The conclusion is that construction companies should invest in a company-wide database for all computing platforms, but the future of material documentation with BIM exists in an integrated solution with the BIM model and a PLM system

    An assessment of telecommunications reform in developing countries

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    The authors analyze the effect of policy reform in basic telecommunications on sectoral performance using a new panel data set for 86 developing countries across Africa, Asia, the Middle East, and Latin America and the Caribbean over the period 1985 to 1999. The authors address three questions: 1) What impact do specific policy changes-relating to ownership and competition-have on sectoral performance? 2) How is the impact of change in any one policy affected by the implementation of the other, and by the overall regulatory framework? 3) Does the sequence in which reforms are implemented affect performance? The authors find that both privatization and competition lead to significant improvements in performance. But a comprehensive reform program, involving both policies and the support of an independent regulator, produced the largest gains-an 8 percent higher level of mainlines and a 21 percent higher level of productivity compared to years of partial and no reform. Interestingly, the sequence of reform matters: mainline penetration is lower if competition is introduced after privatization, rather than at the same time. The authors also find that autonomous factors, such as technological progress, have a strong influence on telecommunications performance, accounting for an increase of 5 percent a year in teledensity and 9 percent in productivity over the period 1985 to 1999.Trade Finance and Investment,Environmental Economics&Policies,ICT Policy and Strategies,Economic Theory&Research,Labor Policies,Environmental Economics&Policies,Economic Theory&Research,ICT Policy and Strategies,Health Economics&Finance,Education for the Knowledge Economy

    Liberalizing basic telecommunications : the Asian experience

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    The authors examine the liberalization of the basic telecommunications sector in Asian countries with a view to identifying good policy and determining how multilateral negotiations can promote it. They find that most Asian governments, despite the move away from traditional public monopolies, are still unwilling to allow unrestricted entry, eliminate limits on private and foreign ownership, and establish strong, independent regulators. But where comprehensive reform has been undertaken-including privatization, competition, and regulation-the availability of main lines, the quality of service, and the productivity of labor are significantly higher. Somewhat surprisingly, little unilateral liberalization has occurred since the last round of telecommunications negotiations under the General Agreement on Trade in Services (GATS). The new round therefore faces the challenge of not merely harvesting unilateral liberalization, as in the past, but of negotiating away existing restrictions. Since quantitative restrictions on the number of telecommunications service suppliers are pervasive, deepened GATS rules could help ensure transparent and nondiscriminatory allocation of licenses. There may also be a need to sharpen the regulatory principles established in the last round and to create rules that safeguard not only the rights of foreign suppliers but also those of consumers.Decentralization,ICT Policy and Strategies,Environmental Economics&Policies,Economic Theory&Research,International Terrorism&Counterterrorism,ICT Policy and Strategies,Economic Theory&Research,Environmental Economics&Policies,Knowledge Economy,Education for the Knowledge Economy

    How stronger protection of intellectual property rights affects international trade flows

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    Intellectual property rights affect international trade flows when protected goods move across national boundaries. And intellectual property rights have grown in importance as the share of knowledge-intensive or high-technology products in international trade has doubled (from 12 percent in 1980 to 24 percent in 1994). The authors report new evidence about how protecting intellectual property rights affects international trade flows of nonfuel trade products. Employing a gravity model of bilateral trade, they estimate the effects of increased protection on a cross-section of 89 x 88 countries. To address estimation problems associated with zero trade flows between countries, they adopt a bivariate distributed probit regression mode. Their results confirm previous findings: stronger protection of intellectual property rights increase bilateral trade flows of manufactured nonfuel imports. But the results do not hold for trade flows in high technology, where the effect of protection intellectual property rights was found to be insignificant.Rules of Origin,Environmental Economics&Policies,Economic Theory&Research,Trade Policy,Payment Systems&Infrastructure,TF054105-DONOR FUNDED OPERATION ADMINISTRATION FEE INCOME AND EXPENSE ACCOUNT,Economic Theory&Research,Trade and Regional Integration,Rules of Origin,Environmental Economics&Policies

    Income-related biases in international trade : what do trademark registration data tell us?

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    Economists have long recognized that richer countries trade more among themselves than with poorer economies due to a closer match of exporter supply structures and importer preferences. In the literature, the closeness of supply and demand has traditionally been determined by the quality of products-as expressed in the so-called Linder hypothesis. This paper examines an extension of the Linder hypothesis by also considering the extent of horizontal product differentiation as another determinant of the closeness of supply and demand. The empirical analysis employs information on international trademark registrations to test whether richer countries import more from countries whose exports are of higher quality and exhibit a greater degree of product differentiation. The results lend support to the hypothesis in most consumer goods sectors but not in intermediate goods sectors.Environmental Economics&Policies,Economic Theory&Research,Transport and Trade Logistics,Markets and Market Access,Common Carriers Industry,Economic Theory&Research,Environmental Economics&Policies,Access to Markets,Markets and Market Access,TF054105-DONOR FUNDED OPERATION ADMINISTRATION FEE INCOME AND EXPENSE ACCOUNT
