4 research outputs found


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    Identifikasi marka polimorfis yang diduga berasosiasi dengan karakter daya hasil tinggi sangat penting dilakukan guna aplikasi seleksi berbasis marka dalam rangka perakitan padi berdaya hasil tinggi. Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengidentifikasi 30 genotip padi yang diduga berdaya hasil tinggi dengan menggunakan marka SSR. Amplifikasi produk PCR dipisahkan dengan menggunakan gel agarose 3% atau polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (PAGE) 8%. Tingkat keinformatifan marka dapat ditentukan dengan cara penghitungan Polymorphic Information Content (PIC). Hasil analisis menunjukan bahwa marka OSBLE3, RM 282, dan RM 259 memiliki nilai PIC ≥ 0,5. Marka SSR dan marka gen spesifik yang digunakan untuk mengidentifikasi padi berdaya hasil tinggi menunjukkan bahwa tiga genotip padi terseleksi dapat direkomendasikan sebagai tetua donor dalam persilangan diantaranya yaitu genotip #1 (Fatmawati), #3 (Inpari13), dan #30 (IPB 160-F-3-3-1). Marka molekuler yang digunakan dapat memperkirakan tingkat polimorfisme dan juga berguna untuk mengkonfirmasi genotip padi yang berpotensi daya hasil tinggi

    Isolation Of Î’-actin Promoter Derived From Walking Catfish (Clarias Batrachus)

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    Fish growth improvement as economic traits can be solved through fish transgenic production. Growth hormone gene is inserted into transgenic vector construction to over-express fish growth. The promoter as a part of the expression vector has an important role in its regulation. The use of promoter which is derived from mammalian or virus (such as CMV/ cytomegalovirus) in the expression vector, in specific goal as food material, has customer resistant rather than a promoter which is derived from in- sibling species. Beside of it, transgene expression level when using in-sibling promoter showed higher than using mammalian or viral promoter. The β-actin promoter is screened from walking catfish pituitary genome DNA using primers: pBA-cy-F (5'- GTGWGTGACGCYGGACCAAATC-3') as forward primer and pBA-cy-R (5'- CCATRTCRTCCCAGTTGGTSACAAT-3') as reverse primer, produced an amplicon of 1,7 kb in length. Sequence analysis using TF BindTM indicated transcription factor elements: TATA box, CCAAT box, enhancer (CAAT), and CarGG (CAAATGG) motif. This result showed that promoter which is obtained from this research is useful in construction of all catfish growth hormone vector expression catfish transgenic production

    Evaluation Of The Potential Weediness And Biochemical Properties Of Transgenic Rice With Glu-1dx5 Gene

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    A Glu-1Dx5 allele, encoding for a high molecular weight glutenin sub unit Dx5, has been experimentally proven to be a major determinant for dough elasticity and functionality of bread wheat. Considering its important role, this gene has been successfully transferred to rice cv Fatmawati using particle bombardment. Some promising lines derived from consecutive generations have been obtained, however early biosafety assessment for transgenic plant is required in order to scientifically evaluate the equality of transgenic rice lines to their counterpart.Two promising lines (T3-19 and T3-20) which are supposed to be homozygous were subjected to weediness and biochemical evaluation. The evaluation of invasiveness as a measure of weediness was carried out in biosafety containment of BB Biogen, Bogor by growing a mixture of transgenic and non­transgenic. Biochemical testing was evaluated for nitrogen, carbohydrate, protein, fat, vitamin, ash, minerals (Ca and Mg), and 17 amino acids. Weediness testing revealed that competitiveness of transgenic rice plants grown in screen house as well as biosafety containment was equal with those of non transgenic plants, suggesting that transgenic rice plants have not high potency to be invasive. Transgenic rice seed had equal nutritive value with those of counterpart. These results indicate that transgenic rice plants (seeds) are substantially equivalent to non transgenic original lines except for the presence of Glu-1Dx5 gene

    Identification of Polymorphism on Simple Sequence Repeats Markers Associated with Brown Planthopper Resistance Genes in Twenty Rice Genotypes and Their Genetic Relationship

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    Brown planthopper is one of the most destructive insect pest of rice in Indonesia and other Asian countries. Pyramiding some brown planthopper resistance genes is a valuable approach to create more durable resistance against the pest. The objective of this study was to identify polymorphisms of Brown Planthopper Resistance genes (Bph) on 20 genotypes of rice, and to obtain genetic relationship among genotypes tested. The experiment was conducted from June to September 2012 at Green House and Laboratory of Plant Analysis and Biotechnology, Faculty of Agriculture, Universitas Padjadjaran, Jatinangor. Twenty genotypes were analyzed, and two of them were used as check varieties. Simple Sequence Repeat (SSR) markers were applied to detect Bph3, Bph4, Qbph3, and Qbph4 genes. Polymorphic levels were analyzed by calculating PIC (Polymorphic Information Content). The grouping of rice genotypes were done based on principal components analysis (PCA) of SSR data, and the genetic relationship based on the presence of Bph genes was estimated using UPGMA (Unweighted Pair Group With Arithmetic mean). Results showed that RM313, RM8072, RM8213, RM5953, RM586, and RM589 markers were polymorphic. Rice genotypes PTB 33, Diah Suci, Cibogo, Cisantana, Digul, Ciherang, Inpari 13, Inpari 10, and Memberamo had Bph3, Qbph3, Bph4, and Qbph4. Meanwhile Bph3, Qbph3, and Bph4 were supposed to be belonged by IR 64, Aek Sibundong, Batang Gadis, IR 66, and Mekongga. Kalimas and Tukat Penatu had Bph3, Qbph3, dan Qbph4. IR 74 had Bph3 and Qbph3, and Fatmawati had Bph3 and Bph4. UPGMA clustering resulted in two main clusters, in which the first cluster consisted of 2 subclusters. PTB-33 was closely related with Memberamo, Tukat Penatu, Digul, Diah Suci, and Kalimas. The SSR markers used in this study were proven to be valuable in molecular detection of Bph genes and in estimating genetic relationsips of rice genotypes. PTB-33 was a good donor of resistance genes, as well as Memberamo, Tukat Penatu, Digul, Diah Suci, and Kalimas which were identified as promising donors in rice breeding resistance to brown planthopper