452 research outputs found

    Mass Art, High Art, and the Avant-Garde: A Response to David Novitz

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    David Novitz proposes several alleged counterexamples to my theory of mass art. This paper responds to these alleged counterexamples

    The Nature of Mass Art

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    The purpose of this paper is to provide a conceptual analysis of the notion of mass art. That is, my aim is to produce a philosophical theory that isolates the common structural and functional features that enable us to group assorted films, TV programs, photography, ads, songs and so on under the single rubric of mass art

    Psychodrama as a Personal Growth Experience : A programme for Teacher Trainees

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    Churchlands College was established in 1972 and was drawing up its first course submission when legislation separating teacher training institutions from the State Government Education Department was passed. With autonomy from the outset, staff were able to plan courses consistent with their own values and expertise. The College as a whole adopted a three-pronged approach to teacher preparation with programmes in curriculum and instruction methods, education and educational psychology and in personal and professional growth and development. Each department considered its possible contribution to these streams. I n considering its contribution to the personal growth programme for trainees the Psychology Department was in sympathy with recent trends in teacher education which focussed on the facilitative skills of the teacher and particularly on his ability to interrelate with his classroom group

    Applying Normalization Process Theory to Explain Large-Scale Agile Transformation

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    Given the prevalence and effectiveness of agile methods at a team level, large organizations are now attempting to mimic this success at large-scale by adopting large-scale methods such as Scaled Agile Framework (SAFe), Spotify, and Large-Scale Scrum (LeSS). However, compared to insights on traditionally small-scale methods, the extant literature provides sparse coverage on theories to examine large-scale agile transformations. In this article, we focus on the challenge of normalizing large-scale agile transformations and apply Normalization Process Theory (NPT) to support theorize about this process. We present our initial case study findings and outline future research on the application of NPT for large-scale transformations. From a research and practice perspective, we explain how NPT can be adopted to focus on the processes of embedding and sustaining practices – activities which are very often ignored, yet central to the success or failure of transformations

    Investigating the Post-Implementation of Digital Transformations

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    Digital transformation has become a buzzword in the modern business landscape. Organisations are investing significant resources in digital technologies to streamline processes, improve customer experiences, and gain a competitive edge. However, despite these efforts, many digital transformation projects fail to deliver the expected benefits. While extant research focuses on the implementation of a digital transformation, post-implementation analysis of digital transformations can help organisations understand the reasons for success or failure and guide future investments. This research investigates digital transformations and common assumptions concerning insights on the post-implementation of digital transformations. The study presents preliminary findings on a literature review which adopts the PRISMA process to identify factors contributing to the success or failure of digital transformation projects. We identify a significant gap in theorising on embedding and sustaining digital transformations. We argue that normalisation process theory is well positioned to gap and outline a future research agenda


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    Digital transformation (DT) is considered to be a core priority for organisations and a strategy to strengthen their survival. With a myriad of new and evolving digital capabilities to initiate a DT process, it is often unclear how multi-stakeholders engage in exploring and exploiting new digital technologies and capabilities such as artificial intelligence (AI) during the early adoption phase. This study adopts the theory of organisational ambidexterity to examine how a higher education institution (HEI) adopted AI as part of its DT strategy. Our findings indicate that although multi-stakeholders set out with a shared high-level common vision, at an operational-level tensions emerge around defining DT and AI, realising value from AI, and determining their success. We identified how such tensions can both help or hinder a DT process in the early adoption process and we present recommendations to overcome these. We also present avenues for future research around AI in DT

    Patient-Centric Decision-Making Health Information System (PDM-HIS) Adoption Framework

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    Hospital Information Systems (HIS) are implemented to support the provision of high-quality patient- centered care. Yet, there is little evidence about how to achieve meaningful involvement of patients in the decision-making process for the adoption of HIS. Furthermore, there is little known whether particular HIS adoption decision-making frameworks in which patients are involved are employed in hospitals. To address this gap, we conducted a study allowing us to gain insight on how to practically and meaningfully involve patients in this process. A synthesis of literature and case studies have indicated that there is no single, optimal approaches of involving the patients in the adoption decision-making process. In this article, we present evidence from 15 semi-structured patient interviews to understand the phenomenon of involving patients in the decision-making for the adoption of HIS. Extending the DECIDE model, we consider the key HIS adoption factors found in the literature and interviews and present a Patient-Centric Decision-Making HIS (PDM-HIS) framework. The key contribution of this research is twofold. First, we extend the DECIDE model within a HIS context and explain the importance of adopting a patient-centric approach to HIS adoption. Secondly, we offer hospitals guidance about how to involve patients and in which specific activities of the adoption decision-making they can be involved. These research recommendations will form the basis of a future study

    Many-Body Interactions in a Sample of Ultracold Rydberg Atoms with Varying Dimensions and Densities

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    Ultracold highly excited atoms in a magneto-optical trap (MOT) are strongly coupled by the dipole-dipole interaction. We have investigated the importance of many-body effects by controlling the dimensionality and density of the excited sample. We excited three different cylindrical volumes of atoms in the MOT to Rydberg states. At small radius, where the sample is nearly one-dimensional, many-body interactions are suppressed. At larger radii, the sample becomes three-dimensional and many-body effects are apparent
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